What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introducing Vue, discusses what Vue is and gets started with mustache templates. We look at problems that Vue solves and reasons to use Vue.
Chapter 2, Basic Concepts of Vue 2, discusses reactivity, computed properties, and methods. We also introduce components, templates, props, watchers, and life cycle hooks.
Chapter 3, Working with Vue-CLI, Components, Props, and Slots, shows how to install vue-cli and how to set up code editors to work with Vue more effectively. We inspect the structure of a vue-cli-based project, look at how to add basic functionality to a child component, and look at passing data from children to parent components.
Chapter 4, Filters and Mixins, describes how to use filters. We look at syntax, use cases, and some examples. We also examine working with mixins.
Chapter 5, Making Your Own Directives and Plugins, looks at ways to extend Vue by making our own, custom directives. We also build our own plugin from scratch and learn how to publish it via npm.
Chapter 6, Transitions and Animations, takes the reader step by step from comparing CSS transitions with CSS animation to understanding the differences between them and how to start integrating them with Vue. We then discuss a myriad of ways to organize transitions and animations in Vue—with transition and transition-group components, with transition hooks as CSS classes, with named transition hooks, and with JavaScript transition hooks.
Chapter 7, Using Vuex, shows the reader, from the ground up, just exactly what state is and why it's important. It also explains the reasons to have the store – the centralized state – and how its internals work. We also tinker with some code examples of controlling our apps from this centralized store.
Chapter 8, Using Nuxt.js and Vue-Router, describes how SPAs work, what issues they have, and how these issues can be overcome with server-side rendering and code splitting. We then see how to build a very simple Nuxt.js app with a few pages, and some added transitions.