Scraping Python.org with Scrapy
Scrapy is a very popular open source Python scraping framework for extracting data. It was originally designed for only scraping, but it is has also evolved into a powerful web crawling solution.
In our previous recipes, we used Requests and urllib2 to fetch data and Beautiful Soup to extract data. Scrapy offers all of these functionalities with many other built-in modules and extensions. It is also our tool of choice when it comes to scraping with Python.
Scrapy offers a number of powerful features that are worth mentioning:
- Built-in extensions to make HTTP requests and handle compression, authentication, caching, manipulate user-agents, and HTTP headers
- Built-in support for selecting and extracting data with selector languages such as CSS and XPath, as well as support for utilizing regular expressions for selection of content and links
- Encoding support to deal with languages and non-standard encoding declarations
- Flexible APIs to reuse and write custom middleware and pipelines, which provide a clean and easy way to implement tasks such as automatically downloading assets (for example, images or media) and storing data in storage such as file systems, S3, databases, and others