PhpStorm Cookbook

Creating an empty project

The feeling that you get when you find some support in times of trouble can be said to have an analogy with that feeling of finding cold water to drink in times of thirst. This statement's analogy with the current scenario is that until this point in time, you were unable to find the exact project type to create, but now you have found a way out.

Getting ready

You need to create an empty PHP project when you are convinced enough to need to create a new project and achieve a new feat by fulfilling your manager's business demand.

How to do it...

A new empty project is the easiest to create:

  1. You need to specify a name for your new project. Don't worry even if there are spelling mistakes in the name itself because PhpStorm doesn't check the name you specify against the dictionary.
  2. A project name should only contain valid characters that a directory name should contain under an operating system.

How it works...

Creating an empty project is easy to understand. You need to specify the /path/to/files/and/folders/ if you already have some basic framework to start from. See Integrating Frameworks, else PhpStorm will manage that for you by setting the default path (~/PhpstormProjects/<name-of-your-project>).