

141. 赶出普赛克

[词语]to psych out



[运用]The enemy are completely psyched out by this unorthodox move. 这种非正统的军事行动把敌人完全吓呆了。

Joe says he doesn't ride his motorcycle on the highway because he's completely psyched out. 乔说,他现在不在公路上骑摩托车了,因为他已经吓破了胆。

I psyched him out at once, and I knew I could not trust him. 我一眼就看穿了他,知道这个人不能信任。

If I've psyched him out correctly, his next move will be to complain to your mother. 如果我没有猜错的话,那么他一步就是在你母亲面前告状了。

Jim psyched out and robbed a liquor store, when he has all he needs and wants. 杰姆本来什么都不缺,却发了疯,抢了一家酒铺。