Relationship between the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) and Service Data Unit (SDU)
To understand the relationship between this data, consider the following diagram of data being passed down from the upper layers to the lower layers during transmission of data from a sender to a receiver.
Data is passed down from a higher Layer N+1 to the current Layer N and becomes an SDU at the current layer. Layer N then adds its bits of PCI and UD (if present), and combines all of this data into a new PDU, which is to be passed down again to the lower Layer N-1 to become a new SDU at that lower layer. This process is termed encapsulation, as each SDU is encapsulated (contained) in a new PDU at the lower layers.
This process of encapsulation continues until the data reaches the lowest layer (the Physical Layer), at which point the data is transmitted over transmission media as a signal until it reaches the intended recipient. Then, the reverse process of decapsulation occurs. During this decapsulation process, protocols at each layer strip off the PCI and UD that are applicable to their layer, and pass the remaining SDU upwards to the higher layers, thereby delivering the data required by the upper layers and thus providing their services to the higher layers.
To understand this concept, consider that Alice, existing at Layer N+1, in this example wants to mail a letter to her friend Bob also existing at Layer N+1 in another country. Alice writes her letter, places it in an envelope, and hands it to the mailman for delivery. The mailman existing at Layer N collects the envelope from Alice and adds it to a pouch of other envelopes that are destined for that country, ensuring that it has all of the necessary information that the other mailmen might need. He then hands the pouch to the team responsible for airmail existing at Layer N-1. This airmail team then places the pouch in a box, ensuring that it has all of the information that their own teams need, and delivers the box to the destination country. The airmail team in the destination country then reads the addressing information that they need, removes the pouch from the box, and passes it up to the mailman in their area. The mailman, in turn, reads the address on the pouch and removes the envelope from the pouch, finally delivering just the envelope to Bob.
In this example, Bob has no idea about the pouches and boxes used to deliver Alice's letter; he only reads the actual letter that Alice has sent. In the same way, higher-level protocols in protocol suites are independent of the protocols below them, allowing certain protocols to be updated or changed without requiring the protocols at other layers to be changed as well.
Additionally, by using this layered OSI model, functionality of a complex networking or computing system can be broken up and grouped into each of the layers, with similar functions being collected in a single layer. This allows an engineer to easily describe the workings of that system by beginning at either the top or bottom or the model and working their way to the other end, describing the function or group of functions provided at each layer as they move through the model.
This concept becomes incredibly important to an engineer or administrator during the troubleshooting process. Rather than randomly trying things in an attempt to diagnose and solve issues on a system, engineers and administrators are now able to begin at one end and work through protocols at each layer, thereby developing a logical methodology for troubleshooting. CompTIA refers to this as the top-to-bottom, or bottom-to-top, troubleshooting methodology.
In the next section, we will discuss each of the layers of the OSI model in detail, which will help you understand which protocols can be grouped into which layers, and thus determine the steps to take in troubleshooting the protocols comprising a system.