第一节 判断题
判断题的出题方式是给出若干个题目(陈述句),要求考生根据文章所给的信息对每个题目作出判断。如果题目内容与文章内容一致,则选TRUE/YES;如果题目内容与文章内容相抵触,则选FALSE/NO;如果题目内容在文章中并没有提及,则选NOT GIVEN。
判断题是雅思阅读G类考试中出现较多的一种题型。在Cambridge IELTS 8至Cambridge IELTS 11的400道G类阅读题目中,有70道是判断题。所以,考生应特别重视这种题型。

(4)要注意题目要求回答的是什么。同是判断题,有的要求考生回答TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN,有的要求考生回答YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,必须按照要求填写。
Example 1(Cambridge IELTS 11 Test 2 SECTION 1 Questions 1-6)
Read the text below and answer Questions 1-6.
Sustainable School Travel Strategy
Over the last 20 years, the number of children being driven to school in England has doubled. National data suggests that one in five cars on the road at 8.50 am is engaged in the school run. Children are subject to up to 3.9 times more pollution in a car that is standing in traffic than when walking or cycling to school. Reducing cars around schools makes them safer places, and walking and cycling are better for health and the environment. It has been noted by teachers that children engaging in active travel arrive at school more alert and ready to learn.
The County Council has a strong commitment to supporting and promoting sustainable school travel. We collect data annually about how pupils get to school, and our report on the Sustainable School Travel Strategy sets out in detail what we have achieved so far and what we intend to do in the future. Different parts of the County Council are working together to address the actions identified in the strategy, and we are proud that we have been able to reduce the number of cars on the daily school run by an average of 1% in each of the last three years, which is equivalent to taking approximately 175 cars off the road annually, despite an increase in pupil numbers.
All schools have a School Travel Plan, which sets out how the school and the Council can collaborate to help reduce travel to school by car and encourage the use of public transport. Contact your school to find out what they are doing as part of their School Travel Plan to help you get your child to school in a sustainable, safe way.
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1 More children are injured when walking or cycling to school than when travelling by car.
2 Children who are driven to school are more ready to learn than those who walk or cycle.
3 Every year the Council gathers information about travel to schools.
4 The Council is disappointed with the small reduction in the number of cars taking children to school.
5 The number of children in schools has risen in recent years.
6 Parents can get help with paying for their children to travel to school by public transport.
1 More children are injured when walking or cycling to school than when travelling by car.
关键词:more children、injured、walking…cycling、than、travelling by car
定位句:根据关键词定位到第一段第三行:Children are subject to up to 3.9 times more pollution in a car that is standing in traffic than when walking or cycling to school.相对于走路或骑车上学的孩子而言,坐车上学的孩子会多接触高达3.9倍的污染。
解析:题目的意思是“走路和骑车上学的孩子比坐小汽车上学的孩子更容易受到伤害”。题目中的关键词walking…cycling、car在定位句中重现,但定位句并没有说injured,答案就是NOT GIVEN。
2 Children who are driven to school are more ready to learn than those who walk or cycle.
关键词:children、driven to school、more ready to learn、than、those…walk…cycle
定位句:根据关键词定位到第一段第六行:It has been noted by teachers that children engaging in active travel arrive at school more alert and ready to learn.老师们已经注意到,走路或骑车上学的学生思维更加敏捷并且更乐意学习。
解析:定位句中的children…active travel…school和题目中的those…walk…cycle是同义替换,题目的意思是“被车送到学校的学生比走路或骑车上学的学生更愿意学习”。题目和定位句意思相反,答案就是FALSE。
考点:同义替换。children…active travel…school=those…walk…cycle。
3 Every year the Council gathers information about travel to schools.
关键词:every year、gathers information、travel to schools
定位句:根据关键词定位到第二段第二行:We collect data annually about how pupils get to school.我们每年都会收集关于学生如何到达学校的数据。
解析:定位句中的collect data、annually、get to school分别和题目中的gathers information、every year、travel to schools是同义替换。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
考点:同义替换。collect data=gathers information; annually= every year;get to school=travel to schools。
4 The Council is disappointed with the small reduction in the number of cars taking children to school.
定位句:根据关键词定位到第二段第五行:…we are proud that we have been able to reduce the number of cars on the daily school run by an average of 1% in each of the last three years.让我们骄傲的是,在过去三年里,我们每年平均减少的学校每日的汽车量是1%。
5 The number of children in schools has risen in recent years.
关键词:number of children、risen
定位句:根据关键词定位到第二段最后一行:…despite an increase in pupil numbers.尽管学生的数量在不断增加。
解析:定位句中的increase、pupil numbers分别和题目中的risen、number of children是同义替换。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
考点:同义替换。increase=risen; pupil numbers=number of children。
6 Parents can get help with paying for their children to travel to school by public transport.
关键词:parents、get help、paying for、public transport
定位句:根据关键词定位到第三段第一行:All schools have a School Travel Plan, which sets out how the school and the Council can collaborate to help reduce travel to school by car and encourage the use of public transport.所有学校都有各自的学校通勤计划,阐述学校和议会如何一起努力减少乘私家车上学的方式,同时鼓励使用公共交通工具。
解析:题目中的关键词public transport在定位句中重现,但定位句中没有说是否由家长承担费用并获得帮助,答案就是NOT GIVEN。
Example 2(Cambridge IELTS 8 Test B SECTION 1 Questions 1-8)
Read the text below and answer Questions 1-8.
Consumer advice on buying shoes
If you have a problem with shoes you've recently bought, follow this four-step plan.
Step 1
Go back to the shop with proof of purchase. If you return faulty shoes at once, you have a right to insist on a refund. It is also likely that you will get one if you change your mind about the shoes and take them back immediately. But, if you delay or you've had some use out of the shoes, the shop may not give you all your money back. It depends on the state of the shoes and how long you've had them.
If you are offered a credit note, you don't have to accept it. If you accept it, you will usually not be able to exchange it for cash later on. So, you may be left with an unwanted credit note, if you cannot find any other shoes you want from the shop.
The shop may want to send the shoes back to head office for inspection. This is fair and could help to sort things out. But don't be put off by the shop which claims that it's the manufacturer's responsibility. This isn't true. It's the shop's legal duty to put things right.
Step 2
If you don't seem to be getting anywhere, you can get help. Free advice is available from a Citizens Advice Bureau (get the address from your telephone book), or from a local Trading Standards Department. Again, consult the telephone directory under County, Regional or Borough Council. All these departments have people who can advise you about faulty goods and what to do with them.
Step 3
Most shops are covered by the Footwear Code of Practice. If the shop you are dealing with is covered, you can ask for the shoes to be sent to the Footwear Testing Centre for an independent opinion. The shop has to agree with whatever the resulting report says. There is a charge of £21. You pay £7 and the shop pays the rest (including postage).
Step 4
As a last resort, you can take your case to court. This is not as difficult as it sounds. The small claims procedure for amounts up to £1000 (£750 in Scotland) is a cheap, easy and informal way of taking legal action.
The relevant forms are available from your nearest County Court or, in Scotland, the Sheriff Court. You can get advice and leaflets from the Citizens Advice Bureau. Alternatively, some bookshops sell advice packs which contain the relevant forms.
Questions 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1 If you return unwanted shoes straightaway, with a receipt, the shop will probably give you a refund.
2 You are advised to accept a credit note if you are offered one.
3 The factory is responsible for replacing unwanted shoes.
4 You can ask any shoe shop to send shoes to the Footwear Testing Centre.
5 Shops prefer to give a credit note rather than change shoes.
6 The customer contributes to the cost of having faulty shoes tested.
7 The procedure for making a legal claim is easier in Scotland.
8 Legal advice and forms can be bought from certain shops.
1 If you return unwanted shoes straightaway, with a receipt, the shop will probably give you a refund.
关键词:return unwanted shoes straightaway、with a receipt、probably give you a refund
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 1下第一段第一行:Go back to the shop with proof of purchase. If you return faulty shoes at once, you have a right to insist on a refund. It is also likely that you will get one if you change your mind about the shoes and take them back immediately.持购物凭证去购鞋的商店。如果您立即退回有问题的鞋子,您有权索要退款。您刚买下鞋子却又改变了主意,立刻把鞋退回,也有可能获得退款。
解析:定位句中的take them back immediately和题目中的return unwanted shoes straightaway是同义替换,定位句中的with proof指的就是题目中的with a receipt,定位句中的it is also likely…有可能(退款)和题目中的probably give you a refund是同义替换。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
考点:同义替换。take them back immediately = return unwanted shoes straightaway;proof = receipt; likely = probably。
2 You are advised to accept a credit note if you are offered one.
关键词:accept、credit note
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 1下第二段第一行:If you are offered a credit note, you don't have to accept it.如果商家赠送给您代金券,您可以不必接受。
解析:定位句中的don't have to accept和题目中的accept意思相反,答案就是FALSE。
3 The factory is responsible for replacing unwanted shoes.
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 1下第三段第二行:But don't be put off by the shop which claims that it's the manufacturer's responsibility. This isn't true. It's the shop's legal duty to put things right.但绝对不要被商家声称的质量问题归生产厂家负责的说法搪塞过去。这种说法并不正确。解决问题是商家的法定义务。
解析:定位句中的manufacturer's responsibility和题目中的factory…responsible是同义替换,而定位句又说This isn't true.可见,更换顾客不想要的鞋子并不是厂家的责任。题目和定位句意思不相符,答案就是FALSE。
考点:同义替换。manufacture = factory; responsibility = responsible。
4 You can ask any shoe shop to send shoes to the Footwear Testing Centre.
关键词:any shoe shop、Footwear Testing Centre
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 3下第一行:Most shops are covered by the Footwear Code of Practice. If the shop you are dealing with is covered, you can ask for the shoes to be sent to the Footwear Testing Centre for an independent opinion.鞋类行业守则适用于大多数商店。如果您购买商品的商店遵守该守则,您可以要求将鞋子送到鞋类检测中心以获得公正的意见。
解析:定位句中说的是if the shop you are dealing with is covered,也就是说,如果你买鞋的鞋店在鞋类行业守则的涵盖范围内,才能送检。而题目说的是any shoe shop(任何鞋店)。题目和定位句意思不相符,答案就是FALSE。
5 Shops prefer to give a credit note rather than change shoes.
关键词:credit note、rather than、change shoes
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 1下第二段:If you are offered a credit note, you don't have to accept it. If you accept it, you will usually not be able to exchange it for cash later on. So, you may be left with an unwanted credit note, if you cannot find any other shoes you want from the shop.如果商家赠送给您代金券,您可以不必接受。假如您接受了,通常情况下您是无法兑换现金的。如果您在这家商店找不到其他中意的鞋子,您的代金券就要白白浪费了。
解析:题目说的是商店宁愿赠送一张代金券,也不愿意换鞋。全文只有这一处提到了credit note,但题目和定位句意思不相关,答案就是NOT GIVEN。
6 The customer contributes to the cost of having faulty shoes tested.
关键词:cost、faulty shoes tested
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 3下第四行:There is a charge of £21. You pay £7 and the shop pays the rest (including postage).该项检测的费用为2l英镑。您需支付其中的7英镑,剩余部分(包括邮费)由商家承担。
解析:定位句中的you pay £7就是消费者支付的鞋子检测费。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
7 The procedure for making a legal claim is easier in Scotland.
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 4下第一段:As a last resort, you can take your case to court. This is not as difficult as it sounds. The small claims procedure for amounts up to £1,000 (£750 in Scotland) is a cheap, easy and informal way of taking legal action.万不得已时,您可以提起诉讼。法律诉讼并没有听上去那么困难。索赔金额不高于1000英镑(苏格兰为750英镑)的小诉讼案是一种既划算又简单的非正式起诉。
解析:全文只有这一处提到了Scotland,但定位句说的是在苏格兰的诉讼费用金额,并没有说苏格兰是否比其他地方的诉讼更简单。题目和定位句意思不相关,答案就是NOT GIVEN。
8 Legal advice and forms can be bought from certain shops.
关键词:legal advice、forms、shops
定位句:根据关键词定位到Step 4下第二段:The relevant forms are available from your nearest County Court or, in Scotland, the Sheriff Court. You can get advice and leaflets from the Citizens Advice Bureau. Alternatively, some bookshops sell advice packs which contain the relevant forms.相关表格可就近在郡级法院或苏格兰的下级法院领取。公民咨询局会提供相关的建议和资料手册。另外,一些书店出售的咨询手册中也附带相关表格。
解析:题目中的关键词advice、forms在定位句中重现,定位句中说的是bookshops sell(书店有售),这里的bookshops和题目中的shops是同义替换。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是TRUE。
考点:同义替换。bookshops = shops。