7.3 手术操作名词
CT引导下肝脏病变射频消融术 computed tomography guided radiofrequency ablation of hepatic lesion
T型引流管置换 T-tube drainage replacement
超声内镜检查术 endoscopic ultrasonography
超声内镜下腹腔神经丛阻断术 endoscopic ultrasonography guided celiac plexus neurolysis
超声内镜引导下囊肿引流术(经胃壁) endoscopic ultrasonography guided cyst drainage(through gastric wall)
超声内镜引导下细针穿刺活检/抽吸术 endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine-needle biopsy/aspiration
超声内镜引导下胰腺囊肿抽液检查 endoscopic ultrasonography guided pancreatic cyst aspiration
超声内镜引导下胰腺针吸细胞学检查 endoscopic ultrasonography guided pancreatic fine-needle aspiration cytology
超声引导下胆管穿刺引流术 ultrasound guided bile puncture drainage
超声引导下胆囊穿刺引流术 ultrasound guided gallbladder puncture drainage
超声引导下肝活检 ultrasound guided liver biopsy
超声引导下肝脏病变射频消融术 ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation of hepatic lesion
超声引导下经皮经肝胆管引流术 ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic bile drainage
胆管支架取出术 bile duct prosthetic device removal
肝脏病变射频消融术 radiofrequency ablation of hepatic lesion
胶囊内镜检查术 capsule endoscopy
结肠减压术 colonic decompression
结肠镜活检 colonoscopy biopsy
结肠镜下结肠病变电凝术 colonospic electrocoagulation of colonic lesion
结肠镜下球囊扩张术 colonospic balloon dilatation
结肠镜下息肉切术 colonospic polypectomy
结肠镜下支架置入术 colonospic stenting
经T管窦道胆管支架置入术 bile duct stenting through T-tube
经胆道镜胆管扩张术 cholangioscopic bile duct dilation
经口内镜下肌切断术 peroral endoscopic myotomy,POEM
经内镜腔道的胆道镜检查 choledochoscopy through endoscopic channel
经皮胆道镜下取石术 percataneous choledochoscopy lithotomy
经皮胆道扩张术 percataneous bile duct dilation
经皮胆管球囊扩张术 percataneous bile duct balloon dilation
经皮胆管引流术 percataneous cholangio drainage
经皮胆管支架置入术 percataneous bile duct stenting
经皮胆总管结石取出术 percataneous common bile duct lithotomy
经皮胆总管支架去除术 percataneous common bile duct stent removal
经皮肝抽吸术 percataneous hepatic aspiration
经皮肝穿刺胆道支架置入术 percataneous hepatic puncture bile duct stenting
经皮肝穿刺胆管引流术 percataneous transhepatic cholangio drainage
经皮肝穿刺胆总管支架置入术 percataneous hepatic puncture common bile duct stenting
经皮肝穿刺肝胆管引流术 percataneous transhepatic cholangial drainage
经皮肝穿刺活组织检查 percataneous hepatic puncture biopsy
经皮经肝胰胆管造影术 percataneous transhepatic cholangiopancreatography
经皮内镜下空肠造口术 percataneous endoscopic jejunostomy
经皮内镜下胃造口术 percataneous endoscopic gastrostomy
内镜下奥狄括约肌活组织检查 endoscopic Oddi’s sphincter biopsy
内镜下奥狄括约肌切开术 endoscopic Oddi’s sphincterotomy
内镜下贲门失弛缓气囊扩张术 endoscopic cardia achalasia balloon dilation
内镜下贲门失弛缓肉毒碱注射术 endoscopic cardia achalasia carnitine injection
内镜下贲门失弛缓探条扩张术 endoscopic cardia achalasia bouginage
内镜下鼻胆管引流术 endoscopic nasobiliary drainage
内镜下胆道扩张术 endoscopic bile duct dilation
内镜下胆道内支架成形术 endoscopic intrabiliary duct stent angioplasty
内镜下胆道异物去除术 endoscopic bile duct foreign body removal
内镜下胆管活检 endoscopic bile duct biopsy
内镜下胆管引流术 endoscopic bile duct drainage
内镜下胆管支架置入术 endoscopic bile duct stenting
内镜下胆总管病变切除术 endoscopic resection of common bile duct lesion
内镜下胆总管切开取石术 endoscopic choledocholithotomy
内镜下空肠减压管/营养管置入术 endoscopic jejunal decompression/feeding tube placement
内镜下留置鼻胆引流管 endoscopic nasobiliary drainage placement
内镜下逆行胆管造影 endoscopic retrograde cholangiography,ERC
内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,ERCP
内镜下逆行胰管造影 endoscopic retrograde pancreatography,ERP
内镜下黏膜剥离术 endoscopic submucosal dissection
内镜下黏膜切除术 endoscopic mucosal resection
内镜下黏膜下挖除术 endoscopic submucosal excavation
内镜下十二指肠乳头肌切开术 endoscopic sphincterotomy
内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开取石术 endoscopic sphincterotomy lithotomy
内镜下食管活组织检查 endoscopic esophageal biopsy
内镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术 endoscopic variceal ligation
内镜下食管静脉曲张硬化剂注射术 endoscopic injection sclerotherapy
内镜下食管支架取出术 endoscopic esophageal stent removal surgery
内镜下食管支架置入术 endoscopic esophageal stenting
内镜下胃底静脉曲张组织胶注射术 endoscopic gastric varix tissue glue injection
内镜下胃静脉曲张硬化术 endoscopic injection sclerotherapy of gastric varix
内镜下胰管扩张术 endoscopic pancreatic duct dilatation
内镜下胰管支架置入术 endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting
内镜下胰管置管引流术 endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct
内镜下异物取出术 endoscopic removal of foreign body
去除T形引流管 T-tube drainage removal
十二指肠球囊扩张术 duodenal balloon dilatation
十二指肠支架扩张术 duodenal stent dilatation
食管支架调整术 esophageal stent adjust surgery
双(单)气囊小肠镜检查术 double/single-balloon enteroscopy
胃病变氩气刀治疗术 argon knife treatment of gastric lesion
胃镜下活组织检查 gastroscopic biopsy
胃镜下十二指肠止血术 gastroscopic duodenal hemostasis
胃镜下食管病变电灼术 gastroscopic fulguration of esophageal lesion
胃镜下食管病变切除术 gastroscopic resection of esophageal lesion
胃镜下食管出血止血术 gastroscopic esophageal bleeding hemostasis
胃镜下食管扩张术 gastroscopic esophageal dilatation
胃镜下胃病变电切术 gastroscopic gastric lesion electrocision
胃镜下胃病变切除术 gastroscopic gastric lesion resection
胃镜下胃病变硬化术 gastroscopic sclerotherapy of gastric lesion
胃镜下胃-肠吻合口扩张术 gastroscopic gastro-intestinal anastomotic dilatation
胃镜下胃出血止血术 gastroscopic gastric bleeding hemostasis
胃镜下幽门扩张术 gastroscopic pylorodiosis
胃内球囊去除 gastric balloon removal
胃内球囊置入 gastric balloon placement
胃十二指肠镜下活组织检查 biopsy in gastroscope or duodenoscope
胃十二指肠镜下十二指肠病变切除术 excision of duodenal lesion in gastroscope or duodenoscope
胃十二指肠镜下小肠刷洗活组织检查 intestinal brush biopsy in gastroscope or duodenoscope
胰腺超声内镜检查 pancreatic endoscopic ultrasonography
直肠病变电凝术 electrocoagulation of rectal lesion
直肠病变电切术 electrocision of rectal lesion
直肠病变根治性电凝固术 radical electrocoagulation of rectal lesion
直肠病变激光切除术 laser resection of rectal lesion
直肠活组织检查 rectal biopsy