更新时间:2022-11-11 15:52:14
1.What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July 7月4日对奴隶意味着什么
2.Introduction to My Bondage and My Freedom 《我的奴役与我的自由》引言
3.Womanhood:A Vital Element in the Regeneration and Progress of a Race 女性:种族重生与进步的重要元素
4.The New Negro 新黑人
5.The Negro in American Literature 美国文学中的黑人
6.Criteria of Negro Art 黑人艺术的标准
7.The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain 黑人艺术家与种族山
8.The Negro-Art Hokum 黑人艺术的废话
9.Our Literary Audience 我们的文学读者
10.Blueprint for Negro Writing 黑人文学的蓝图
11.American Negro Literature 美国的黑人文学
12.What White Publishers Won't Print 白人出版人不愿印刷什么
13.Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity 20世纪小说与黑色人性面具
14.Everybody's Protest Novel 大家的抗议小说
15.Integration and Race Literature 融合与种族文学
16.The Myth of a “Negro Literature” “黑人文学”的迷思
17.The Black Arts Movement 黑人艺术运动
18.Cultural Strangulation:Black Literature and the White Aesthetic 文化的窒息:黑人文学与白人美学
19.In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens 寻找我们母亲的花园
20.Toward a Black Feminist Criticism 论黑人女性主义批评
21.The Question of Form and Judgement in Contemporary Black American Poetry:1962—1977 当代美国诗歌的形式与判断问题
22.Generational Shifts and the Recent Criticism of Afro-American Literature 世代递嬗与近来的非裔美国文学批评
23.The Race for Theory 理论的角逐
24.The Site of Memory 记忆之场
25.The Signifying Monkey and the Language of Signifyin(g):Rhetorical Difference and the Orders of Meaning 表意的猴子与讽喻的语言
26.African-American Autobiography Criticism:Retrospect and Prospect 非裔美国人自传批评:回顾与展望
27.The Ground on Which I Stand 我的立场
28.The End of the Black American Narrative 美国黑人叙事的终结