
1.4 引言

引言里主要需要说清楚“What was the problem? Why is it important?”,即本文需要解决什么问题,为什么这个问题很重要,以及写本文的目的。这里要提供足够的背景信息,读者不必查看这节里所引用的文献便可以明白并且可以评估本文的研究结果。初学者往往只是阐述做了什么、得到了什么结果,而忽视“为什么”要做。引言的前一页半最为重要,需要把技术贡献阐述清楚,写好了会引人入胜,鼓励审稿人继续读下去,以至于对论文中出现的小错误都愿意容忍。


With the wide deployment of software systems, software maintenance has become a challenging and costly task[41]…. Software maintainers usually need to understand a system before making changes. Studies[42] have shown that 50 percent of a maintainer’s time is spent on understanding the system to be maintained. Effective reverse engineering tools can facilitate this practice[9].As defined by Chikosky and Cross[9],….

写本文的动机(motivation)是什么?一种比较有效的写法是在引言的一开始就给出一个亟待解决的实例(motivating example),以便引申出为什么需要本文论述的解决方法。比如以下论文的开场会马上吸引读者的注意并可能提升继续阅读的兴趣:

“Dallas, Nov.22—President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed by an assassin today…The killer fired the rifle from a building just off the motorcade route.”[1]. This tragic event of November 22, 1963 is a grim reminder of the importance of concise yet comprehensive visual surveillance of security-critical events and venues. Despite the presence of many well-trained human eyewitnesses (e.g., police officers and Secret Service members), as well as television coverage, analysts continue to debate to this day exactly who fired the fatal shot and from what position. Due to humans’ limited range of attention and visual scope, it is imperative to grasp parts and details that humans easily neglect.


最重要的结果和结论部分可能重复摘要论文里的内容,但最好采用不同的句子去描述,不要直接从摘要里复制。如果引言部分先写,也不要直接复制进摘要。引言部分结束前最好可以用2~3个要点(bullet points)形式列出本文的贡献。每个贡献用一两句话精准描述。建议不要超过4个贡献,否则该文理应获诺贝尔奖。

引言的最后一段多半是简单概要后文的安排,在诸如此类句子“The rest of the paper is organized as follows”之后,用一个短句概述每一节的内容。


  • 过短而根本没有说清楚;
  • 泛泛而谈、缺乏针对性;
  • 没有研究动机;
  • 否定前人工作;
  • 文献缺失或滥引;
  • 没有总结贡献。