Mastering QGIS(Second Edition)

Exporting tables out of SpatiaLite

You can export tables from SpatiaLite to many different formats using DB Manager. Tables can be exported to the following commonly-used formats, as well as many other formats:

  • ESRI Shapefile (.shp)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Text (.txt), Commas Separate Values (.csv), and Excel spreadsheets (.xls/.xlsx)
  • AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)
  • Geography Markup Language (.gml)
  • Keyhole Markup Language (.kml)
  • Geometry JavaScript Object Notation (.geojson)
  • GeoRSS (.xml)

To demonstrate an export, export the Waterfalls table to the shapefile format by performing the following steps:

  1. Open DB Manager by clicking on DB Manager under Database. Expand SpatiaLite and select the database from which you wish to export a table in the Tree panel.
  2. In the Tree panel, select the table that you wish to export.
  3. Navigate to Table | Export to file to open the Export to vector file dialog.
  4. In the Format dropdown box, choose ESRI Shapefile.
  5. Click on the ellipsis button at the right-hand side of the Output file text box and name the output file.
  6. Set the Source SRID, Target SRID, and Encoding options or leave them unselected to use the default values. Select Replace destination file (if exists) if you wish to overwrite an existing shapefile.

    The following screenshot shows the Export to vector file dialog ready to export to waterfalls .shp: