4.3 Productivity of Workshop
4.3.1 The production capacity of continuous casting workshop shall be determined according the conditions such as product mix requirement and main equipment configuration of relevant operation sequence in the workshop,and the development space to final scale shall be reserved for the workshop.
4.3.2 The number of continuous caster in the workshop shall be determined according to the factors such as production scale as well as type,volume,number of steelmaking furnace and section area of casting product.
4.3.3 When several continuous caters are provided in the workshop for production,same type of machine shall be used for production of casting products in same specification.
4.3.4 When designing the sequence casting workshop,the production dispatching diagram shall be made for steelmaking furnace,ladle refining unit and continuous caster and shall be used as the basis for selection of caster quantity and strands as well as the arrangement of workshop.No spare continuous caster is required in continuous casting workshop.
4.3.5 Continuous caster shall be designed as sequence casting of multiple heats.The number of heats for sequence casting shall be determined comprehensively according to the service time of tundish lining,steel grade to be produced as well as production pacing between continuous casting and steelmaking furnace,and the technology for fast replacement of tundish shall be adopted for increase of numbers of sequence casting heats,in case of necessary.
4.3.6 The availability of continuous caster(including reasonable waiting time)shall not be less than 80%.The continuous caster for special steel can reduce the availability properly.
4.3.7 The production capacity of continuous caster can be calculated as following formula:

Of which: P—annual production of continuous caster,t/a;
G—liquid steel amount of each heat,t;
n—average number of heats for sequence casting;
η1—strand yield,%;
η2—availability of caster,%;
T1—average casting time of each heat,min;
T2—time for preparation prior to each casting,min;
365×24×60—annual calendar time,min.