(5)被动语态(Passive Voice)
be + past particple + by【with,at,in,to】
Active |
Passive |
(1)I respect him. |
He is respected by me. |
(2)I gave him a book. |
A book w as given him by me. He was given a book by me. |
(3)The gentleman made her his servant. |
She was made his servant by the gentleman. |
(4)They say he is a scholar. |
It is said that he is a scholar. |
(5)They have sent for the doctor. |
The doctor has been sent for. |
(6)Who invented the radio? |
By whom was the radio invented? |
(7)Do not forget it. |
Let it not be forgotten. |
注意:例(4)的主语 they,系指一般的人,凡属此用法的 we、you、one、they 等代词为主语的句子,变为被动句时,by us、by you、by them 等通例省去。
例(5)系表示“动词 + 介词” = 及物动词一类的成语,变为被动句时绝不可将介词忘掉,如 sent for 应视为一个词处理。
例(7)命令句时须用 Let。
A. 将下面的句子改为被动语态(Passive Voice):
1. The movie disappointed us very much.
2. Mr. Jones manages the export division.
3. The teacher teaches us English.
4. They started a dancing class last week.
5. He bought me this book yesterday.
6. Smith has to finish that report tomorrow.
7. Who has broken this glass?
8. The police arrested five workers.
9. Columbus discovered America in 1492.
10. The doctor ordered him to take a long rest.
11. A guide showed us the city.
12. If a cat may look at a king,it may look at me too.
13. The city welcomed them back on their return from the battlefield.
14. Don’t disturb me.
15. Will not a sense of duty persuade him to work better?
16. The meeting called upon me to give my reasons.
17. Should he find me at home,I would not receive him.
18. The language that he used quite shocked me.
19. Whom did they blame for that unfortunate accident?
20. The people elected him president.
B. 将下面的句子改为自动语态(Active Voice):
1. The town was captured by the enemy.
2. The money was stolen by an unknown person.
3. I was much hurt by his voice and manner.
4. He was struck by lightning,as he sat under a tree.
5. My brother and I were attacked by a bull.
6. The shops are closed by all the teachers.
7. The soil of India is made fertile by the annual rains.
8. The walls of the house were cracked by an earthquake.
9. Has the door been shut by you?
10. Food is being cooked by me.