小象巴巴的故事 The story of little elephant BaBa

In a large dense forest, there lives a mother elephant. She gives birth to a baby elephant whose name is BaBa. The birth of BaBa brings the mother elephant a lot ofjoy. The mother elephant loves the baby so much that every night she hums songs gently to make BaBa fall asleep in his cradle.

Under the considerate care of his mother, BaBa grows up day by day .He is not only smart but also kind and friendly, so he makes a lot of friends and they all like playing with BaBa.
Look, the little elephant who is digging sand with his nose rolling the shell is BaBa.

有一天,大象妈妈驮着小象巴巴出来散步,他 们悠闲地走来走去。
One day, mother elephant takes BaBa wandering around.
They walk back and forth in the forest.

就在这时,一声枪响传了过来,随后大象妈妈倒了下去。小象巴巴还没反应过来是怎么回事就被重重地 摔在了地上。原来是可恶的猎人开枪击中了妈妈,巴巴趴在妈妈身上大哭起来。
At this time, there is a sudden gunshot passed over, and then the mother elephant falls down. Not until mother elephant heavily falls to the ground, does BaBa realize what happens. It turns out that the hateful hunter shoots his mother. BaBa leans over his mom and bursts into tears.

那些正在玩耍的猴子和歌唱的小鸟都被枪声吓跑了,这时猎人从灌木丛中走了出来,想捉住巴巴。 巴巴开始拼命地向前跑去,最后终于摆脱了猎人的追赶。

The monkeys who are playing and the birds who are singing are scared off by the shot. At this moment, the hunter comes out of the bushes. He wants to catch BaBa.
BaBa begins to run like hell, and finally gets rid of the hunter’s chasing.

When he stops to take a rest, there are a lot of novel things appear before him: tall buildings, cars
which run very fast and crowded people. It turns out that BaBa comes to a big city! Because he has never met these things, so he feels very excited and curious to everything.

巴巴在大街上溜达着,忽然,他看到街上有两个穿制服的人,巴巴想:为什么他们的衣服那么漂亮?我 也好想有一套这样的衣服,他们的衣服是从哪里来的呢?
When BaBa strolling on the street, suddenly he sees two men in uniform. He thinks: why their clothes are so beautiful? I want to have one like that, but where do they get that?

巴巴真的很幸运,在不久之后他就遇到了一位好心的老夫人。那位老夫人见到巴巴后很是高兴,因为她 一直都很喜欢小象。当老夫人知道巴巴想有一套漂亮的衣服时,就将自己手中的钱包交给了他。
Fortunately, he meets a warm-hearted lady who loves little elephants very much, and she is happy to meet BaBa. When the old lady knows that BaBa wants to have beautiful clothes, she gives her own purse to BaBa. How lucky of him!

在那里他又被另一个东西吸引了,那就是商场的电梯。当他看到一个四方盒子可以上上下下不停地走动 时,感觉好玩极了!
BaBa is so excited that he can’t help saying: “Oh,dear madam, I really appreciate your help!”
Taking the purse, BaBa runs quickly toward the department store.
There BaBa is attracted by another thing-the elevator. When he sees that the square box can go up and down constantly, he feels it is so funny.

He gets up and down in the elevator many times and has a lot of fun.
He really wants to keep playing like that, but it stopped by the elevator manager.
He says to BaBa: “Excuse me sir, this is not playground. I think you should go shopping now, and if you don’t know which floor to go, you can ask the inspector for help.”

There is no choice, so BaBa has to leave the elevator.
In the department store, BaBa buys himself a shirt, a bow tie, a suit, a top hat and a pair of shoes. After that, there appears a handsome little elephant.

When he looks at himself in the mirror, he is extremely happy that he decides to go to a studio to take a picture, and keeps it as a souvenir.

Take a look, this is the beautiful picture of BaBa.
After taking the picture, BaBa wants to go back to that old lady and thanks her again.

Wearing his new cloth, BaBa goes the old lady’s home. When the old lady sees him, she can’t help praising his handsome, so BaBa is very happy. And then the old lady prepares a great dinner for BaBa, and he really enjoys it.
After dinner, because of the busy day, BaBa goes to bed and quickly falls asleep.


From then on, BaBa stays at the old lady’s home. Every morning, the old lady will take BaBa to do exercise. After the exercise BaBa always takes a comfortable hot bath.

The old lady loves BaBa so much that she gives whatever he wants. She gives BaBa a lovely car so he can drive out to have fun everyday.

老夫人还专门为巴巴请了一位知识渊博的老师。巴巴听起课来十分认真,每天都会按时完成老师布置的 作业,所以巴巴进步很快,常常得到老师的表扬。
The old lady also hires a knowledgeable teacher for him. Because BaBa listens to the teacher very carefully and finishes his homework on time everyday, he makes progress everyday and often gets praise from the teacher.
每天晚上,老夫人都会和她的朋友们坐在一 起,听巴巴讲大森林中的故事。

Every night ,the old lady and her friends will get together and listen BaBa to tell them the story of the forest.

可是,巴巴并没有忘记在大森林中那段快乐的时光,他也常常想起他的表弟、表妹和那些调皮的小猴子。他多想回到以前的那种生活:每天和妈妈一起散步、聊天、吃饭,和小伙伴们一起玩耍嬉戏。每次巴巴 在想到妈妈的时候都会伤心地流下眼泪。
BaBa and the old lady get along well with each other and live happily everyday.
But BaBa has never forgotten the happy life when he lived in the forest, he also misses his cousins and those lovely monkeys. How much does BaBa wish to go back to his forest life: He wandered, chatted, and had dinner with his mother and played with his friends. Every time when BaBa thinks of his mother, tears will fill into his eyes.

As time flies, BaBa has stayed here for two years.
One day, while the old lady and BaBa walking on the street, there are two little elephants run towards them. “Oh my God, look at them, they are my cousins Arthur and Seth.”BaBa cries to the old lady excitedly.

Those two littles see BaBa too, they hug and kiss each other.


Then BaBa takes Arthur and Seth to the department and chooses perfect clothes for them. Wearing the new clothes they look more beautiful.


And then they go to the bakery, there they eat the most delicious cake in the world.
But at the same time, the forest is being a great mass. Because all the animals are looking for Arthur and Seth, they shouted themselves almost hoarse and Arthur’s and Seth’s mother are extremely anxious.
Afterward, a vulture flies to their mothers and says : “I have seen them in the city ,they are being with BaBa.”


Knowing this, the mothers decide to go and find them.
After finding their children, the mothers finally relieved. While they still blame them that it is thoughtless of them to run away like that and it makes everyone in the forest really worry about them.

Arthur and Seth will go home with their mothers and BaBa also hopes to go back with them. So he tells the old lady about his thought. Although the old lady take BaBa’s leaving sort of hard, she still agrees to let him go. Because she knows BaBa is supposed to live in the forest.
So the old lady begins to help BaBa with his package.


Before his leaving, BaBa hugs the old lady for a long time, he has to go back to his hometown even though he is really unwilling to leave. So he tells the old lady that if he has any chance he would come back to visit her.

BaBa sits in his car but it’s too small to carry them all. So the mothers have to follow the car and run behind. Where the car goes leaves a lot of dust. So the mother elephants have to raise their nose up, otherwise it will be full of dust.
The old lady stands on the balcony seeing their leaving and feels sad. Because she doesn’t know when will she meet BaBa again.

On the same day that BaBa leaves for home, there is another event happening in the forest: the king elephant dies because of eating poison mushrooms.


Losing their king, all the citizens of the elephant kingdom are extremely suffered. After the funeral, three eldest elephants begin to discuss who can be the next leader of their kingdom.

At this point, there is a high pitched roar passing over from their back. The three elders turn around and find out that BaBa is coming back. Look, he is driving from a distance.
All the elephants come to see him and greet to them: “Hello BaBa!” “Hi Arthur!” “Hello Seth!” “How beautiful are your clothes!” “What a beautiful car!”

所有的象都将目光聚集在他们身上,突然,一个声音响起:“亲爱的朋友们,我们现在不是 正好缺少一位国王吗?我觉得巴巴就非常合适。巴巴在大城市待过,一定增长了很多见识,并学了很多知识,所以我觉得他当国王最合适不过了。”这是一位年长的老象科尔斯说的话。
The gaze of all the elephants concentrated on them. At this time, one elder elephant whose name is Carls says:“My dear friends, don’t we need a new king now? I think BaBa is a perfect choice, for his rich experience from the city which we have never had.”
“Yes, Carls is right.” someone in the group begins to greet.
At this time, BaBa walks out from the group and says: “I really appreciate for your trust! What’s more, I have the good news to share with you: Seth and I have been engaged on our way back. Therefore when I become the king, she will be your queen.”
All the elephants begin to cheer: “Long live the King BaBa!”
“ Oh, hooray, the Queen Seth!”
From then on, BaBa becomes the king of the elephant kingdom.

巴巴将科尔斯叫到跟前说:“谢谢你让我坐上了王位。我决定将我的礼帽送给你,作为对你的奖励。我还要封你为大象王国的大将军,以后咱们要一起治理国家。我决定一周之后和赛斯举行婚礼,你下去安排一 下吧!”
BaBa says to Carls: “Thanks for your letting me be the king. So I decide to give you my top hat as reward and to confer you the title of general-in-chief of our kingdom. From now on, we will govern our country together. What’s more, I need you to prepare my wedding and I hope it will be hold next week.”

After that, BaBa turns to the birds on the tree and says:
“Dear birds, please send my invitation to all the animals in the forest and tell them to come to my wedding!”
When the King BaBa sees the camel, he says: “Mr. camel, I would like to trouble you to go to the town and buy some beautiful dresses for me!”

Suddenly, all the animals are beginning to liven up.
Within the specified date, all the animals turn up, so are the dresses.
After King BaBa and Queen Seth wearing the beautiful clothes, the wedding starts with the best wishes.
Then follows a great party, all the animals begin to show their beautiful dance and excellent dancing skills. Look, how excited they are.

It is getting dark, so the party is over. Stars are jumping out from the black sky. The king and the queen sit together happily, although a little bit tired, their inner heart is unspeakable happy.

Deep into the night, all the animals are falling asleep, because they played too much today and very tired. Long after the wedding, when people remind of it, they are still excited.

The next day, the king declares that they will leave for the honeymoon. They prepare a yellow hot-air balloon and then begin their journey which means so much to them.