See employment authorization document.见就业授权书。
E-Borders is the name of a programme Britain has set up to introduce electronic border control to the United Kingdom.It will collect and analyse passenger and crew information provided electronically by carriers(airlines,rail and shipping companies)before travel starts on all journeys to and from the United Kingdom.E-Borders will deliver timely data,information,intelligence and risk assessments to relevant government agencies on all passengers seeking to enter or leave the UK.电子疆界是英国推出的电子边境管制计划名称。对所有驶离英国或抵达英国的行程,该计划收集并分析由承运人(航空公司、铁路以及船运公司)提供的乘客及乘务人员的电子信息。电子疆界会及时将试图入境或离开英国的所有旅客的数据、信息、情报及风险评估传递给相关政府机构。
E visasE类签证(美)
The visas are for treaty traders and treaty investors.These are specialized non-immigrant working visas that are only available to citizens of countries that have bilateral treaties with the U.S.条约贸易人员及条约投资人员的签证。为特殊非移民工作签证,该签证只限于与美国存在双边贸易协定国家的公民。
early warning system on new synthetic drugs新合成药物的早期预警系统(欧盟)
Established by a joint action in 1997,the early warning system provides for the constant monitoring of synthetic drugs and components found on the market,so that the EU can take action to control them.1997年联合行动所确定的早期预警系统规定对合成药物以及市场上发现的成分进行不断地监测,使欧盟能够采取行动对其进行控制。
earned citizenship获得公民身份(英)
Earned citizenship is a new route for migrants to progress to British citizenship.It was scheduled to be introduced in July 2011,ensuring that people who want to build a new life here have earned the right to do so.获得公民身份是移民迈向英国公民身份的一个新途径。于2011年7月推出,并确保希望在英国开始新生活的人员获得此种权利。
EB-1 employment based immigrationEB-1类移民就业签证(美)
This is an employment based green card classification.The following are eligible to apply for this type of green card:(1)people who possess extraordinary ability in the sciences,arts,education,business,or athletics;(2)outstanding professors or researchers;and(3)multinational managers.在获得绿卡基础上的就业。下列人士符合申请这种类型的绿卡:(1)在科学、艺术、教育、商业或体育方面具有杰出才能的人员;(2)优秀教授或研究人员;(3)跨国公司经理。
The EB-2 classification is open to those foreign nationals who are professionals holding advan-ced degrees or their equivalent or exceptional ability in the sciences,arts,or business who will substantially benefit American interests or welfare.这种签证针对具有高学位、或同等学历的外籍专业人士或在科学、艺术或给美国带来利益或福利的优秀才能的外籍人士。
This classification is open to professionals with at least a Bachelors Degree;foreign nationals who have two years of experience as skilled workers;or unskilled workers who perform labor for which qualified workers are not available in the United States.该签证的对象是至少获得学士学位的专业人员;具有2年经验的技术工人;或美国无此方面合格工人的无技术工人。
The EB-4 classification is intended for special immigrant religious workers and other special classifications such as battered women.这种签证签授给特殊移民宗教工人及其他特殊人员如受虐待的妇女。
The EB-5 classification is intended for those foreign nationals who have made or are making a significant commercial investment in a new or existing enterprise and through this investment create and/or maintain a certain number of jobs for Americans.通过投资而移民。EB-5类型签证是颁发给那些在新的或现有的企业作出或正作出重大商业投资的外国国民,并通过这种投资为美国人创造和/或保持一定的就业人数。
ECHR(European Convention on Human Rights)欧洲人权公约
The European Convention on Human Rights is an international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe.Drafted in 1950 by the then newly formed Council of Europe,the convention entered into force in 3 Sept.1953.All Council of Europe member states are party to the convention and new members are expected to ratify the convention at the earliest opportunity.The Convention established the European Court of Human Rights.Any person who feels his or her rights have been violated under the Convention by a state party can take a case to the Court.The Convention has several protocols,which amend the convention framework.《欧洲人权公约》是一部保护欧洲人权与基本自由的国际性条约。该公约由欧洲理事会于1950年起草,于1953年9月3日生效。所有欧洲理事会成员国都是该公约的缔约国,新成员也在尽早批准该公约。该公约建立了欧洲人权法院。根据该公约,缔约国违反人权时,任何人都可以向欧洲人权法院提出诉讼。该公约还有几部议定书,修订了公约的框架。
ECJ(European Court of Justice)欧洲司法法院
The European Court of Justice is the highest court in the European Union in matters of European Union law.Its task is to interpret EU law and ensure its equal application across EU member states.欧洲司法法院是欧盟法律事务的最高法院。其任务是解释欧盟法律并确保这些法律在欧盟成员国平等实施。
ECoHR(European Court of Human Rights)欧洲人权法院
The European Court of Human Right is a supra-national or international court established by the European Convention on Human Right.It hears applications alleging that a contracting state has breached one or more of human rights provisions concerning civil and political rights set out in the Convention and its protocols.An application can be lodged by an individual,a group of individuals or one or more of the other contracting states,the Court can also issue advisory opinion.欧洲人权法院是根据《欧洲人权公约》建立的超越国家的国际法院。对缔约国违反公约与议定书中规定的有关民事与政治权利的一条或多条人权规定的申请进行听证。申请可由个人、团体或一国或多个缔约国提出,法院还给予咨询性意见。
economic activity经济活动
In migration context,economic activity refers to the fact that immigrants engage in self-employment and employment.移徙背景下,经济活动指移民从事自谋职业与就业的活动。
Economic activity is self-employment and employment within the meaning of Section 7 of Book Four of the Social Code.经济活动是社会法典第四部第7条所规定的自我就业与雇佣。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第2(2)条)
economic migrant经济移民
A person leaving his/her habitual place of residence to settle outside his/her country of origin in order to improve his/her quality of life.This term may be used to distinguish from refugees fleeing persecution,and is also used to refer to persons attempting to enter a country without legal permission and/or by using asylum procedures without bona fide cause.It also applies to persons settling outside their country of origin for the duration of an agricu-ltural season,appropriately called seasonal workers.某人离开其习惯居住地,在原籍国以外的地方居住下来,目的是为了提高生活质量。此术语可被用来与逃离迫害的难民进行区分,也被用来指代那些没有获得法律许可和/或没有真正原因,却使用庇护程序而企图进入一个国家的人。也适用于那些在农业季节期间,在其原籍国以外的地方居住下来的人,比较合适地将他们称为季节性工人。相关词语 frontier worker(边界工人),migrant worker(移徙工人),poverty migrant(贫困移民),seasonal worker(季节性工人)
economic,social,and cultural rights经济、社会以及文化权利
Rights aiming,according to principles of equality and non-discrimination,to ensure the provision of adequate economic,social,cultural,material and intellectual welfare of persons.The effective implementation of economic,social and cultural rights often requires the active intervention of the State.In public international law,these rights are enumerated in the International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,1966:right to work;to just and favourable working conditions;to form and join a trade union;to strike;to social security;to protection of the family;to an adequate standard of living;to housing;to health;to education.根据平等及不歧视原则,旨在保证供给人们丰富的经济、社会、文化、物质及精神福利的权利。通常需要国家进行积极的干预以有效实施经济、社会、文化权利。根据国际公法,《1966年经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》列出了这些权利,即工作权利;平等及有利工作条件的权利;组织加入工会的权利;举行罢工的权利;社会保障权利;保护家庭的权利;一定生活水平的权利;住房的权利;健康权利;受教育的权利。相关词语 civil and political rights(民事及政治权利), human rights(人权)
economic refugee经济难民
Refugee who comes from an area of pauperism(poverty,unemployment)and/or immigrates into a country with a considerably higher economic prosperity than the country of origin.来自赤贫(贫困、失业)地区的难民,并/或移民至比原籍国经济繁荣的国家。
economic violence经济暴力
In relation to gender-based violence,refers to restricting access to financial or other resources with the purpose of controlling or subjugating a person.经济暴力,与性别暴力有关,表现为通过限制对方财务或者其他资源达到控制、征服某人的目的。
A synthetic drug sometimes containing MDMA that acts as a stimulant and a hallucinogen,often promoting a sense of well-being.含有摇头丸的合成药物,作为兴奋剂和致幻剂,往往使人产生快感。相关词语 drugs(毒品),synthetic drugs and their chemical precursors(合成药物及其化学前体)
Education means the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and habits. Education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university or apprenticeship. A right to education has been recognized by some governments, including at the global level:Article 13 of the United Nations’ 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes a universal right to education. In most regions, education is compulsory up to a certain age. In migration context, education is one elements considered under points system for skilled immigrants. Points in this category are awarded based on the type of degree attained and the length of time spent studying. 教育是促进学习,或获取知识、技能、价值观和习惯养成的过程。教育通常分为学前班、幼儿园、小学、中学、学院、大学或学徒阶段。受教育权已得到许多政府的承认,包括在全球范围内:联合国1966年《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第13条承认教育作为人们的普遍权利。在多数地区,一定年龄的教育为强制性义务。移徙背景下,对于技术移民而言,根据计分制,教育是赋分项之一。此类分数的赋分按照被授予学位的类型和学习时长计算。相关词语pass mark(合格分数)
A foreigner may be granted a residence permit to attend language courses which do not serve to prepare him or her for a course of study and,in exceptional cases,for the purpose of attending school education.Sub-section 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.外国人可被授予居留证以参加语言课程,特殊情况除外,该课程不是为其参加学习课程为目的的学校教育。第2小款适用时可做适当变更。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第16(5)条)
education institution/provider教育机构
In migration context,it means the agencies which provide courses of education or training to persons who are holders of student visas.移徙背景下,指为学生签证持有人提供教育或培训的机构。
Education provider means an institution or other body or person in Australia that provides,has provided or seeks to provide courses of education or of training to persons who hold student visas.指在澳大利亚为持有学生签证的人员提供或已经提供或试图提供教育课程或培训的机构或其他团体或人员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第268AA条)
educational credential教育证书
An educational credential is any degree,diploma,apprenticeship or trade credential issued on the completion of a program at an educational or training institution.That institu-tion must be recognized in the country where the credential was issued by the authorities responsible for regulating such institutions.教育证书可指任何学历、学位证书、由教育或培训机构组织并颁发的见习期或职业证书。该机构必须得到证书签发机构所在国的认可。
educational establishment教育机构
Educational establishment means a school, college or university指学校,学院或大学。
A foreigner may be granted a residence permit for the purpose of applying to study and studying at a state or state-recognised unive-rsity or comparable educational establishment,including preparatory measures for a course of study.以申请在国家或国家承认的大学或同类教育机构,包括课程学习的预备阶段的学习以及以学习为目的的外国人可被授予居留证。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第16(1)条)
educational institution教育机构
A school,college or university.指学校,学院或大学。
Educational institution means an institution,the primary function of which is to provide academic or other instruction established or registered under the Education Act,the Univ-ersity Act,1999,or the Technical Education,Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act,1998.教育机构指学校、主要职能为提供学术指导的机构,或者根据《教育法》、《1999年院校法》或《1998年技术教育、职业与创业培训法》成立或注册的其他机构。(赞比亚2010年移民与驱逐法第2(1)条)
EEA-European Economic Area欧盟经济区
EEA State means a State which is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area signed at Oporto on 2nd May 1992.The objective was creation of large trade area and co-operation in tourism and research and development.欧盟经济区国家指1992年5月2日在波尔图签署《欧洲经济区协定》的缔约国。其目标是创建大的贸易区以及在旅游、研究及发展领域的合作。
EEA family permit欧盟经济区家庭许可证
An EEA family permit is a document similar to an entry clearance which has been given the name “EEA family permit” to distinguish it from a visa or entry clearance issued under the Immigration Rules.Instead,EEA family permits are issued under the Immigration(European Economic Area)Regulations 2006 and not the Immigration Rules.It is issued for six months in all cases and is free of charge.与授权入境许可类似的证件,该名称用以区分根据移民规定而签发的签证或入境许可。而EEA 家庭许可证是根据2006年移民条例(欧洲经济区)而非移民规定签发的。所有情况下,其期限为6个月并免收费用。
EEA national欧洲经济区国民
A citizen of one of the member States of the European Economic Area(EEA).The EEA is made up of the EU member States(see EU national below)together with Iceland,Liechtenstein and Norway.There are similar arrangements for Swiss nationals so the term EEA national is often used to cover EEA and Swiss nationals.欧洲经济区(EEA)的成员国的公民。欧洲经济区是由欧盟成员国(见下文欧盟国家)以及冰岛、列支敦士登和挪威组成。对于瑞士国民也有类似的安排,因此欧洲经济区国民这一术语往往是用来指包括欧洲经济区和瑞士的国民。
EEA national means a national of a State which is a Contracting Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area signed at Oporto on 2nd May 1992 as it has effect for the time being.欧洲经济区国民指1992年5月2日在波尔图签署生效的欧盟经济区协约缔约国的国民。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第19(10)条)
EEA national means an alien who is national of a Member State to the European Economic Area Agreement(EEA Agreement).欧洲经济区国民指作为欧洲经济区协议成员国国民的外国人。(奥地利2006年定居与居留法第2(1)条)
effective reading zone(ERZ)有效阅读区(ERZ)
A fixed-dimensional area,common to all MRTDs,in which the machine readable data in the MRZ can be read by document readers.对所有机读旅行证件都共有的固定空间区域,证件阅读器可在该区域内阅读数据。(国际民航组织第9303文件第2部分第3条)
electronic travel authority(ETA)电子签证(澳)
The ETA is an electronically-stored authority for travel to Australia for a short-term tourist or business entry.It replaces the visa label or stamp in a passport and removes the need for application forms.ETAs are issued within seconds of being requested through computer links between the department,travel agents,airlines and specialist service providers around the world.该签证为前往澳大利亚进行短期旅行或商务入境的电子储存签证。它替代护照上的签证或印章,并废除申请表格。电子签证在数秒内通过计算机连接世界各地的部门、旅行代理、航空公司及专业服务提供者即可办理。
electronically enabled td1 or td2(e-td1 or e-td2)电子 td1 或td2(e-td1 或e-td2)
A td1 or td2 conforming to the specifications of Doc 9303,Part 3,Volume 1,that additionally incorporates a contactless integrated circuit including the capability of biometric ident-ification of the td1 or td2 holder,in accordance with the specifications of Doc 9303,Part 3,Volume 2.符合9303号文件第3 部分第1 卷规范的td1 或td2,内置有非接触式集成电路,而该集成电路则根据9303号文件第3 部分第2 卷的规范,具有对td1 或td2 持证人进行生物特征识别的能力。
Legal qualification for an office,privilege,or status.有资格当选;获得特权或身份。
For purposes of this subparagraph,the term “credible fear of persecution” means that there is a significant possibility,taking into account the credibility of the statements made by the alien in support of the alien's claim and such other facts as are known to the officer,that the alien could establish eligibility for asylum under section 208.本条规定,“确实恐惧迫害”一词指考虑到外侨在支持其庇护要求所作的陈述的可信度以及该官员所了解的其他事实,该外侨具备208条规定的庇护资格。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第235(b)(1)(B)(v)条)
Legally qualified for an office,privilege or status.有资格当选、获得特权或身份。
If the Secretary of State thinks that a person may be eligible for the provision of accomm-odation in an accommodation centre under section 17,he may arrange for the provision for the person,pending a decision about eligibi-lity,of accommodation in an accommodation centre.如果国务大臣认为根据第17条规定某人可能符合膳宿条件,等待膳宿资格审定决议时,国务大臣可安排该人员在膳宿中心的膳宿供应。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第24(1)(a)条)
eligible business合格的企业
In migration context,eligible business means that the business of a person with investment immigration can bring employment in the host country.移徙背景下,合格企业指给接受国带来就业的投资移民人员的企业。
Eligible business means a business that the Minister reasonably believes is resulting or will result in one or more of the following:
(a)the development of business links with the international market;
(b)the creation or maintenance of employm-ent in Australia;
(c)the export of Australian goods or services;
(d)the production of goods or the provision of services that would otherwise be imported into Australia;
(e)the introduction of new or improved technology to Australia;
(f)an increase in commercial activity and competitiveness within sectors of the Australian economy.
eligible investment合格投资
Eligible investment in relation to a person means:ownership interest in a business;a loan to a business;cash on deposit;stocks and bonds;real estate;or gold or silver bullion that is owned by the person for the purpose of producing a return by way of income or capital gain and is not held for personal use.与人员有关的合格投资指:拥有企业产权;对企业提供贷款;现金存款;股票债券;房地产;或黄金或白银。该投资是以收入或资本收益的方式作为收入回报的目的,而不是为个人使用而持有。
eligible New Zealand citizen合格的新西兰公民(澳)
An eligible New Zealand citizen is one who held a Special Category Visa(SCV)on 26 February 2001;or held a SCV for at least 1 year in the 2 years preceding that date;or has a certificate,issued under the Social Security Act 1991,that states that the New Zealand citizen was,for the purposes of that Act,residing in Australia on a particular date.The SCV holder would also have needed to meet certain health and character requirements on last entry to Australia.指2001年2月26日持有特别类型签证(Special Category Visa(SCV))的合格的新西兰公民;或在该日期前2年内持有特殊类型签证至少一年的人员;或持有根据《1991年社会保障法》签发的证书,该法规定了此类证书允许新西兰公民可在某特别日期在澳大利亚居留。持有特别类型签证人员在上次入境澳大利亚时还应该符合健康及品格要求。
eligible non-citizen合格的非公民
Those who meet one of the followings are eligible non-citizen:a permanent resident with a permanent resident card;conditional permanent resident;other eligible non-citizen with arrival-departure record issued with “refugee”,“asylum seeker”,“humanitarian parole”.满足下列要求之一的人员为合格的非公民:拥有永久居留卡的永久居民;有条件的永久居民;在入境—离境卡上注有“难民”、“庇护寻求者”、“人道主义临时入境许可”等字样的其他合格非公民。
Eligible non-citizen means a non-citizen who:(a)has been immigration cleared;or(b)is in a prescribed class of persons;or(c)the Minister has determined to be an eligible non-citizen.指(a)获得移民批准的;或(b)为规定的某类人员;或(c)部长裁决为合格的非(澳)公民。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第72条)
eligible relative合格亲属(加拿大)
To be eligible for sponsorship,the sponsored relative must be the sponsor's:spouse,common-law partner,or conjugal partner;or parent or grandparent;or dependent child;or orphaned,unmarried,and under 18 years of age brother,sister,nephew,niece,or grandchild;or intended adopted child under 18 years of age;or other relative,if the sponsor has no relative listed above and no relatives who are citizens or permanent residents of a country.成为合格的赞助对象,受赞助亲属应与赞助者有如下关系:配偶、事实婚伴侣、或结婚伴侣;或者父/母或祖父母;或受抚养子女;或孤儿、未婚且在18周岁以下的兄弟、姐妹、侄子、侄女或孙子女;或打算收养18周岁以下的孩子;或者其他亲属,如果赞助人没有这些亲属且没有某国公民或永久居民亲属。
To go on board.上飞机(船)。
To embark includes departure by any form of conveyance.上船(飞机、车等)包括借助任何交通工具离境的行为。(马耳他1970年移民法2007年修订第2条)
No charge shall be payable in respect of any individual who is shown by the owner to have produced the required document or documents to the owner or his employee or agent when embarking on the ship or aircraft for the voyage or flight to the United Kingdom.当任何人登船或坐飞机旅行或飞往英国时,该人员由船长引领或向船长出示证件或雇主或代理人出示所要求的证件,不应向其索要费用。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法列表813(3)条)
embedded image嵌入图像
An image or information encoded or concealed within a primary visual image.经过编码处理的或隐藏在主要可见图像内的图像或信息。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
embossed seal凹凸印
An embossed seal that is impressed onto a document,such as passport or visa,raising the impression above the surface.加印在证件上的印章,如护照或签证等,给人高出证件表面的感觉。
emergency passport应急护照(英)
Issued to persons whose passport were lost or stolen,without time to obtain a replacement.Laissez-passer are also used for this purpose.应急护照颁发给那些护照遗失或被盗而无时间去更换的人。通行证也可用于此目的。
emergency relief紧急救济
The immediate survival assistance to the victims of crisis and violent conflict.Most relief operations are initiated on short notice and have a short implementation period(project objectives are generally completed within a year).The main purpose of emergency relief is to save lives.对危机以及暴力冲突受害人提供的紧急救生援助。多数救济是以简短通知形式运作,且完成期间短(计划目的常在一年内完成)。紧急救济的主要目的是救助生命。
emergency service紧急服务机构;急救机构
Emergency services are organizations which ensure public safety and health by addressing different emergencies.Some of these agencies exist solely for addressing certain types of emergencies while others deal with ad-hoc emergencies as part of their normal respon-sibilities.急救服务是处理不同紧急情况确保公共安全和健康的组织。一些机构的存在是为了解决某些类型的紧急情况而其他机构则将紧急救助作为其正常职责的一部分。
Emigrant means a person undertaking an emigration.指进行(国外的)移徙的人员。相关词语 immigrant(移民),long-term migrant(长期移民),short-term migrant(短期移民)
The term “emigrants” means citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan departing into another state for permanent or temporary residence.移民(到国外)指离开哈萨克斯坦共和国到他国永久或暂时居留的公民。(哈萨克斯坦人口移徙法2002年修订第1(17)条)
The act of departing or exiting from one State with a view to settle in another.International human rights norms provide that all persons should be free to leave any country,including their own,and that only in very limited circumstances may States impose restrictions on the individual's right to leave its territory.为了在其他国家定居,离开或从某国出境的行为。国际人权标准规范规定,所有人可以自由离开任何国家,包括他们自己的国家。仅在非常有限的情况下,国家方可限制个人离开其国土的权利。相关词语 brain drain(人才流失),immigration(移徙),re-emigration(重新移徙(向外),right to leave(离开的权利)
The term “emigration” means departure of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan into another state for permanent or temporary residence.移徙(向外)指哈萨克斯坦共和国公民离开本国到其他国家永久或暂时居留行为。(哈萨克斯坦人口移徙法2002年修订第1(18)条)
The capacity to understand and share the feelings or emotions of another person.指理解并分享他人感受或感情的能力。
To make use of;to hire.使用;雇用。
Every person commits an offence who employs a foreign national in a capacity in which the foreign national is not authorized under this Act to be employed.任何人雇佣本法未授权外国人工作的外国人都是犯罪行为。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第124(1)(c)条)
An officer may,in cases of emergency,employ a person to assist the officer in carrying out duties under this Act.紧急情况时,官员可以聘请一人协助该官员履行本法职责。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第138(2)条)
Worker holding an explicit or implicit employment contract which gives him or her a basic remuneration which is not directly dependent upon the revenue of the unit for which he or she works.持有明确或不明确就业合同的工人,该合同规定支付给工人的基本报酬并不直接依赖其所工作的单位的收入。
Employee means a person who does work for an employer(whether under a contract of service or a contract for services).雇员指为雇主(不论是根据劳务合同还是服务合同)工作的人员。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
To engage in labor activity overseas,citizens of Turkmenistan shall need to have the following:invitation from an employee with indication of accurate address of the enterprise;permit for engagement in labor activity from the competent bodies of the state of destination.土库曼斯坦公民在海外从事劳务活动,需要出具下列证明:标有企业准确地址的雇主邀请; 目的地国劳务活动主管机构出具的许可证。(土库曼斯坦移民法第34.3条)
An employer shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to know that an employee is not entitled under this Act to undertake any particular employment if,at any time within the preceding 12 months,the employer has been informed of that fact in writing by an immigration officer.本条规定,在前12个月的任何时间内,如果移民官员已经以书面形式告知雇主该事实,应认为雇主知晓按照本法规定雇员无从事任何工作的权利。(新西兰1987年移民法第39(3)条)
employee record雇员记录;雇员登记
It means the record of typical feature of an employee.指对雇员典型特征的记录。
In this Part “employee records” means records which show an employee's—
(a)name,(b)date of birth,(c)address,(d)length of service,(e)rate of pay,or(f)nationality or citizenship.本部分“雇员记录”指有关雇员的以下记录:(a)姓名,(b)出生日期,(c)地址,(d)服务时间,(e)工资标准,(f)国籍或公民身份。(英国2002年国籍、移民以及庇护法第155条)
Employer means any natural person or any legal entity,including temporary work agencies,for or under the direction and/or supervision of whom the employment is undertaken.雇主指任何自然人或法律实体,包括为/在指导下及/或在从事就业雇主监督下临时工作部门。
Employer includes the person contractually bound by the applicable employment contract as an employer or in the case of a juristic person,its chief executive officer or the person to whom such officer has delegated the final responsibility in respect of personnel matters.雇主指包括受到适用劳动合同约束、作为雇主的人员或法人,其常任官员或该官员授权负责人事的人员。(南非2002年移民法第1(1)条)
Employer means a person who employs or engages a person to do work,whether under a contract of service or a contract for services.雇主指雇佣或聘用他人工作的人员,无论是劳务合同还是服务合同。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
employer nomination雇主提名
For skilled migration,it refers to the situation of an employer willing to sponsor the immigrants.对技术移民而言,指雇主愿意赞助的情形。
The Minister may cancel a regional sponsored employment visa held by a person if:(a)the Minister is satisfied that the person has not commenced the employment referred to in the relevant employer nomination within the period prescribed by the regulations;and(b)the person does not satisfy the Minister that he or she has made a genuine effort to commence that employment within that period.下列情况下,部长可以取消任何人持有的地区赞助就业签证:(a)如果部长认为该人员没有从事法律规定期限内有关雇主提名所指的就业形式;以及(b)该人员没有符合部长期望努力在一定期限内开始工作。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第137Q(1)条)
Employer Nomination Scheme(ENS)雇主提名计划(ENS)(澳)
See employer nomination.见雇主提名。
employer sanctions雇主制裁(美)
The employer sanctions provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 prohibits employers from hiring,recruiting,or referring for a fee aliens known to be unauthorized to work in the United States.Violators of the law are subject to a series of civil fines for violations or criminal penalties when there is a pattern or practice of violations.《(美)1986年移民改革和控制法》中雇主制裁条款规定禁止雇主雇用、招聘、或支付报酬给无权在美工作的外国人。在出现某违法形式或违法作法时,违反者会受到一系列的民事罚款或刑事处罚。
employer verification雇主核实(美)
A procedure established by the Immigration Reform and Control Act(IRCA)requiring employers to verify identify and eligibility to work.根据《(美)移民改革及控制法》规定,要求雇主核实员工身份及合法工作的程序。
Employment means the exercise of activities covering whatever form of labour or work regulated under national law or in accordance with established practice for or under the direction and/or supervision of an employer.就业指根据国家法或依据已有的做法或按照雇主的指示和/或监督,涵盖任何形式的劳务或规定工作的活动。相关词语 foreign migrant workers(外国移民工人)
Employment means any activity for which a person receives or might reasonably be expected to receive valuable consideration.就业是指获取或人们认为获取报酬的任何活动。(加拿大1985年移民法2000年修订第2(1)条)
Employment(highly-qualified)means the employment of a person who:(a)in the Member State concerned,is protected as an employee under national employment law and/or in accordance with national practice,irrespective of the legal relationship,for the purpose of exercising genuine and effective work for,or under the direction of,someone else;(b)is paid;and,(c)has the required adequate and specific competence,as proven by higher professional qualifications.指以下人员就业:(a)在相关的成员国,作为从业者,根据国家就业法及/或根据国家作法,无论法律关系如何,为他人工作或在他人指导下进行真正有效的工作受到保护的雇员;(b)得到薪酬的;且(c)具有需要的足够的及具体能力的,得到较高职业资格证明的。相关词语 EU blue card(欧盟蓝卡),highly-qualified migrant(高素质移民)
Gainful occupation carried out in violation of provisions set by legislation.违反了法案中规定的条款而从事有报酬的职业。
employment agency就业机构;就业局
An agency that finds workers and matches them to available jobs in other organizations.寻找工人并将其安排到其他机构中从事合适工作的机构。
employment agreement/contract就业协议/合同;雇用协议
See contract of employment.见就业合同。
employment authorization工作许可证(美)
Permission to accept employment in the United States.U.S.citizens,U.S.nationals,lawful permanent residents,lawful temporary resi-dents,refugees,and asylees are automatically authorized to be employed in the U.S.by virtue of their status.Other non-citizens must receive permission to work— i.e.,employment authorization— from the Department of Homel-and Security.The INS issues documentation of employment authorization in a variety of forms,including an employment authorization docu-ment,Forms I-688B and I-766,and an “employment authorized” stamp on Form I-94,“Arrival Departure Record.”在美国从事工作的许可。美国公民、美国国民、合法永久居民、合法临时居民、难民以及庇护寻求者可自动得到授权以其身份进行就业。其他非公民必须得到国土安全部的工作许可,即就业许可证。移民归化局签发多种就业许可证件,包括就业许可证,I-688B以及I-766表格,以及I-94表格——“抵达离境记录”卡上的“就业许可”印章。
employment authorization document(EAD)就业授权书(美)
The EAD is a work permit available for spouses of principal visa holders of J-1,A-1,E-1,E-2 and L-1.It is considered almost as flexible as a Green Card.One must file a form I-765 in order to receive an EAD.EAD 是一种工作许可证,颁发给J-1,A-1,E-1,E-2 以及L-1签证持有者的配偶。可像绿卡一样灵活使用。必须提交I-765表格才能得到就业授权书。
employment-authorized social security number就业授权社会保障号码
See social security card.见社会保障卡。
employment eligibility verification合格就业核准(美)
See Form I-9.见I-9 表格。
employment first preference第一优先就业(美)
Priority workers,including persons of extraordinary ability,outstanding professors and researchers,and multinational executives and managers.优先工人包括特殊才能的人员、杰出教授和研究人员,以及跨国公司主管及经理。
employment permit就业许可证(欧盟)
A document which non-EEA nationals(and certain Bulgarians and Romanians)must have in order to be allowed to work in Ireland.This term originally referred to work permits,working visas and work authorisations.Since 1 February 2007 there are now 3 categories of employment permit:Green Cards,work permits,and intra-company transfer.非欧盟经济区国民(某些保加利亚人及罗马尼亚人)必须拥有的证件以便被允许在爱尔兰工作。该术语原指工作许可证、工作签证及工作授权证。自2007年1月1日起,有三种就业许可证:绿卡、工作许可证以及公司内部调动。
employment permit就业许可证
See work permit.见工作许可证。
Employment permit means a permit issued under section 28.就业许可证指根据第28条签发的许可证。(赞比亚2010年移民与驱逐法第2(1)条)
employment second preference第二优先就业(美)
Persons with advanced degrees and persons of exceptional ability,coming to the U.S.to accept jobs with U.S.employers for which U.S.workers are in short supply or where it would serve the national interest.第二优先就业人员指具有高学位的人员、特殊才能的人员,来美国接受美国雇主提供的工作,该工作为美国工人短缺或有助于国家的利益。
employment visa就业签证;雇佣工作签证;工作签证
Employment visa refers to the visa granted to skilled foreigner workers who are permitted to work in another country, due to the unavail-able workers in a certain field in that country. 就业签证指由于他国缺乏某领域的工人而授予有技术的外国工人在该国工作的签证。
Employment visa may be given to a foreigner who:
(a)has extraordinary ability in the field of science, art, education, business, or sports which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation;(b)seeks to enter the Kingdom to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability; or(c)is a skilled worker, professional, or other worker, who will substantially benefit the Kingdom. 就业签证可以颁发给以下人员:(a)在科学、艺术、教育、商业或体育方面具有杰出才能,这种能力得到国家或国际的好评,在本领域所取得的成绩得到广泛记录;(b)试图入境王国在此领域继续工作的;(c)为王国创造利益的技术工人、专业人士或其他工人。(不丹移民法2007年第25条)
employment-authorized social security number就业许可社会保障号(美)
See social security card.见社会保障卡。
employment-based settlers以就业为基础的定居者
Foreigners selected for long-term settlement because of their qualifications and prospects in the receiving country's labor market.However,they are not admitted expressly to exercise a particular economic activity.因其资历和在接受国的劳动力市场前景而被选为长期居留的外国人。然而不允许其进行特定的经济活动。
employment-based visa就业签证
See employmennt visa.见就业签证。
To give sb.the power or authority to do something.授权,给某人…的权利。
This sub-paragraph applies to a claim if—
(a)it is made at any time after the appell-ant—
(i)has been refused leave to enter the United Kingdom under the 1971 Act;
(ii)has been recommended for deportation by a court empowered by that Act to do so;
(iii)has been notified of the Secretary of State's decision to make a deportation order against him under section 5(1)of the 1971 Act as a result of his liability to deportation;or
(iv)has been notified of his liability to removal under paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to that Act;
A process that allows human beings to take greater control over the decisions,assets,policies,processes and institutions that affect their lives.It aims at developing the capabi-lities of individuals and communities to make informed choices and act on their own behalf.给予某些人影响其生活的决定、资产、政策、程序及机构更大的控制权利的过程。旨在发展个人及社区作出明智决定及代表其自身行动的能力。相关词语 human security(人类安全),protection(保护)
To pass;to make into law by authoritative act.通过;通过官方行为变为法律。
The Contracting Parties shall,in accordance with their constitutions and their national legal systems,ensure that legislation is enacted to enable the seizure and confiscation of the proceeds of the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.根据缔约国宪法及其国家法律制度,缔约国应确保立法的制定以便能够缴获没收非法贩卖麻醉品以及精神药物的收益。(2000年申根协议第72条)
enclosed or semi-enclosed sea闭海或半闭海
For the purposes of this Convention,“enclosed or semi-enclosed sea” means a gulf,basin or sea surrounded by two or more States and connected to another sea or the ocean by a narrow outlet or consisting entirely or primarily of the territorial seas and exclusive economic zones of two or more coastal States.为本公约的目的,“闭海或半闭海”是指两个或两个以上国家所环绕并由一个狭窄的出口连接到另一个海或洋,或全部或主要由两个或两个以上沿海国的领海和专属经济区构成的海湾、海盆或海域。(联合国海洋法公约第122条)
The act of disguising information through the use of a key so that it cannot be understood by an unauthorized person.为使未经授权者无法解读而通过使用密钥来伪装信息的做法。
To pose threat to.给…带来威胁。
A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible on security grounds for engaging in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada.由于从事会给或对加拿大的生命或人员安全构成危害的暴力活动,永久居民或外国人不予入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第34(1)(e)条)
To give one's approval to,especially officially or by signature.表明同意,尤指官方或签名形式。
Each immigrant shall surrender his immigrant visa to the immigration officer at the port of entry,who shall endorse on the visa the date and the port of arrival,the identity of the vessel or other means of transportation by which the immigrant arrived,and such other endorsements as may be by regulations required.每位移民应将其移民签证交给入境口岸的移民官员,该官员会在签证上签注入境的日期和入境的口岸、该移民入境时所乘坐的船/飞机或其他交通工具,以及规定的其他签注内容。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第221(e)条)
end user最终用户
A person who interacts with a biometric system to enroll or have his identity checked.与生物特征系统发生交互作用以便登录或使其身份得到验证的人。
enforced return强制返回
The compulsory return of a migrant to the country of origin as a result of an admini-strative or judicial act adopted by the public authorities of the destination country and ordering the removal of a person out of the national territory.强制移民返回原籍国,由目的地国公共当局将人员从该国领土驱逐的行政或司法行为。
The act or process of compelling compliance with a law,mandate,command,decree or agreement.要与法律、法令、命令、判决或协议一致的行动或程序。
Frontier control means the enforcement of law which relates to,or in so far as it relates to,the movement of persons or goods into or out of the United Kingdom or another State.边境控制是指对有关法律,或者法律涉及的人员或货物进出英国或其他国家的执法。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第141(6)条)
Enforcement action,in relation to a person,means—
(a)the giving of directions for his removal from the United Kingdom(“directions”)under Schedule 2 to this Act or section 10 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
(b)the making of a deportation order against him under section 5 of this Act;or
(c)his removal from the United Kingdom in consequence of directions or a deportation order.
Enforcement and Implementation(Control)Mechanisms实施与执行(控制)机制
The system for monitoring implementation and enforcing international human rights law is very different from how States enforce their domestic laws.The former relies heavily on political pressure,and it is the State,not individuals,which are responsible for human rights violations.The two principle ways to treat human rights violations within the UN system are on the one hand the enforcement and complaint procedures established by each convention,and on the other by approaching some of the other UN agencies and offices that focus on human rights.Complaint mechanisms exist independent from whether a country has ratified a human rights convention.监督执行与实施国际人权法的制度,该制度与各国执行其国内法存在差异。前者主要依靠政治压力,且是国家而非个人对违反人权法的情形负责。在联合国体制内对待违反人权的两种主要方式:一方面是通过各公约确立的实施与投诉程序,另一方面同以人权为中心目的的联合国其他机构与办事处。投诉机制独立存在,而无论该国是否已经批准人权公约。
enforcement measure强制措施
Enforcement measure means any measure taken by the enforcing State with a view to implementing an expulsion decision.指为了执行驱逐决定由执行国采取的任何措施。相关词语return decision(返回决定),expulsion order(驱逐令)
enforcement visa执法签证
A kind of temporary visa.一种临时签证。
There is a class of temporary visas to travel to,enter and remain in Australia,to be known as enforcement visas.旅行入境且在澳大利亚停留的临时签证称为执法签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第38A条)
Enforcement visa(environment matters)means an enforcement visa that is granted by section 164BA.执法签证(环境问题)指根据第164BA规定授予的执法签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第164A条)
Enforcement visa(fisheries matters)means an enforcement visa that is granted by section 164B.执法签证(渔业事宜)指根据164B规定授予的执法签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第164A条)
The process of expanding the European Union through the accession of new Member States began with the Inner Six, who founded the European Economic Community in 1958, when the Treaty of Rome came into force. Since then, the EU's membership has grown to 28(In 2016, British left the EU.).欧盟扩大始于1958年成立欧洲经济共同体的六国,通过接受新成员国扩大欧盟的过程。彼时《罗马条约》生效。自此以来,欧盟成员国已经增至28个(2016年英国退出欧盟)。
As regard to a document,it means the process of collecting biometric samples from a person and the subsequent preparation and storage of biometric reference templates representing that person's identity.就证件而言,指从一个人身上收集生物样本,随后生成与存储代表该人身份的生物特征参考模板的过程。
As regard to a document,it refers to a human being,i.e.natural person,assigned an MRTD by an issuing State or organization.就证件而言,指由签发国或签发机构发予机读旅行证件的人,即自然人。
To go or come into a place;to become a party to.去或来到某地;成为…的一方。
This section applies to a person if he has made an application to enter or remain in the United Kingdom.本条适用已经提出入境或在英国停留申请的人员。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第120(1)(a)条)
Foreign citizens shall enter to and exit from Turkmenistan through migration check posts at the State Border of Turkmenistan opened for international traffic based on valid foreign passports,and stateless persons shall enter in and exit from Turkmenistan on the ground of valid documents issued by competent auth-orities of state of their permanent residence and certifying their identity,if appropriate visas are available.外国公民应持有效外国人护照,经过土库曼斯坦边境的对国际交通开放的移民检查站入出土库曼斯坦;无国籍人士应持其永久居留国主管机构颁发的有效证件,若有签证,在核实身份后,入出土库曼斯坦。(土库曼斯坦移民法第7.1条)
An officer shall allow a permanent resident to enter Canada if satisfied following an examination on their entry that they have that status.如果在入境检查时认为拥有永久居民身份,官员应允许其入境加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第19.2条)
Data on persons wanted for arrest for extradition purposes shall be entered at the request of the judicial authority of the requesting Contracting Party.有关引渡通缉人员的数据应按照提出要求的缔约国司法机构的请求进行登记。(2000年申根协议第95.1条)
The Attorney General shall have power to enter into contracts with transportation lines for the inspection and admission of aliens coming to the United States from foreign territory or from adjacent islands.No such transportation line shall be allowed to land any such alien in the United States until and unless it has entered into any such contracts which may be required by the Attorney General.司法部长有权力和有关运输公司签订合同,检查并批准从外国领土和邻近岛屿进入美国的外侨入境。上述运输公司必须按照司法部长的要求签订以上合同才能被允许运载该外侨进入美国。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第233(a)条)
If a foreigner makes the report as referred to in paragraph(1),he shall present the foreigner registration certificate.In this case,the head of Shi/Kun/Ku or the head of the office or branch office shall enter the matters concerning the change of sojourn place in such foreigner registration certificate,and return it to the foreigner.若外国人递交了第(1)条规定的报告,应出示外国人注册卡。在此情况下,市或区的领导或政府部门领导或分支机构领导应将有关居住地变更事项录入该外国人的注册卡上,并交还给外国人。(韩国移民法2002年修订第36(1)条)
enter into force(条约、协议等)生效
To become binding.An instrument usually enters into force after a designated number of States has ratified it and/or a certain amount of time has passed.开始约束。法律文件通常在一定数量国家批准后并/或一段时间过后产生效力。
The right to do or have something.去做某事或拥有某物的权利。
This section does not affect the entitlement of the person to engage a person to assist or represent him or her otherwise than while appearing before the Tribunal.本条不会影响有资格人员聘请他人协助或代表其出庭。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第366B(2)条)
In the absence of a legal entitlement,a foreigner who has filed an application for asylum may only be granted a residence title prior to legally valid completion of the asylum procedure with the approval of the supreme Land authority,and only when vital interests of the Federal Republic of Germany so require.没有合法资格的情况下,提出庇护申请的任何外国人在得到国家最高机构批准的合法有效庇护诉讼完成前,只可被授予居留资格,且只有在联邦德国的重大利益有如此要求时才可以这样做。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第10(1)条)
A person who enters the territory of a country.入境一国领土的人员。
Entrant means a person entering or seeking to enter the United Kingdom,and “illegal entrant” means a person unlawfully entering or seeking to enter in breach of a deportation order or of the immigration laws,and includes also a person who has so entered.入境者指入境的或寻求入境英国的人员,“非法入境者”指以违反驱逐令或移民法规的方式非法入境或设法入境的人员, 并包括已经入境的人员。(英国1971年移民法第33(1)条)
entrepreneurs and investors(as settlers)企业家和投资者(定居者)
Foreigners granted the right to long-term settlement in a country on condition that they invest a minimum sum of money or create new productive activities in the receiving country.被授予在某一国家有长期居留权的外国人,前提为其投资最低限额的资金或在接受国创造新的生产活动。
To give(a person)the responsibility for something,usually after establishing a confi-dential relationship.通常在建立信任关系后,赋予某人从事某事的责任。
On request, every foreigner shall be obliged to furnish the authorities entrusted with imple-menting the law concerning foreigners with information on his or her age, identity and nationality and to submit such declarations in connection with the procurement of return travel documents as are required by the diplomatic mission of the state whose nation-ality he or she possesses or putatively possesses and are in line with German law.根据要求,外国人有义务向受委托的执行外国人法律的当局提供其年龄、身份和国籍的信息;并且按照其拥有或推定拥有的国籍国外交使团的规定以及德国法律的规定,将上述声明和获得的返回旅行证件一起提交。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第49(2)条)
The head of the office or branch office or the head of the foreigner internment camp may entrust any judicial police official to execute a deportation order.政府部门或分支机构的领导或外国人拘留所的领导应委托司法警务官员实施驱逐令。(韩国移民法2002年修订第62(2)条)
Any entrance of a non-national into a foreign country,whether voluntary or involuntary,legally or illegally.非国民进入他国的行为,不管出于自愿还是非自愿,合法还是非法。相关词语 admission(准入),non-admission(不予入境)
Aliens who hold uniform visas and who have legally entered the territory of a Contracting Party may move freely within the territories of all the Contracting Parties during the period of validity of their visas,provided that they fulfill the entry conditions referred to in Article 5(1)(a),(c),(d)and(e).持有统一签证且已经合法入境缔约国之一的外国人,只要其符合第5(1)(a)、(c)、(d)以及(e)条的入境条件,就可以在签证有效期内在所有缔约国境内自由流动。(2000年申根协议第19.1条)
For the purposes of this section,a person is in application immigration detention if:(a)the person is in immigration detention;and(b)an entry application for the person is being dealt with.本条规定,下列情况的人员为适用移民羁押人员:(a)该人员受到移民羁押;且(b)该人员的入境申请正在处理之中。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第182(3)(a)、(b)条)
In a wider context,this means crossing borders without complying with the necessary requirements for legal entry into the receiving State.在更广泛背景下,指不符合合法入境接受国的必需条件的越境行为。
entry(refusal of)入境(拒绝)
In global context,it means refusal of entry of a person who does not fulfill all the entry conditions laid down in the national legislation of the country for which entry is requested.全球背景下,对不符合入境国家立法规定的所有入境条件的人员的拒绝入境。
entry and exit border入出国(边)境
It refers to the action of citizens of one country to enter and exit the border of their homeland.It means that the citizens exit the border of their homeland and enter other countries or regions and return to the territory of their homelands from other countries and regions through ports of entry or appointed ports holding required valid identity certificates and visas upon approval of competent organs of the government of their homelands and permission of destination countries and regions.入出国(边)境就是一国公民出入本国边境的行为,即指公民经过本国政府主管机关批准,经前往国家或地区许可,通过出入境口岸或者指定口岸,从本国出境进入其他国家或地区,以及从其他国家或地区返回本国领土。
entry ban入境禁令
Entry ban means an administrative or judicial decision or act preventing entry into and stay in the territory of the State issuance for a speci-fied period,accompanying a return decision.入境禁令是指行政或司法决定,为预防入境签发国停留一定期限的法令,附带返回决定。
entry certificate入境证(英)
An entry certificate is an entry clearance issued to a non-visa national.入境证是签发给非签证国民的入境许可。
entry checks入境检查
See border check.见边境检查。
If in certain circumstances such checks cannot be carried out,priorities must be set.In that case,entry checks shall as a rule take priority over exit checks.在某种情况下,如果此类检查不能够施行,应确定优先原则。在此种情形下,入境检查应优先于出境检查。(2000年申根协议第6.2(e)条)
entry clearance入境批准;入境许可(英)
Entry clearance,under the UK immigration law,is the granting of visas and entry certificates to persons seeking to enter the UK.While all visa nationals require a visa to enter the UK for any purpose,there are certain circumstances where non-visa nationals also require entry clearance prior to arrival at a UK port of entry,these are called entry certificates.There are four types of entry clearance:entry clearance for visitors,entry clearance for work permit holders,entry clearance for the dependants of work permit holders and entry clearance for Sole Representatives,Investors,Entrepreneurs and their dependants.根据英国移民法,入境许可是签发给那些希望入境英国人员的签证与入境许可证。签证国民只需要签证即可入境英国。非签证国民在抵达英国入境口岸之前也需要入境批准,即须持有入境许可。有四种入境许可:访客入境许可、工作许可证持有者入境许可、工作许可证持有者家属的入境许可,以及入境许可的唯一代表、投资人、企业家及其家属的入境许可。
Entry clearance means a visa,entry certificate or other PART IV document which,in accordance with the immigration rules,is to be taken as evidence of a person's eligibility,though not patrial,for entry into the United Kingdom(but does not include a work permit).入境许可指根据移民条令签发的签证、入境证或第4部分中规定的其他证件,并作为该人员虽然没有英国国籍,但符合入境英国条件的证据(但不包括工作许可证)。(英国1971年移民法第33(1)条)
An appeal against a refusal of an entry clearance must be dismissed by the adjudicator if he is satisfied that a deportation order was at the time of the refusal in force in respect of the appellant.如果审裁官认为有关该上诉人的驱逐令在入境许可遭到拒绝时有效,那么对拒绝入境提出的上诉必须由审裁官驳回。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第24.2条)
entry clearance officer入境许可/批准官员(英)
Official at a British overseas post who considers entry clearance,i.e.visa applications.认为可以批准入境的英国的海外处官员,即批准签证申请的官员。
entry into force生效
The moment at which all provisions of a treaty are legally binding on its parties.According to Art.Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,1969,the entry into force of a treaty takes place in such a manner and on such date as the treaty may provide or the negotiating States agree,or,failing any such provision or agreement,as soon as all the negotiating States have consented to be bound.Where a State joins the circle of parties after a treaty has already come into force,unless the treaty otherwise provides,it enters into force for that State on that date.条约的所有条款对缔约方在法律上具有约束力的时候。根据1969年《维也纳条约法公约》,条约生效之方式及日期,依条约之规定或依谈判国之协议;或倘无此种规定或协议,条约所有谈判国同意承受条约之约束,即行生效。除非条约另有规定,一国加入缔约方之时,也就是条约对该国生效之日。
entry permit入境证;入境许可证
Permit that allows a person to enter another country.允许人们入境他国的许可证。
This Subdivision,other than sections 101 and 102,applies to:(a)applications for visas,or entry permits,within the meaning of the Migration Act 1958 as in force before 1 September 1994,that under the regulations are taken to be applications for visas and that have not been finally determined before that date;and(b)passenger cards filled in before 1 September 1994.除第101以及102条外,本章适用以下情况:(a)在1958《移民法》规定内在1994年9月1日生效前申请签证或入境许可证,根据法律规定提出了签证申请且在该日期前尚未最终作出裁决的;(b)在1994年9月1日前填写旅客卡的。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第115(2)条)
entry stamp入境验讫章;入境印章
A mark made by a border official in a person's passport stating the date and place at which that person entered the State.边境官员在入境人员护照上作的标记,表明该人员进入这个国家的时间和地点。相关词语 exit stamp(出境验讫章),entry visa(入境签证)
entry visa入境签证
The entry visa is a visa issued by another country placed in one's passport and allows one to enter that country.入境签证是加盖在护照上并允许人们入境他国的签证。
Aliens who hold residence permits or reentry visas issued by one of the contracting parties or, where required, both documents, shall be authorised entry for transit purposes, unless their names are on the national list of alerts of the contracting party whose external borders they are seeking to cross. 持有一缔约国签发的居留许可证或再次入境签证,或根据要求持有上述两种证件的外国人,以过境为目的的入境应得到批准,在跨越外部边境时,为该缔约国警告名单上的人员除外。(2000年申根协议第5.3条)
Single entry visa means that the visitor can enter the Kingdom only once irrespective of duration of his visa. 单次入境签证指不论签证期限,游客只能入境不丹王国一次的签证。(不丹移民法2007年第80条)
entry without inspection(EWI)未经检查入境(美)
Coming into the US without authorization by a BCIS official.Examples are coming across a US border without being inspected,or using someone else's passport at an inspection point.This type of entry is called “EWI”.在未经边境、海关与移民机构官员授权情形下进入美国。跨越美国边界而未接受检查,或在检查点使用他人护照,这种类型称为(EWI)未经检查入境。
It means natural ecological condition.For most immigrants,one of the main reasons to move to another country(place)is environment,which has threatened their survival.For a better life,they have to move.指自然、生态环境。对于大多数移民而言,迁移到他国(另一地)的主要原因之一是环境问题,因为环境已经威胁到其生存,为了寻求更好的生活,人们只好迁移。
Environment detention means detention under Schedule 1 to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.环境拘留指《1999年环境保护以及生物多样性保护法》列表1中规定的拘留。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第164A条)
Environment detention offence means:(a)an offence against the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,or against regulations made for the purposes of that Act;or(b)an offence against section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914 relating to an offence described in paragraph(a).环境拘留犯罪指(a)违背《1999年环境保护及生物多样性保护法》,或者违反了根据该法制定的法规;或(b)违反了1914年犯罪法中第6条有关(a)款中规定的犯罪。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Environment officer means an authorised officer,within the meaning of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,but does not include a person who is an authorised officer because of subsection 397(3)of that Act.在《1999年环境保护及生物多样性保护法》中,环境官员指被授权的官员,但不包括该法第397(3)条中的被授权官员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
The consequences mentioned in subsection(5)are—(a)relevant injury or damage,or(b)damage to the environment.第(5)条所指后果为——(a)造成伤害或破坏,或(b)对环境的破坏。(英国2008年刑事司法与移民法列表17第一部分第4条)
environmental migrant环境移民
Environmental migrants are persons or groups of persons who,for reasons of sudden or progressive changes in the environment that adversely affect their lives or living conditions,are obliged to leave their habitual homes,or choose to do so,either temporarily or permanently,and who move either within their country or abroad.指那些因环境的突然或渐进变化而对生活或生存状况产生负面影响,一些人被迫离开其惯常居住地,或临时或永久选择采取此种行动的人或群体。这些人在国内或国外进行迁移。相关词语environmentally displaced person(环境流亡者)
environmentally displaced person环境流亡者;环境难民
Persons who are displaced within their country of habitual residence or who have crossed an international border and for whom environ-mental degradation,deterioration or destruction is a major cause of their displacement,although not necessarily the sole one.This term is used as a less controversial alternative to environ-mental refugee or climate refugee that have no legal basis or raison d'être in international law,to refer to a category of environmental migrants whose movement is of a clearly forced nature.在惯常居住国内或越过国际边境的迁移人员,环境退化、恶化或破坏为其迁移的主要原因,尽管不一定为唯一原因。作为争议较小的选择,该术语被用来指环境难民,或无国际法法律基础或原因的气候难民,该术语还被用来指由于被迫性质而迁移的环境移民的一种。相关词语 environmental migrant(环境移民)
An e-Passport contains an electronic chip.The chip holds the same information that is printed on the passport's data page:the holder's name,date of birth,and other biographic information.An e-Passport also contains a biometric identifier.电子护照含有电子芯片。芯片储存了与护照资料页上相同的信息:持证人姓名、出生日期以及其他生物信息。电子护照还储存了个人生物识别信息。
e-Passport:A machine readable passport(MRP)containing a contactless Integrated Circuit(IC)chip within which is stored data from the MRP data page,a biometric measure of the passport holder,and a security object to protect the data with PKI cryptographic technology,and which conforms to the specifications of Doc 9303,Part 1.电子护照是一种内置非接触式集成电路芯片的机读护照(MRP),该芯片储存有机读护照资料页的数据,即持证人的生物特征测定数值和一个用公钥基础设施密码技术保护数据的安全对象,并符合第9303号文件第一部分的规范(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部第二章第4条)
equal treatment(principle of)平等对待(原则)
Equal treatment means that there shall be no direct or indirect discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin,where:
(a)direct discrimination shall be taken to occur where one person is treated less favourably than another is,has been or would be treated in a comparable situation on grounds of racial or ethnic origin;
(b)indirect discrimination shall be taken to occur where an apparently neutral provision,criterion or practice would put persons of a racial or ethnic origin at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons,unless that provision,criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim are appropriate and necessary.
To go with someone to protect or guard them.护送;护卫。
If it appears to the Secretary of State that a detainee custody officer is not a fit and proper person to perform escort functions or custodial functions,he may revoke that officer's certifi-cate so far as it authorises the performance of those functions.如果国务大臣认为被拘留者的关押人员不健康且不适合履行押送任务或羁押职责,则国务大臣可撤销该官员履行职责的证书。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第7.1条)
Escort arrangements means arrangements made by the Secretary of State under section 156.护送安排指根据第156条由国务大臣作出的安排。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第147条)
Escort functions means functions under escort arrangements.护卫职责指根据护送安排而履行的职责。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第147条)
Escort monitor means a person appointed under paragraph 1 of Schedule 13.护送监督员指根据列表13第1条而任命的人员。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第147条)
English for speakers of other languages.为其他语种人员开设的英语课。
ESOL Entry 3ESOL 入门3(英)
This is the minimum standard of English that will enable an applicant to pass the knowledge of life in the UK test.申请人通过在英国生活的知识测验应掌握最起码的英语水平。
The practice of using spies to collect information about what another government or company is doing or plans to do.利用谍报方法收集另一政府或公司正在或计划要做的事的信息。
essential needs基本需求(加拿大)
Essential needs are defined as:food,clothing,shelter and other basic requirements of everyday living;dental and eye care and other health needs not covered by public health services available to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.基本需求指以下方面:食物、衣物、住所以及其他日常生活基本的必需品;牙齿以及眼睛护理及其他健康需求,不包括对所有加拿大公民及永久居民提供的健康服务。
To set up;to enact;to find out.建立;制定;证实。
A foreign national may be selected as a mem-ber of the economic class on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.由于外国人已经在加拿大有了经济能力,可被选为经济类的人员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第12.2条)
An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested,detained or subject to a removal order,any evidence—photographic,fingerprint or otherwise—that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.官员可以要求永久居民或被捕的、受到羁押的或者为驱逐令对象的外国人提供任何证据——照片、指纹或其他证据——用来证实其身份或是否遵从本法。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第16.3条)
established business in Australia(resid-ence)visa在澳已有业务签证(澳)
This visa is for temporary residents who have a proven ownership interest in one or more successful businesses in Australia.This is a permanent residence visa which allows one to travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted.If one wishes to continue travelling as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired,he or she must obtain a resident return visa.该签证签发给在澳拥有一个或多个成功业务的临时居民。此为永久居留签证,可使拥有人在签证授予之日起5年内进出澳大利亚。若初始签证失效,其依然希望作为永久居民旅行,则应拥有居民返回签证。
established migrant workers已定居的移徙工人
Migrant workers who,after staying some years in the country of employment,have been granted permission to reside indefinitely and to work without major limitations in that country.Established migrant workers need not leave the country of employment when unemployed and are usually granted the right of being joined by their immediate family members,provided certain conditions regarding employment and housing are met.在就业国停留几年后,被授予无限期居留许可并在该国无需受到限制而工作的移徙工人。已定居的移徙工人失业时无需离开就业国,且只要满足有关就业与住房的标准,其直系家庭成员通常会赋予与其团聚的权利。
ETA(Electronic Travel Authority)电子签证(澳)
A visa for Australia,stored electronically.The current electronic travel authority came into effect on 23 March 2013 replacing older ETAs,and offering a single authorization for both tourists and business people.到澳大利亚的一种签证,以电子的形式储存。目前的电子签证于2013年3月23日生效,替代了旧款电子签证,为游客和商务人士提供单一签证。
ethnic cleansing种族清洗
Ethnic cleansing means rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove from a given area persons of another ethnic or religious group,which is contrary to international law.在单一地区通过使用武力或恐吓驱逐这一地区另一种族人员或宗教群体,使这一地区的族群变为单一民族,这是违反国际法规定的。相关词语 genocide(种族灭绝)
ethnic origin原属种族;原籍裔系
Ethnic origin implies one or more of thefollo-wing:shared origins or social background;shared culture and traditions that are distin-ctive,maintained between generations,and lead to a sense of identity and group;a common language and a common religious tradition.原属种族包含以下特点:共同的出身或社会背景;世代维系着共同的文化及独特的传统;产生身份及团体认同感;使用共同的语言及共享宗教传统。
Ethnicity refers to large groups of people classed according to common racial,national,tribal,religious,linguistic,or cultural origin or background.种族是指根据同族、国民、宗族、宗教、语言或文化渊源或背景分类的人群。
See European Union.见欧盟。
EU blue card欧盟蓝卡
EU blue card means the authorisation bearing the term “EU Blue Card” entitling its holder to reside and work in the territory of a Member State under the terms of Council Directive 2009/50/EC.指根据欧洲理事会2009/50/EC条款的规定,标有“欧盟蓝卡”这一词语,可使持有人获得在某成员国居留、工作的授权。相关词语 highly-qualified employ-ment(高素质就业),highly qualified migrant(高素质移民),highly-skilled migrant(高技术移民)
EU blue card holder欧盟蓝卡持有人
A third-country national who has acquired the authorization bearing the term “EU Blue Card” entitling them to reside and work in the territory of a Member State under the terms of Council Directive 2009/50/EC(Blue Card Directive).根据欧洲理事会2009/50/EC条款的规定,指获得标有“欧盟蓝卡”使其在欧盟成员国境内居留并工作的第三国国民。
EU citizen欧盟公民
See EU national.见欧盟国民。
EU citizenship欧盟公民身份
The 1991 Maastricht Treaty established the concept of European citizenship.EU citizenship confers a range of rights,including freedom of movement and the right to vote and stand in local and European elections in every Member State.1991年的《马斯特里赫特条约》确定欧盟公民身份的概念。欧盟公民身份赋予了一系列的权利,包括行动自由和享有选举权及参加每一个会员国当地和欧洲的选举。
EU Council of Ministers欧盟部长理事会
The EU's main decision-making institution.It consists of the ministers of the Member States responsible for each policy area,one of which is justice and home affairs.Decisions are prep-ared by the Committee of Permanent Repre-sentatives of the Member States(Coreper),assisted by working parties of national government officials.欧盟的主要决策机构。它由负责每个政策领域的成员国的部长会议组成,其中之一是司法和内政事务。由各工作组的国家政府官员协助会员国常驻代表委员会(Coreper)作出决定。
EU national or EU citizen欧盟国民或欧盟公民
A citizen of the European Union.The members of the EU are:Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,the Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,the Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden and Croatia.欧盟的公民。欧盟成员为:奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典以及克罗地亚。
This is the name given to an informatic(IT)system,the purpose of which,via the collection,transmission and comparison of fingerprints,is to assist in determining which Member State is to be responsible pursuant to the Dublin Convention for examining an application for asylum lodged in a Member State,and otherwise to facilitate the application of the Dublin Convention under the conditions set out in the Regulation establishing Eurodac.此为信息(IT)系统名称,该系统通过对指纹的收集、传送及对比以便协助成员国根据《都柏林公约》负责审核向某成员国提交的庇护申请,并根据条约中规定的情况成立指纹查对系统以促进都柏林公约的适用。相关词语Dublin Convention(都柏林公约),Dublin Regulation(都柏林章程)
Eurojust is a high level team of senior lawyers,magistrates,prosecutors,judges and other legal experts seconded from every EU country,based in Brussels.It is able to give immediate legal advice and assistance in cross-border cases to the investigators,prosecutors and judges in different EU Member States.Eurojust may recommend to national authorities to take certain steps and also to initiate investigations.However,Eurojust has no authority to launch or carry out investigations itself.欧洲司法团队是一个由资深律师、治安官、检察官、法官和向每一个欧盟国家借调的法律专家组成的高级别队伍,设在布鲁塞尔。能够向跨境案件调查人员、检察官和在不同欧盟成员国的法官提供即时法律咨询和援助。欧洲司法团队可建议国家当局采取某些步骤,并展开调查。然而,其自身并没有权力发起或进行调查。
Europe “ la carte”欧洲“菜单”
Europe “ la carte” refers to the idea of a differentiated method of integration.Member States would be able to select policies as if from a menu and involve themselves fully in those policies;there would still be a minimum number of common objectives.指欧洲一体化不同的想法。成员国可以选择政策就像点菜一样,并使其充分参与到这些政策中来;共同目标有最低成员数量的限制。
Europe agreement欧洲协议
A specific type of association agreement between the EU and central and east European countries,which aims to prepare the country for accession on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria.The work is managed by association councils,composed of officials from the Euro-pean Commission,the EU Council,and the country concerned.欧盟与中、东欧国家间特定类型的准会员国协议,基于哥本哈根标准,旨在帮助该国加入欧盟。这项工作由欧洲委员会的官员、欧盟理事会和有关国家的准会员国理事会组成。
European Anti-Fraud Office-OLAF欧洲反欺诈办公室;反诈骗局
An independent investigation service established in 1999 in the Commission to investigate fraud damaging to the Community's interests,including detection and monitoring of fraud in the customs field.于1999年在委员会内成立的一个独立调查机构,以调查损害共同体利益的欺诈行为,包括侦查和监测海关领域的欺诈行为。
European Asylum Support Office(EASO)欧洲庇护援助办事处(EASO)
This is an Agency established in order to help to improve the implementation of the Common European Asylum System,to strengthen prac-tical co-operation among Member States on asylum and to provide and/or coordinate the provision of operational support to Member States subject to particular pressure on their asylum and reception systems.欧洲庇护援助办事处是旨在有助于促进欧洲共同庇护体系的实施,促进成员国有关庇护的实际合作,并为受到庇护与接收压力大的成员国提供与/或协调实施物资援助的机构。
European Commission欧洲委员会
A European Community institution with powers of legislative initiative,implementation,management and control.It is the guardian of the Treaties and the embodiment of the interests of the Community.The Commission shares the right to initiate proposals in justice and home affairs with Member States.具有立法创制、执法、管理及控制权力的欧洲共同体机构。为条约的监护人,体现欧共体的利益,该委员会各成员国有共同在司法和内政事务方面提出建议的权力。
European Community欧洲共同体
The European Community,which replaced the European Economic Community,came into being through the Treaty of Maastricht.It covers,inter alia,the following areas:agricul-ture,customs union,environment,transport,competition,free movement of persons,consumer protection,monetary policy,common commercial policy,etc.All these areas make up what is referred to as the “first pillar”(or “Community pillar”).This pillar does not include the common foreign and security policy or police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters,which are subject to different rules.欧洲共同体,它取代了欧洲经济共同体,通过《马斯特里赫特条约》应运而生。它主要包括下列领域:农业、海关联盟、环境、运输、竞争、人员自由流动、消费者保护、货币政策、共同的商业政策等。所有这些领域构成了“第一支柱”(或“共同体支柱”)。这一支柱不包括受不同原则管辖的共同外交和安全政策或警察和刑事司法合作。
European Conference欧洲会议
Launched by the Luxembourg European Council in 1997,the conference was set up to provide a framework for the enlargement process over the next few years,bringing together the Member States of the EU with the European countries that are hoping to join.于1997年由卢森堡欧洲理事会发起,会议确立了在未来几年内扩大进程的框架,使希望入盟的欧洲国家联合起来。
European Convention on Human Rights欧洲人权公约
Signed in Rome in 1950 under the aegis of the Council of Europe,the Convention established a system of international protection for human rights and set up a European Court of Human Rights.在欧洲理事会的支持下,于1950年在罗马签署,该公约确定了人权国际保护体系并建立了欧洲人权法院。
European Council欧洲理事会
The term used to describe the regular meetings of the Heads of State or Government of the EU Member States.Its objectives are to give the EU the impetus it needs in order to develop further and to define general policy guidelines.该术语用来指欧盟成员国国家元首或政府首脑的定期会议。其目标是赋予欧盟需要的推动力,以进一步发展并确定总体政策准则。
European Court of Justice(ECJ)欧洲司法法院
Name given to the Court of Justice of the European Communities.欧洲共同体司法法院的称谓。
European Economic Area(EEA)欧洲经济区(EEA)
EEA countries:Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Republic of Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,The Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden.欧洲经济区国家有:奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰共和国、意大利、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典。
European Economic Space(S.E.E.)欧洲经济空间(S.E.E.)
European Economic Space composed of:Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Island,Italy,Liechtenstein,Luxemburg,Norway,the Netherlands,Portugal,Spain,Sweden.欧洲经济空间组成:奥地利、比利时、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、列支敦士登、卢森堡、挪威、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典。
European integration欧洲一体化
This means building unity between European countries and people.Within the European Union it means that countries pool their resources and take many decisions jointly.This joint decision-making takes place through interaction between the EU institutions(the Parliament,the Council,the Commission,etc.).指在欧洲各国家和国民之间建立统一体的进程。在欧盟内,指国家集中资源、共同采取的多种决定。通过欧盟机构(议会、理事会、委员会等)之间的沟通交流产生共同决策。
European Migration Information Network(EMIN)欧洲移徙信息网(EMIN)
A web-based system designed to provide a one-stop shop for information on international migration.用来提供有关国际移徙信息一站式的网络系统。
European Migration Network(EMN)欧洲移徙网络(EMN)
The EMN is a body established by Council Decision 2008/381/EC that serves to meet the information needs of Community institutions and of Member States' authorities and institutions,by providing up-to-date,objective,reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum,with a view to supporting policy-making in the European Union in these areas.It also serves to provide the general public with information on these subjects.欧洲移徙网络是根据欧盟理事会第2008/381/EC决定成立的组织,以满足欧洲共同体机构及成员国当局、机构的信息需求,提供移徙与庇护方面最新的、客观的、可靠的及可比的信息,以期有助于欧盟在这些领域的决策。同时该组织还为公众提供这些方面的信息。
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction(EMCDDA)欧洲毒品和毒瘾监测中心(EMCDDA)
1 of 12 decentralised European Community agencies,set up in 1993 in response to demands for an accurate picture of the drugs phenomenon throughout the EU.分散的12个欧洲共同体机构之一,为准确了解欧盟毒品现象而于1993年成立。
European Parliament欧洲议会
The assembly of the representatives of the 370 million Union citizens.Parliament's main role is to consider the Commissions proposals.It is associated with the Council in the legislative process,in some cases as co-legislator.3亿7千万欧盟公民代表大会。议会的主要职能是审议委员会的建议。在某些情况下,作为共同立法者,欧洲议会与理事会在立法过程方面关系密切。
European Police College(EPOL)欧洲警察学院(EPOL)
An academy for the training of senior and middle-ranking law enforcement officials,based on common standards,to work at EU level.基于共同标准,对在欧盟工作的高级和中级别的执法官员进行培训的学院。
European Police Office— Europol欧洲警察组织
Based in the Hague in the Netherlands,its aim is to improve the effectiveness and cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the Member States in preventing and combating serious international organised crime.Its main work is the collation,analysis and dissemin-ation of information.欧洲警察组织设在荷兰的海牙,在预防、打击严重国际有组织犯罪方面旨在提高成员国执法机构的效率与合作。其主要工作为筛选、分析和传递情报。
European rapid reaction force欧洲快速反应部队
A force of police personnel designed to participate in peace-keeping efforts outside the EU,due to become operational in 2003.参与欧盟以外的维和警察部队,在2003年投入运作。
European Refugee Fund欧洲难民基金
The European Refugee Fund(ERF)is an European Union programme that provides funding to Member States to support the reception of asylum seekers, and the reception and integration of refugees. The fund promotes access to services and gives training to the service providers.欧洲难民基金(ERF)是向会员国提供资金支持接受庇护寻求者以及促进难民的接纳与融合的欧洲联盟方案。该基金促进获得服务,并为服务提供者提供培训。
European Union欧洲联盟
The European Union(EU)is an economic and political partnership that is unique in history.Built upon a series of treaties and embodied in a set of governing institutions,the EU repres-ents a voluntary pooling of sovereignty among 27 countries.(The member countries of the EU are Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus,the Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,the Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slova-kia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden).These countries have committed to a process of integration by harmonizing laws and adopting common policies on an extensive range of issues.Notable areas of shared sovereignty include a customs union;a common trade policy;a single market in which goods,people,and capital move freely;a common currency(the euro)that is used by 16 member states(The members of the Eurozone are Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,the Netherlands,Portugal,Slovakia,Slovenia,and Spain);and many aspects of social and environmental policy.The European Union came into being through the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993.It is presented in the Treaty as a “a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”.It rests on three “pillars”,the first covers the “traditional” Community dimension(common agricultural policy,transport,internal market etc.),the second covers the common foreign and security policy,and the third covers police and judicial cooperation.The second and third pillars differ from the first by the provisions which apply to them.欧洲联盟(欧盟)是历史上独一无二的经济和政治伙伴关系。欧盟建立在一系列条约的基础上,并体现在一套管理机构方面,欧盟代表了27个主权国家的自愿联盟(奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典)。这些国家通过协调法律以及对广泛的问题采取共同政策等致力于一体化的进程。分享主权的领域包括海关联盟、共同的贸易政策;货物、人员和资本自由流动的单一市场;16个会员国(奥地利、比利时、塞浦路斯、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚和西班牙)所使用的共同货币(欧元);以及许多社会及环境政策。通过1993年《马斯特里赫特条约》欧洲联盟应运而生。条约中提出“一个产生了欧洲各国人民之间的日益密切团结过程的新阶段”。它取决于三个“支柱”,第一个涵盖了共同体“传统”的范围(共同农业政策、运输、内部市场等),第二个涉及共同外交和安全政策,第三个涉及警察和司法合作。按照它们的条款适用范围,第二和第三支柱不同于第一支柱。
Europol national drug units欧洲刑警组织禁毒单位
In the fight against drug trafficking and supply,Member States designate these units(EDUs)within their law enforcement services to send information to Europol.在打击毒品贩运和供应过程中,各会员国在其执法机构指定这些单位(EDUs),将信息传送给欧洲刑警组织。
The EU's statistical office.It collects monthly statistical data on asylum and migration.欧盟负责统计的办公室。它收集有关庇护和移徙月度统计数据。
Evacuation is the rapid movement of people away from the immediate threat or impact of a disaster to a safer place of shelter.It is commonly characterized by a short time frame,from hours to weeks,within which emergency procedures need to be enacted in order to save lives and minimize exposure to harm.Evacu-ations may be mandatory.An evacuation order-ed and directed by authorities when it is judged that the risk to a population is too great to allow them to remain where they are,and where sheltering in place would likely entail a higher level of risk.Evacuation may be advised.An official evacuation advisory message may be issued to enable early response and informed decision-making by the population at risk on whether and when to evacuate.Evacuation may be spontaneous.When people evacuate their current location due to actual or perceived risk using their own means(self-evacuation)and without(or before)being officially advised or directed to do so.This may include people who leave areas outside a designated evacuation zone(also known as shadow evacuations).撤离是人们快速远离即刻的危险或灾难的影响,抵达较为安全的地点。特点是时间短,从数小时到数周。在此期间内,需要启动紧急程序以拯救生命减少伤害。撤离可为强制性的。在作出判断认为对人口的威胁非常严重,而不允许人员待在原地,且居所有可能带来更大的威胁时,政府下达命令并指挥撤离。撤离也可以是建议性的。由官方颁发建议性撤离意见,以便人们能够早些应对并对是否撤离及何时撤离作出深思熟虑的决定。撤离也可以是自发的。由于实际的或潜在的风险,人们使用自己的交通工具(自动撤离)并未得到官方的建议(或之前)或指示而撤出其目前居住地。这种方式也包括离开指定撤离区域以外的人们(也称为影子撤离)。
A person who has evacuated a hazardous location in response to the immediate threat or impact of a disaster,either through their own initiative and resources(self-evacuated)or through the direction and assistance of autho-rities and/or emergency responders.已经撤离危险之地以应对直接的威胁或灾难的影响,或通过自己的努力与资源(自我撤离)或通过当局的指导与救助的人员及/或紧急情况响应者。
A systematic and objective analysis and assess-ment of the organization's policies,programmes,practices,partnerships and procedures,focused on planning,design,implementation and impacts.对组织政策、方案、实践、合作及程序、关注计划、设计、实施及影响进行系统的、客观的分析与评价。
Any document,recording,photograph or statement to be presented to an immigration judge and used in deciding an appeal.提供给任何移民法官并在上诉中使用的证件、记录、照片或出示的声明。
A foreigner who possesses a right of residence in accordance with the EEC/Turkey Associ-ation Agreement is obliged to furnish evidence of the existence of said right of residence through the possession of a residence permit.Said residence permit shall be issued on application.根据EEC/土耳其协议,以拥有居留证的形式拥有居留权的外国人有义务提供上述提及的居留证据。上述居留证应在提出申请时被授予。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第4(5)条)
evidential burden举证责任
Evidential burden or production burden is the obligation to produce evidence to properly raise an issue at trial.Failure to satisfy the evidential burden means that an issue cannot be raised at a court of law.举证责任或提供(证据)责任是指在审判中对出现的问题出示证据的义务。未能满足举证责任指法庭上不能提出证据。
This visa is only available to European Union and some other European countries.This subclass is for visitors to Australia for tourism or short term business purposes.It is an electronic visa and can only be applied for while offshore.One can stay in Australia for up to 3 months on each visit to Australia within a 12-month period from the date of grant.An E-Visitor visa cannot be extended,although she or he may apply for a different visa.此签证只授予欧盟及一些欧洲国家的人员。该签证的对象为到澳大利亚进行旅游或短期商务目的的访问人员。此为电子签证,且只能在境外申请。持有该签证的人员在签证授予之日起12个月内每次在澳停留的时间最多为3个月。电子访客签证不能延期,即使申请了其他的签证也不能延期。
See entry without inspection.见未经检查入境。
ex citizen visa前公民签证(澳)
A person who ceases to be an Australian citizen while physical inside the migration zone of Australia automatically receives an ex-citizen visa under 35 of the Migration Act 1958.This visa ceases to have effect as soon as the person leaves Australia.Should the former citizen wish to return as a resident,a resident return visa or other permanent visa is required.An ex-citizen visa may be cancelled on character grounds and the former citizen removed from Australia.This is likely where citizenship has been revoked under section 21 of the Act.不再是澳大利亚公民而在澳大利亚移民区停留的人员根据1958年移民法第35条的规定会自动获得前公民签证。一旦该人员离开澳大利亚,此签证立即失效。若前公民作为居民希望返回澳大利亚,则需要居留返回签证或其他永久签证。因品质原因则会取消前公民签证并驱逐出澳大利亚。根据1958年移民法第21条的规定,应撤销公民身份。
There is a class of permanent visas to remain in,but not reenter,Australia,to be known as ex citizen visas.可以在澳大利亚居留但不能再次入境的一种永久签证,称为前公民签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第35条)
ex lege(Latin)法律原因(拉丁语)
By virtue of law.法律原因。
Examination means an immigrant officer may examine any one on his arrival or landing in or prior to his departure from a country,or if he has reasonable cause for believing that such person landed in that country unlawfully based on the immigration law;or examine a person at any time if he has reasonable cause for believing that such person is contravening or has contravened a condition of stay in respect of him,or remains in that country without the permission of an immigration officer or immigration assistant in contravention of immigration law of that country.讯问指移民官员对抵达或离开一国的人员进行审核,或者移民官员认为此人非法入境该国;或其认为正在违犯或已经违反居留条件,或无移民官员许可在该国停留,违反了该国移民法的人员在任何时间进行的问讯。
A foreign national must,before entering Canada,apply to an officer for a visa or for any other document required by the regulations.The visa or document shall be issued if,following an examination,the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act.在入境加拿大之前,外国人必须向官员申请签证或者法律要求的其他证件。在审查之后,该官员认为该外国人可以准予入境且符合本法的规定,则应签发签证或证件。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第11(1)条)
Examination includes a further examination under section 4(1),and examine shall be construed accordingly.讯问(examination,examine)包括根据第4(1)条而作的进一步讯问。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
The Executive Committee shall adopt common rules for the examination of visa applications,shall ensure their correct implementation and shall adapt them to new situations and circumstances.执行委员会应该采取共同原则审核签证申请,应确保其正确执行并应使其适应新环境以及新形势。(2000年申根协议第17.1条)
If the Minister makes an application for leave to commence an application for judicial review of a decision of the Immigration Appeal Division with respect to a permanent resident or a foreign national,an examination of the permanent resident or the foreign national under this Act is suspended until the final determination of the application.如果部长要求对移民上诉法庭就相关永久居民或外国人的决定做司法审查时,根据本法,对该永久居民或外国人的审查应在该申请作出最后裁定时才可终止。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第70(2)条)
exceptional and extremely unusual hardship特殊的且极为不寻常的苦难(美)
The degree of harm that non-lawful permanent resident(LPR)applicants for cancellation of removal must show would be suffered by his or her U.S.citizen or LPR spouse,parent,or child were the applicant to be removed from the United States.Whether this standard is met requires a consideration of all relevant factors of possible hardship.The standard is somewhat more restrictive than the extreme hardship standard that must be met by applicants for suspension of deportation.申请取消驱逐的不合法的永久居民必须出示其受到其美国公民或永久居民配偶、父母或子女虐待的程度,该人员为受到驱逐的申请人。无论受到虐待程度的标准是否与苦难所有相关因素一致,此标准某种程度上比暂缓驱逐申请人所受到的极端磨难标准更严格。
exceptional leave to remain(ELR)特别准许停留(ELR)(英)
Permission to stay in the United Kingdom for reasons that are exceptional.This type of permission is no longer given,but was sometimes given in the past to someone who does not qualify for asylum but whom the British authority concerned believes should be allowed to stay for other reasons.由于特别原因准许在英国停留。此类许可不再授予,以往授予不符合庇护条件,但英国相关机构认为属于其他原因准许停留的人员。
excessive demand过多需求(加拿大)
Under this category of medical inadmissibility,an individual may be denied entry into Canada if they have a medical condition that would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada.However,if a dependent would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada,entry to Canada may still be granted if that dependent is the immigrant's:spouse,common-law partner,or conjugal partner;or dependent child.对于由于健康原因不准入境的情况,如果会造成在加拿大过多占用医疗资源或社会服务的情况,则拒绝该人员入境。然而,如果该受抚养人为移民的配偶、事实婚伴侣或同居伴侣或受抚养子女,即使其入境加拿大会过多占用医疗或社会服务等,依然可以获批准入境。
A foreign national is inadmissible on health grounds if their health condition(a)is likely to be a danger to public health;(b)is likely to be a danger to public safety;or(c)might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services.如果外国人的健康状况符合以下情形,则不予入境:(a)可能会对公众健康构成危险的;(b)可能会对公众安全构成危险的; 或(c)可能会造成过多占用健康或社会服务的。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第38(1)条)
The act of transferring interests,each in consideration for the other.利益交换的行为,双方为彼此着想。
Information shall be exchanged at the request of a Contracting Party and may only be exchanged between the authorities designated by each Contracting Party,once the Executive Committee has been informed thereof.在缔约国要求下,一旦执行委员会被告知时,应进行信息交换,并可在每个缔约国指定的机构间进行交换。(2000年申根协议第38.4条)
The secondment of liaison officers for a specified or unspecified period is intended to further and accelerate cooperation between the Contracting Parties,particularly by providing assistance:
(a)in the form of the exchange of information for the purposes of combating crime by means of both prevention and law enforcement;
(b)in executing requests for mutual police and judicial assistance in criminal matters;
(c)with the tasks carried out by the autho-rities responsible for external border surveillance.
Exchange of Letters/Notes交换文书/照会
States may express their consent to be bound by an “exchange of letters/notes”.The basic characteristic of this procedure is that the signatures do appear not on one letter or note but on two separate letters or notes.The agreement therefore lies in the exchange of both letters or notes,each of the parties having in their possession one letter or note signed by the representative of the other party.In practice,the second letter or note,usually the letter or note in response,will typically reproduce the text of the first.In a bilateral treaty,letters or notes may also be exchanged to indicate that all necessary domestic procedures have been completed.各国可表示同意受到“交换文书/照会”的约束。此程序之基本特点为签字不显示在文书或照会中,而是在两个单独的文书或照会中。因此协议在于交换两种文书或照会,各缔约国拥有的是由另一方代表签字的一份文书或照会。实践中,回复的文书或照会为第二封文书或照会,会保留第一封的文约特点。在双边协议中,文书或照会均可交换以表明国内已履行完所有必要程序。
exchange on drug demand reduction action(EDDRA)关于减少毒品需求行动的交流(EDDRA)(欧盟)
Exchange on Drug Demand Reduction Action(EDDRA)is the EMCDDA's(European Monitoring Centre for Drug and Drug Addiction)online databanks which provides details on a range of evaluated prevention, treatment and harm reduction interventions in EU countries, as well as interventions within the criminal justice system. A key aim of EDDRA is to encourage the exchange of information between intervention planners, project managers, etc. EDDRA是欧洲毒品与药物成瘾检测中心的在线数据库,该库为欧盟国家提供一系列评估预防、治疗、减少伤害干预的详细内容,以及在刑事司法领域的干预。EDDRA的主要目标之一就是鼓励干预计划者、项目管理者等之间进行信息交换。
exchange visitor programme互访者项目(美)
The exchange visitor program is managed by the US Department of State.It has promoted mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries through educational and cultural exchanges.Sponsor institutions and exchange visitors are required to comply with the exchange visitor program regulations as set forth by US Department of State.There are programs for visitor students and visitor professor.互访者项目是由美国国务院管理实施的。通过教育与文化交流,该项目促进了美国人民与其他国家人民的了解。赞助机构与互访者需要遵守美国国务院制定的互访者项目规定。项目分为学生互访与教授互访两种。
The duration of the alien's participation in the program of graduate medical education or training for which the alien is coming to the United States is limited to the time typically required to complete such program,as determined by the Director of the United States Information Agency at the time of the alien's admission into the United States,based on criteria which are established in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and which take into consideration the published requirements of the medical specialty board which administers such education or training program;except that— the alien may,once and not later than two years after the date the alien is admitted to the United States as an exchange visitor or acquires exchange visitor status,change the alien's designated program of graduate medical education or training if the Director approves the change and if a commitment and written assurance with respect to the alien's new program have been provided in accordance with subparagraph(C).该外国人为来美国参加研究生医学教育课程或培训的时间限定于完成该项目所专门要求的时限,该时限由美国新闻署署长在该外国人被批准进入美国之时确定,美国新闻署署长在与健康和公共事务部部长所建立的协商基础上,考虑到公开出版的由负责此类教育或培训课程的医学专业委员会的要求共同制定的标准确定的完成此类课程一般所需的时间;除非:一旦其作为交流访问者或获得交流访问者身份被准许进入美国或两年之内,如果已经根据(C)小款规定提交了有关该外国人的新课程的书面承诺和保证,此变化并获得美国新闻总署署长的批准,该外国人可以改变其被指定的研究生医学教育或培训课程。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第212(j)(1)(D)(ii)条)
exchange visitor(J-1)互换访问学者(J-1)(美)
A J-1 exchange visitor is a foreign national participating in an educational,occupational training or scientific research exchange program.J-1互换访问学者指参加教育、职业培训或科技研究交换项目的外国人。
excise tax/duty消费税
Any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods,especially on luxuries,tabacco,alcohol etc.对某些商品特别是奢侈品、烟草、酒等的生产与销售征收的各种税。
Requests regarding evasion of excise duties may not be rejected on the grounds that the requested country does not levy excise duties on the goods referred to in the request.以被请求国家未对请求中所指货物征收消费税为理由,不可以拒绝有关不缴消费税的请求。(2000年申根协议第50.2条)
See exclusion.见驱逐。
The formal denial of an alien's admission into a State.In some States,border officials or other authorities have the power to exclude aliens;in other States,exclusion is ordered by an immigration judge after a hearing.正式拒绝外国人进入某国。在部分国家,边境官员或其他当局有权拒绝外国人入境;在其他国家,只有在举行听证后,才由移民法官发布拒绝入境令。
There shall be judicial review of such a denial only in the judicial review of an order of exclusion or deportation under section 106(as in effect before October 1,1996).只对根据106条(1996年10月1日以前有效)所作的递解出境或驱逐出境命令的司法复审中的不服进行司法复议。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第210(e)(3)(A)条)
exclusion clauses免责条款
Specifically,those provisions of the 1951 Convention,such as article 1D,1E and 1F,which mandatorily deny the benefits of refugee status to persons who already receive United Nations or national protection,or to persons about whom there are good reasons to believe that they have committed a war crime,a crime against humanity,a serious non-political crime,or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.The last-mentioned category may include,for example,those who are responsible for the persecution of others.尤指1951年公约条款,如第1D、1E以及1F款的规定,这些条款规定拒绝给那些已经得到联合国或国家保护的人员享受难民身份待遇,或那些有足够理由让人认为犯有战争罪、违反人道罪、严重非政治罪,或与联合国原则及目的相反的行为的人员享受难民身份待遇。后者还包括对他人迫害的人。相关词语 cessation clauses(停止条款),war crimes(战争犯罪)
exclusion order驱逐令;驱赶令
Order prohibiting an alien who either is convicted or illegally present in another country from staying.禁止被判刑或非法居留的外国人在该国停留的命令。
exclusive economic zone专属经济区
The exclusive economic zone is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea,subject to the specific legal regime established in this Part,under which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention.专属经济区是领海以外并邻接领海的一个区域,受本部分规定的特定法律制度的限制,在这个制度下,沿海国的权利和管辖权以及其他国家的权利和自由均受本公约有关规定的支配。(联合国海洋法公约第55条)
In exercising its rights and performing its duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone,the coastal State shall have due regard to the rights and duties of other States and shall act in a manner compatible with the provisions of this Convention.沿海国在专属经济区内根据本公约行使其权利和履行其义务时,应适当顾及其他国家的权利和义务,并应以符合本公约规定的方式行事。(联合国海洋法公约第56.2条)
excursionists(also called “same-day visitors”)游览者(也称为“同一天的访客”)
Persons who do not reside in the country of arrival and stay for just a day without spending the night in a collective or private accom-modation within the country visited.This category includes cruise passengers who arrive in a country on a cruise ship and return to the ship each night to sleep on board as well as crew members who do not spend the night in the country.It also includes residents of border areas who visit the neighboring country during the day to shop,visit friends or relatives,seek medical treatment,or participate in leisure activities.不在抵达国居留且不在游览国的集体或私人住所过夜而只停留一天的人员。此类人员包括乘坐游轮抵达某国并当晚在船上过夜的游轮旅客与不在该国过夜的船员。同时还包括在当天抵达邻国购物、走亲访友、就医或参加娱乐活动的边境地区居民。
A reason that justifies an act or omission or that relieves a person of a duty.证明行为或缺席或免除责任合理的原由。
But the excuse in subsection(3)shall not apply to an employer who knew,at any time during the period of the employment,that it was contrary to this section.但是第3款不适用在就业期间的任何时间知晓此种做法违反了本条规定的雇主。(英国2006年移民、庇护、国籍法第15(4)条)
An employer is excused from paying a penalty if he shows that he complied with any prescribed requirements in relation to the employment.如果雇主能够证明其遵守了有关就业要求的规定,则其可以免于支付罚金。(英国2006年移民、庇护、国籍法第15(3)条)
An immigration officer may give such instructions as may be reasonably necessary to ensure that no passenger or member of a crew evades examination either of his person or effects.Any person who without reasonable excuse refuses or fails to comply with any instruction given under subsection(1)shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.必要时移民官员应下达命令,确保乘客或乘务人员或所属物品均通过检查。无正当理由拒绝或未能遵守第(1)条下达命令的人员犯有违反本法之罪。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第30条)
(A person)responsible for the administration of a business;someone who manages a government agency or department.负责企业管理(人员);掌管政府机构或部门的(人员)。
Invitations to enter the Russian federation(hereinafter referred to as the invitation)shall be issued by the federal executive authority in charge of foreign affairs,or federal executive authority in charge of internal affairs or its territorial body.入境俄罗斯联邦的邀请(后指邀请)应由负责国外事务的联邦执行机构或负责国内事务的联邦管理机构或领土机构颁发。(俄罗斯外国公民合法地位法第16.1条)
Executive Committee Conclusions on International Protection执行委员会关于国际保护的结论
Formal texts that embody the results of ExCom's annual deliberations on questions of refugee protection.Although not legally binding,ExCom conclusions contribute to the elaboration of principles and standards for the protection of refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR.体现难民保护问题执行委员会年度审议结果的正式文本。虽然不具有法律约束力,但执行委员会的结论有助于对难民保护以及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处关注的其他人员制定详细的原则与标准。
Executive Committee of the High Commis-sioner's Programme(ExCom)高级专员项目执行委员会
A Committee charged with advising the High Commissioner on the exercise of her/his functions.ExCom is currently(July 2005)composed of representatives of 68 States with a demonstrated interest in refugee issues,and 23 States with observer status.NGOs have observer status in the Executive Committee.负责为高级专员就履行其职责提出建议的委员会。该执行委员会目前(2005年7月)包括对难民事务表示出兴趣的68个国家的代表,23个国家具有观察员身份。非政府组织在该执行委员会中拥有观察员身份。
Executive Office for Immigration Review(EOIR)移民审核执行机构(EOIR)(美)
A branch of the U.S.Department of Justice that encompasses the Board of Immigration Appeals(BIA),Office of the Chief Immigr-ation Judge(including all the Immigration Judges),and the Office of the Chief Admin-istrative Hearing Offices(OCAHO).The Chief Immigration Judge supervises the immigration judges who hear removal,deportation,exclu-sion,and rescission cases in immigration courts.The BIA hears appeals of decisions made by immigration judges,as well as appeals of some decisions made by INS officers.The Chief Administrative Hearing Officer supervises the Administrative Law Judges,who hear cases involving employer sanctions,immigration-related employment discrimination claims,and document fraud charges.美国司法部下设的机构,包括移民上诉委员会、移民大法官办公室(包括所有的移民法官)以及首席行政审理官办公室(OCAHO)。移民大法官对驱逐、递解出境、拒绝入境令以及移民法庭撤销案件的听证进行监督。移民上诉委员会对由移民法官作出的上诉裁决以及由移民归化局官员作出的上诉裁决进行听证。首席行政审理官对有关雇主制裁、与移民相关的就业歧视申诉及证件骗费案件听证的行政法法官进行监督。
(Of persons)freed from or not subject to an obligation or liability to which others or other things are subject.(人)免于或不受义务或责任限制,而其他人或事必须遵守相关义务和规则。
Foreigners may only enter or stay in the Federal territory if they are in possession of a recognized and valid passport or passport substitute,unless they are exempt from the passport obligation by virtue of a statutory instrument.如果外国人拥有公认的有效护照或护照替代证件,则可入境或在联邦领土上停留,除非按照法律文件规定,其可豁免护照义务。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第3(1)条)
Exempt person means any person to whom Part IV of this Act does not apply in accordance with article 4 of the same Act.豁免人员指根据本法第4条,本法第4章不适用的人员。(马耳他1970年移民法2004年修订第2条)
Freedom from a duty,liability or other requirement.免于责任、义务或其他要求。
A person's exemption from the provisions of this Act as a result of section 8(1),(2)or(3)ceases on his becoming an excluded person.由于第8(1)、(2)或(3)款,在其成为被驱逐人员时,本法条款对于人员的豁免终止。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第8B(3)条)
To put into action;to execute.付诸行动;执行。
The abolition of checks on persons at internal borders shall not affect the provisions laid down in Article 22,or the exercise of police powers throughout a Contracting Party's territory by the competent authorities under that Party's law,or the requirement to hold,carry and produce permits and documents provided for in that Party's law.在内部边境废除对人员的检查不影响第22条的规定,或在缔约国境内主管机构根据该国法律行使警察权力,或者由该缔约国法律规定持有、携带并出示许可证以及证件。(2000年申根协议第2.3条)
exhaustion of补救;穷尽
The rule that local remedies must be exhausted before international proceedings may be institu-ted is a well established rule of customary international law;the rule has been generally observed in cases in which a State has adopted the cause of its national whose rights are claimed to have been disregarded in another State in violation of international law.Before resort may be had to an international court in such a situation,it has been considered necessary that the State where the violation occurs should have an opportunity to redress it by its own means,within the framework of its own domestic legal system(Interhandel Case(Preliminary Objections),ICJ 1959).在国际手段介入前,必须穷尽当地的补救措施,这是国际习惯法早就确定的规则。当某国国民的权利据称因他国违反国际法而未受到尊重,该国接过其案件时,通常就必须遵守这个规则。在诉诸国际法院前,发生侵权的国家应有机会在其国内法律体系框架内,通过其自己的方式进行矫正,这被视为是必要的(1959年,国际刑事法院,Interhandel案件(初步反对程序))。
exit stamp出境验讫章
A mark made by a border official in a person's travel document stating the date and place at which that person left the territory of the State.离境某国时,由边境官员在乘客旅行证件上加盖的标明地点及日期的印戳。相关词语 entry stamp(入境验讫章)
exit visa离境签证
Visa issued for individuals with expired visas who need to extend them before leaving the country.对于那些签证过期、需要在离境前将签证延期的人颁发的签证。
Movements in groups(isolated and sporadic)out of country of origin.Mass exodus is a movement in large numbers or of a section of the community at a given time.从原籍国进行的群体性迁徙(单独的和零星的)。大规模外迁是指在某个特定时间,数量巨大的或某个群体的一部分进行的迁徙活动。
Nationals of the country under consideration residing abroad,including nationals who have acquired their nationality by ius sanguinis abroad and have never resided in their country of nationality.居住国外的国民,包括在国外因血统原因获得国籍并从未在其国籍国居住的国民。
A person who voluntarily withdraws(him/herself)from residence in or allegiance to one's native country;who leaves his or her home country to live elsewhere.If done with the intention to change allegiance from one country to another,an absolute termination is effected of all civil and political rights as of the date of such act.主动放弃在自己国家居住或不再效忠自己的国家;离开其母国而在他处居住的人员。如果意在由效忠一国改为另一国而移居他国时,在此行动之日即可终止其所有民事及政治权利。相关词语 loss of nationality(丧失国籍)
expedited removal快速驱逐(美)
A process in which the U.S.government immediately removes non-citizens seeking to enter the U.S.who are not authorized to so enter.Administered by officials of the Customs and Border Protection(CBP)division of the Department of Homeland Security(DHS),the procedure targets individuals who lack travel documents or who fraudulently obtained their documents.Before removing these persons,however,CBP officials are required to ask a series of questions designed to identify poten-tial asylum-seekers.The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 authorized the INS to quickly remove certain inadmissible aliens from the United States.The authority covers aliens who are inadmissible because they have no entry documents or because they have used counterfeit,altered,or otherwise fraudulent or improper documents.The authority covers aliens who arrive in,attempt to enter,or have entered the United States without having been admitted or paroled by an immigration officer at a port-of-entry.The INS has the authority to order the removal,and the alien is not referred to an immigration judge except under certain circumstances after an alien makes a claim to legal status in the United States or demonstrates a credible fear of persecution if returned to his or her home country.美国政府即刻驱逐未得到入境批准而试图入境美国的非公民的程序。由国土安全部海关与边境保护局的官员实施管理,该程序针对的是缺少旅行证件或持有伪造证件的人员。在受到驱逐前,海关与边境局的官员要提问以确定可能为庇护寻求者身份的问题。《1996年非法移民改革与移民责任法》授权移民局快速驱逐某些不予入境美国的人员。管辖权范围涉及无入境证件不能入境的外国人,或使用伪造、涂改或其他欺骗或不当证件不予入境的外国人。管辖权还包括入境的、试图入境的、已经入境美国的但未得到许可或在入境口岸被移民官员逮捕的外国人。移民局得到授权可下达驱逐令,外国人在美国提出合法身份请求后或表现出一旦回国就会受到迫害的情形除外,否则外国人不得向移民法官求助。
expert evidence专家证据
Testimony related to a professional or scientific subject.It is based on training and experience in a subject area.The expert must give their opinion to aid the court in a decision or judgement.They are questioned before being allowed to testify.相关专业或科学主题的证词,基于主题领域的培训与经验,专家必须给出其意见以帮助法院作出裁决与判断。专家在出庭作证前会受到询问。
1.(Of a document,an agreement,etc.)to be no longer valid because the period of time for which it could be used has ended.(证件、协议等)因使用期已到,不再有效;失效,终止;到期。2.Of a period of time,esp.one during which sb.holds a position of authority to end.(任期)届满。
No visa shall be affixed to a travel document that has expired.签证不得附在到期的旅行证件上。(2000年申根协议第13.1条)
Maximum of six months for each stay outside of the Federal territory which has not led to expiry of the residence permit.每次在联邦领土外停留至多6个月,不会导致居留许可证期满。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第9(4).2条)
The act of taking advantage of something or someone,in particular the act of taking unjust advantage of another for one's own benefit(e.g.sexual exploitation,forced labour or services,slavery or practices similar to slavery,servitude or the removal of organs).利用某事或某人的行为,特别是为了自己获利而不正当地利用他人(例如,性剥削、强迫劳动或服务、奴隶或类似于奴隶的实践、奴役或器官去除)。相关词语 child exploitation(剥削儿童),forced labour(强迫劳动),slavery(奴隶),trafficking in persons(贩运人口)
The court,in determining the penalty to be imposed under subsection 117(2)or(3)or section 120,shall take into account whether a person was subjected to humiliating or degrading treatment,including with respect to work or health conditions or sexual exploitation as a result of the commission of the offence.在确定依据117(2)或(3)条或120条作出的惩罚时,法庭应考虑人员是否受到羞辱、侮辱,包括导致犯罪的有关工作或健康条件或性剥削等因素。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第121(1)(d)条)
Explore and Prepare考察与安排计划(英)
Explore and Prepare is a government funded programme which allows a group of refugees to visit their country of origin to assess the situation and prepare for their permanent return.指由(英)政府资助的项目,该项目允许难民探访其原籍国以评估处境并安排其永久回归。
An act by an authority of the State with the intention and with the effect of securing the removal of a person or persons(aliens or stateless persons)against their will from the territory of that State.国家当局为达到下列目的并产生下列影响而采取的行动:违背某人或某群人(外国人或无国籍人士)的意愿,将其从国土上驱逐出去。
1.The Contracting States shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory save on grounds of national security or public order.2.The expulsion of such a refugee shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law.Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require,the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself,and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.3.The Contracting States shall allow such a refugee a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country.The Contracting States reserve the right to apply during that period such internal measures as they may deem necessary.1.缔约各国除因国家安全或公共秩序理由外,不得将合法在其领土内的难民驱逐出境。2.驱逐难民出境只能以按照合法程序作出的判决为根据。除因国家安全的重大理由要求另作考虑外,应准许难民提出有利于其自己的证据,向主管当局或由主管当局特别指定的人员申诉或者为此目的委托代表向上述当局或人员申诉。3.缔约各国应给予上述难民一个合理的期间,以便取得合法进入另一国家的许可。缔约各国保留在这期间内适用它们所认为必要的内部措施的权利。(1951年联合国难民地位公约第32条)
Where such aliens have not left voluntarily or where it may be assumed that they will not do so or where their immediate departure is required for reasons of national security or public policy,they must be expelled from the territory of the Contracting Party in which they were apprehended,in accordance with the national law of that Contracting Party.If under that law expulsion is not authorised,the Contracting Party concerned may allow the persons concerned to remain within its territory.当外国人不是自愿离开或可以认为外国人不会这样做或由于国家安全或公共政策原因,要求其即刻离境时, 根据该缔约国法律,必须将其在被逮捕的缔约国境内驱逐出去。如果根据该国法律,驱逐未得到授权,相关缔约国可以允许相关人员在其境内停留。(2000年申根协议第23.3条)
expulsion en masse群体驱逐
Massive,collective expulsion.Collective expulsion of aliens is prohibited by several instruments of international law(Art.4,Protocol 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights,1950;Art.12-5,African Charter on Human and People's Rights,1981;Art.22-9,American Convention on Human Rights,1969).According to the European Court of Human Rights,collective expulsion is any measure compelling aliens,as a group,to leave a country,except where such a measure is taken on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual alien of the group(Andric v.Sweden,No.45917/99,23 February 1999).大规模、集体驱逐。许多国际法律文件禁止集体驱逐外国人(《1950年欧洲人权公约》第4议定书,第4条;《1981年非洲人和人民权利宪章》,第12-5条;1969年,《美洲人权公约》,第22-9条)。根据欧洲人权法庭规定,集体驱逐是指强迫作为群体的外国人离开某国采取的任何措施,除非此措施是在合理、客观地审查了这个群体中每一个外国人的特殊情况的基础上采取的(1999年2月23日,瑞典安德里克,第45917/99号)。相关词语 expulsion(驱逐)
expulsion order驱逐令
The order of a State informing of the prohibition of a non-national to remain on its territory.This order is given either if the individual entered illegally on the territory,or is no longer authorized to remain in the State.This order is generally combined with the announcement that it will be enforced,if necessary,by deportation.国家通知禁止非国民在其国土上停留的命令。如果某人非法进入该国国境,或不再被授权在其境内停留,此时就会发布驱逐令。驱逐令通常和公告结合在一起,如必要,将会执行驱逐。相关词语 deportation(递解出境),expulsion(驱逐),removal(驱逐)
The continuation of a document or immigration status beyond the original period of validity.延长超过原证件或移民身份的有效期。
If a foreigner breaches his or her obligation to duly attend an integration course pursuant to Section 44a(1),sentence 1,no.1,this shall be taken into account in the decision on extension of the residence permit.If the foreigner is not entitled to a residence permit,extension of the residence permit may be refused.如果外国人违反了其按时参加第44a(1)第1款第1条的融合课程的义务,在决定延长居留证时应将此考虑进去。如果该外国人无居留证,则可以拒绝延长居留证。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第8(3)条)
extension of acquisition of nationality延伸获得国籍
Any mode of acquisition of nationality after birth(with or without consent)that is conditional upon or results automatically from the simultaneous acquisition of nationality by a reference person.Extension of acquisition of nationality is to be distinguished from transfer of nationality.A transfer of nationality occurs if the reference person is already a national of the country under consideration;an extension of acquisition occurs if the reference person is just about to acquire this nationality.出生后(同意或不同意)自动获得国籍的方式,这种获得是通过关系人有条件的或自动同时获得国籍。延伸获得国籍与国籍转让不同。国籍转让是关系人为本国国民的情况下出现的;而延伸获得国籍是关系人即将获得该国国籍时出现的。
extension of acquisition of nationality to child获得国籍扩大至子女
Any mode of acquisition of nationality after birth(with or without consent)that is conditional upon or results automatically from the simultaneous acquisition of nationality by the target person's parent(s).出生后(同意或不同意)获得国籍的方式,通过目标人父母获得国籍而有条件的获得,或同时自动发生。
external border checks外部边界检查(欧盟)
See border(external EU).见边境(欧盟外部)。
external borders外部边界(欧盟)
See border(external EU).见边境(欧盟外部)。
external citizenship外部公民身份
A set of rights and duties nationals have vis--vis their country of nationality when residing outside its borders.External citizenship rights include generally a right to return,to diplomatic protection and consular services.In many States external citizens can also vote in national elections. 国民在境外居留时具有与其国籍国相关的一系列权利和义务。外部公民身份权通常包括返回权、外交保护权及领事服务权。许多国家,外部公民也可以在国家选举时投票。相关词语 external quasi-citizenship(外部准公民身份)
external flight外部航班(欧盟)
See internal flight.见内部航班。
external physical characteristics身体外在特征
External physical characteristics includes,in particular,features of the iris or any other part of the eye.身体外在特征指虹膜特征或眼睛的任何其他部位。
external quasi-citizenship外部准公民身份
A set of rights granted to non-citizens residing abroad that approximates the rights of nationals residing abroad.赋予居留在国外的非公民与居留国外的国民近似的一系列权利。相关词语 quasi-citizenship(准公民身份)
externally displaced persons国外流离失所者
Persons who have fled their country due to persecution,generalized violence,armed conflict situations or other man-made disasters.These individuals often flee en masse.Sometimes they are also referred to as “de facto refugees”.因迫害、普遍的暴力、武装冲突或其他人为灾难而逃离他们自己国家的人。这些人通常是群体性外逃,也被称作“事实上的难民”。相关词语de facto refugees(事实上的难民),displaced person(流离失所者),internally displaced persons(国内流离失所者)
The process of converting a captured biometric sample into biometric data so that it can be compared to a reference template as for biometrics.就生物特征而言,指将采集的生物特征样本转成生物特征数据,以便能够将其与参考模板进行比对的过程。
The formal surrender,generally based on treaty or other reciprocal arrangements,by one State to another of an individual accused or convicted of an offence outside its territory and within the jurisdiction of the other,for the purpose of trial and punishment.出于审判和惩罚的目的,通常是基于条约或其他互惠协议,一国将在其国境外被指控或宣判有犯罪行为、且将他国司法管辖范围的人正式移交他国。相关词语 refoulement(推回)
Sentence 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis for the institution of extradition proceedings against a foreigner.对于外国人引渡诉讼制度,第1款适用时应作适当修改。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第87(4)条)
Officers of one of the Contracting Parties who,as part of a criminal investigation,are keeping under surveillance in their country a person who is presumed to have participated in an extraditable criminal offence shall be autho-rised to continue their surveillance in the territory of another Contracting Party where the latter has authorised cross-border surveillance in response to a request for assistance made in advance.作为刑事调查的一部分,某一缔约国的官员在其领土境内对被认定参与了可引渡刑事犯罪的人员进行监视,应得到在另一缔约国境内继续监视授权,该另一缔约国要批准跨境监视以回应事先提出的协助请求。(2000年申根协议第40.1条)
For the Contracting Parties concerned this Article shall apply without prejudice to Article 27 of the Benelux Treaty concerning Extrad-ition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 27 June 1962,as amended by the Protocol of 11 May 1974.在不损害1962年6月27日签订后经1974年5月11日协议修订的《比卢荷协定》第27条,关于刑事案件引渡与相互协助内容的前提下,本条适用有关的缔约国。(2000年申根协议第41.8条)
The provisions of this Chapter are intended to supplement the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 20 April 1959 as well as,in relations between the Contracting Parties which are members of the Benelux Economic Union,Chapter II of the Benelux Treaty concerning Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 27 June 1962,as amended by the Protocol of 11 May 1974,and to facilitate the implementation of those Agreements.本章条款旨在补充1959年4月20日签订的《欧洲刑事互助公约》,和1962年6月27日签订,后经1974年5月11日议定书修订的关于刑事案件引渡与相互协助的《比卢荷协定》第II章中关于比荷卢经济联盟成员国的缔约国关系,以促进上述协定的执行。(2000年申根协议第48.1条)
(alien of )extraordinary ability杰出才能(的外国人)
Alien of extraordinary ability is an alien classification by some countries.A priority visa may be granted to an alien who is able to demonstrate “extraordinary ability in sciences,arts,education,business or athletics”,or through some other extraordinary career achievements.杰出才能的外国人是一些国家对外国人的分类。对于那些在科学、艺术、教育、商务或体育等方面具有特殊能力的外国人或其他职业取得杰出成绩的外国人优先发放签证。
The term “extraordinary ability” means,for purposes of section 101(a)(15)(O)(i),in the case of the arts,distinction.在1101(a)(15)(O)(i)条涉及艺术内容时指非凡能力。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101(46)条)
Employment visa may be given to a foreigner who:(a)has extraordinary ability in the field of science,art,education,business,or sports which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation;(b)seeks to enter the Kingdom to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability;or(c)is a skilled worker,professional,or other worker,who will substantially benefit the Kingdom.工作签证可签发给以下外国人:(a)在科学、艺术、教育、商业或体育等领域具有杰出能力的外国人,其能力在国内或国际赞誉中得到了展示,其成就得到该领域广泛的认可;(b)入境不丹王国在特殊才能领域寻求继续工作;或(c)为技术工人、专业人员或其他使王国受益的工人。(不丹2007年移民法第25条)