第79章 有谁知之?盖亦勿思。
园有桃,其实之肴。 心之忧矣,我歌且谣。 不知我者,谓我士也骄。 彼人是哉!子曰何其? 心之忧矣,有谁知之? 有谁知之?盖亦勿思。
园有棘,其实之食。 心之忧矣,聊以行国。 不知我者,谓我士也罔极。 彼人是哉!子曰何其? 心之忧矣,有谁知之? 有谁知之?盖亦勿思。
A Scholar Misunderstood
Fruit of peach tree Is used as food. It saddens me To sing and brood. Who knows me not Says I am proud. He's right in what? Tell me aloud. I'm full of woe, My heart would sink. But who would know? No one will think.
Of garden tree I eat the date. It saddens me To roam the state. Who knows me not Says I am queer. He's right in what? O let me hear! I'm full of woe, My heart would sink. But who would know? No one will think.