Who this book is for
The focus of this book is instructions on how to use Minitab. We do not explain how to interpret the statistics nor do we dig deep into the statistical formulas.
While it is not expected that the reader has in-depth knowledge of all the areas of statistics covered in this book, you should have a basic understanding of the tools that we want to use.
This book is for anyone who wants to know how Minitab likes to have data set up and how we can get Minitab to run those functions to get the most from the software. It is for anyone who feels a bit lost while looking at the worksheet or session folders and wonders what to do next.
If you find yourself asking, "How can I run a binary logistic regression to see the significant effects and present this output in a useful way?" or you run back to Excel to reformat a worksheet and then go back to Minitab, then we have the instructions for you here.
Minitab has become a very powerful and all-inclusive statistical package covering a lot of statistics. This is intended as a guide to help us find our way to the right menu and the right tool.