第一章 Part 1 题型拓展
Chapter 1 Part 1 Question Types Expanded
There's no use beating a dead horse!
●更多的关于他人(other people)的问题(先前,第一部分里更多的是一些单纯的关于你的问题).
So, let's get down to business!
对于初级问题(“Are you a student or are you working?”)直接给出答案(“I'm a student. ”)。告诉考官你的学习阶段(“I'm a high school student. ”“I'm a first-year university student. ”等),并且告诉他你上的是哪所大学【“at (name)university”】、学什么专业(如果你是中学生说出一些你所学的科目即可)。
I'm a student. I'm currently in my final year at high school. I attend(name) High School which is[1]in (place). I suppose it's quite a reputable school and we have a good curriculum with all the usual subjects such as science, math, geography, and so on.
Do you like your major?(university students)
Do you like your subjects?(high school students)
这当然没有问题,但是关于任何“Do you like____?”问题,我的建议是不要直接给出答案。例如:
固定表达A: a mixed bag—好坏参半
“mixed bag”意思是:一些事物既包含好的一面,同时又包含坏的一面。应用到有关学习方面的话题中,可以表示有你喜欢的方面,也有你不喜欢的方面。例如:
To tell the truth, my subject is kind of a mixed bag. Meaning, I like my tutor a lot and I get a kick out of doing assignments with my classmates, but Iloathe having to write so many papers and attend lectures first thing inthe morning!
或者,你可以用句习语来给出肯定回答(in the affirmative)。
固定表达B:(to take to something)like a duck to water—(对某事)如鱼得水
Absolutely! To tell the truth I took to this subject like a duck to water! I'm pretty savvy when it comes to this area of study. In fact I think it's fair to say I have a genetic predisposition for this kind of thing!
What do you like about your subject?
How do you like your subject?
Is your subject interesting?
固定表达: engrossing—引人入胜的
(Yes, it is!) I think my subject is really riveting, you know, it can be quite engrossing at times. Because…
Is it a popular subject?
Why is it popular?
Is this major useful to find a good job?
固定表达: all the rage—风靡一时的事物;时尚
“rage”通常是“生气”的意思,但“all the rage”的意思是:某事或某物在目前非常流行。其他的类似表达有“(to be)hot”“(to be)in”“(to be)the latest fad”,例如:
My subject is all the rage right now. By that I mean, many students want to choose this major because it can possibly lead to an illustrious career. There are so many opportunities for graduates with this degree.
Did you like your first day at school?
这是第一部分中使用一般过去时发问的一个例子。考官可能会把问题细化到“中学”或“大学”阶段,但绝对不会针对小学阶段发问。为了体现一些语法点,我建议使用这样的表达:“I'd never(done this) before”. ———“我以前从不(这样做)”(使用过去完成时)。
固定表达:(to be)an eye-opener—令人大开眼界的事
虽然与“broaden my horizons”意思相同,都指的是令人惊讶的、具有启迪或教育意义的事物或东西,但“(to be) an eyeopener”要比“broaden my horizons”好得多!“broaden my horizons”使用的太过频繁了!例如:
Yeah, my first day at university was a real eyeopener! I'd never been on such a large campus before!
Does your school have any recreational facilities?
gymnasium 体育馆;健身房 tennis court 网球场
sports track 跑道 auditorium 大礼堂
obstacle course 超越障碍训练场
rec.center(“rec.”=short for“recreation”)
natatorium(a big word meaning a building with a swimming pool!)
intramural(a big word meaning sports events held only at your school!)
fraternity(a club for men)
sorority(a club for women)
There areseveral recreational options at my school. We have a gymnasium,a tennis court and a sports track and so on. We even have an obstacle course which we always run and try to better our time. Sometimes we check out plays or concerts in the auditorium.
There are a host of recreational choices available in my university. Firstly, we have intramural activities such as athletics, and a natatorium which has diving boards, a steam-room and a sauna. Also,we can hang out at the rec. center, where there's a pool table and darts and so on. Of course, students can also be initiated into a fraternity or sorority to bond with their contemporaries.
What are your future plans?
What job would you like to do in the future?
显而易见,这部分是在检验你对一般将来时的运用。在此,我不建议用“will”这个词,除非与“probably”“perhaps”等词连用。如:“I probably will…”“Perhaps I will…”等。但是,如果有100%的把握可以用“going to”来表达,若不能完全确定,则须用“might”“may”或“could”(情态动词)。
固定表达: up in the air—尚未确定
Well, next year I'm going to go abroad to study. After that, it's all up in the air actually. I might try to find a job overseas or I may check out some positions locally.
Do you like your job?
What do you like about your job?(Is your job difficult?)
Is it a popular line of work in your country?
Did you like your first day of work?
Do you intend to stay at that job?(What are your future plans?)
How did you find that job?
Is it difficult to find work doing that in your country?
实际上,考官是要考你对“How can(sb.)do(sth.)?”(某人怎样做才能完成某事?)这个问句的回答。可以这样回答:
There were a few methods I used. Firstly, I checked out the situations vacant in the newspaper daily. Also, I posted my résumé on a few internet sites. Ultimately I was headhunted by a large multinational.
注意:对于“Is it difficult…?”这样的问题,应该用现在时态回答,如:
It's not so hard. Firstly, you could pound the pavement. Also, you might try…
Is it important for people to do a job they enjoy?
固定表达: paper pusher—摆弄文件的人
punch the clock—打卡
在这里,我们可以用以上两个短语来形容你不喜欢做的工作(也可用来回答在校学生未来计划的问题)。“paper pusher”指的是那些整天在办公室里处理表格和报告的人(即乏味无趣、没有意义的工作)。“punch the clock”指的是有条不紊地记录你的上下班时间,通常使用某种机器(略有几分贬义)。例如:
I believe it's very important. The last thing I'd want to be is a paper pusher…You know, working 9 to 5 in a cramped office somewhere, punching the clock everyday. That's not for me!I enjoy my job because…
如果你未被问及学习或职业的话题,那么家乡的话题(或“家,住宅”的话题)将会是你第一个要被问到的话题!除了“Tell me about your hometown”(说说你的家乡)的问题外,你还有可能会被问到以下相关问题:
Does your family(still)live there?
固定表达A: ancestral home—祖籍
Yeah, it's my ancestral home…My whole clan lives there! My grandparents, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces…It's been our home for generations!
固定表达B: close-knit family—关系融洽的家庭
I suppose we're quite a close-knit family. My parents were initially kind of against me moving away from home, but there are more opportunities for me in this city.
What is famous in your hometown?
Is there anything famous in your hometown?
What would you recommend in your hometown?
固定表达A: must-see—必看的,必看的东西
There are attractions galore[3]in my hometown!I think the(name of attraction)is a particular must-see, as it's synonymous with the culture and history of my birthplace.
There are countless must-see attractions that I'd suggest they visit. Firstly…
注意:有时考官会问:“How could your hometown be famous?”(怎样才能使你的家乡变得有名呢?),只有当你的回答是你的家乡没有什么出名的东西时,考官才会这样问你。因此,最好是像前面所述的那样说出一些出名的景点。
固定表达B: put a spotlight on—聚焦
I think our leaders need to put a spotlight on our unique attractions. If people were aware of the wealth of places to see and visit I'm sure our tourist numbers would increase.
Would you say[4]it's a good place to grow up?(or live in etc.)
unsullied 未受污染的 unspoiled 未受损坏的
uncontaminated 无污染的 pristine 原始的;原生态的
I'd have to say yes. To tell the truth my hometown hasn't changed much since I was a kid. Although the infrastructure has developed, most of the places I remember from my childhood are unsullied and pristine.
What is the history of your hometown?
固定表达A: a checkered history—历史曲折
“checkered history”我们可以用这个短语来形容某段具有起伏性的历史,即像棋盘游戏中的棋盘一样,有光鲜的一面(白格),也有灰暗的一面(黑格)。例如:
My hometown has kind of a checkered history. It was conquered by Genghis Khan in the 13th Century[5]and there were several epidemics during the last two hundred years, but in recent times the economy has developed substantially and tourism has boomed due to the wealth of historical landmarks.
My hometown isn't so well-known,but legend has it that Confucius lived there briefly around 500 B. C.
I'm from Nanyang. Legend has it that a man called Song Dingbo caught a ghost there!
How has your hometown changed?
这是先前第三部分里的一个问题。回答这个问题的诀窍就是尽量向考官展示你的比较技能!可以使用“whereas”(然而)、“on the other hand”(另一方面)等词汇;同时,使用“used to”(过去经常)尤其是“never used to”(从未,从不)来描述过去发生的事情。注意:如果是“Would you say it's a good place to grow up?”(你认为你的家乡是一个适合人们成长的好地方吗?)这个问题,你先前的回答是家乡没有变化的话,你将不会被问及此问题。
固定表达: out with the old,in with the new—旧的不去,新的不来;除旧迎新
It's changed significantly. In the past there never used to be large shopping malls, multiplexes, sports stadiums and so on. Most people used to shop at small grocery stores or go to the local cinema. But—you know what they say[6]—out with the old, in with the new!
How should your hometown change?
How could your hometown be improved?
注意:此处的问题的时态和问法!它是一个类似于“How could your hometown be famous?”(怎样才能使你的家乡变得有名?)的将来时假设问句!
固定表达:give(sth.)a new lease of life—给予新的生命力;赋予生机
breathe new life into (sth.)—给予新的生命力;赋予生机
I think the government should allocate more finances on improving the transportation infrastructure. They need to breathe new life into the old system.
What kind of transport do people use there?
此短语的意思是:耗油量极大的大型汽车(“guzzle”是“drink quickly”的俚语表达。意思是“狂饮”),通常用作贬义,暗指对环境不利!此处是使用有关生态系统的高级词汇的很好时机(当然,这些词也可用于第三部分!)。例如:
Although many people use public transportation such as the subway and trams which are eco-friendly[7],too many people drive gas-guzzler which emit exhaust fumes, leading to the greenhouse effect.
luxurious奢华的;非常舒适的 modern现代的
convenient(to public transport, shopping areas etc.)方便的;便利的(指公共交通设施、购物区等)
dank潮湿的;阴湿的shabby[8] 破旧的;破烂不堪的
Is there anything on the walls of your home?
这句话指的是在你的室内有没有什么装饰物。不要回答“no”(没有)因为这是获得大量词汇分的好机会。我建议你说: there's a lot of“photography”[9](有很多的“照片”),先得个语音发音分数。例如:
There's a lot of photography on my walls. For example, I have some framed photos of some famous celebrities. Some of them have been autographed!
tapestry 壁毯;织锦 mural壁画
Chinese calligraphy 书法
Sure, there are a great number of objects. For example, there's a large tapestry and a mural. Also, there's some Chinese calligraphy which has been handed down through generations.
Do people in your country like____?
Do children like____?
Do different people like different(things)?
跟平常一样尽量用“It depends…”(……要视情况而定)来回答!
固定表达A: different strokes for different folks—萝卜白菜,各有所爱;因人而异,各有所好
这句话的意思是:不同的人有不同的喜好(“different strokes”是20世纪80年代很流行的电视情景剧《细路仔》的片名。主要讲述的是被一个白人家庭收养的两个黑人男孩的故事!)。例如:
I think it's a case of different strokes for different folks. Some(people/children/ men/women etc.)are fond of(one thing), whereas others prefer(another).
Q:Do children like outdoor activities?
A:I think it's a case of different strokes for different folks. Some children are fond of outdoor pursuits, such as track and field sports, whereas others prefer sedentary activities like playing computer games.
固定表达B: as different as night and day—截然不同,天壤之别
大家还记得《雅思考官钟情的456个口语高分表达》中的“as different as chalk and cheese”这个短语吧!上面的这个短语与其意思相似,可互换使用。例如:
Q:Do people in your country like the same food?
A:I think some people are as different as night and day. On one hand some people prefer traditional food such as rice and noodles, whereas others are into ethnic cuisine, like tacos—which are from Mexico—and curry, which of course is famous in India.
固定表达C:(to have)a pet peeve—(有)不悦
当谈及“dislikes”(讨厌……)时此短语非常有用。你可能知道“pet”这个词,意思是:“驯养的动物”,但在此短语中它指的是:“个人最爱”。“peeve”指你讨厌的一些事情, “(to have)a pet peeve”听起来像是矛盾修辞法,事实上,它指的就是一些让你特别讨厌的事情!例如:
Some of my pet peeves are:
People who talk loudly on their cell phones in public places!
People who try to get on a bus or train before you've gotten off!
Q:Is there anything you dislike about shopping?
A:Actually my pet peeve is when I'm lined up to pay and people jump the queue!
What was your favourite____when you were a child?
Did you like to(do sth.) when you were a child?
固定表达: adolescence—青春期,青少年期
Q:What was your favourite T. V.program when you were a child?
A:Well, when I was an infant I really enjoyed Teletubbies. When I was a toddler my favourite was Sesame Street,and then—as I grew older—I Started to watch sit-coms and action shows. In my adolescence my favourites were reality shows and some local dramas.
Did you(do sth.)when you were a child?
When I was a child.
When I was in elementary school(etc.).
—When I was in Grade 3.
When I was 5 years old.
When I was younger.
固定表达A: take a trip down memory lane—顺着记忆向前回顾,回忆一下往事
Q:When did you first visit a museum?
A:Wow, let me take a trip down memory lane!It must have been[10]when I was 5 years old. I remember…
固定表达B: if memory serves…—如果我没记错的话……
此短语与“If I remember correctly…”意思相同。例如:
If memory serves, the first time I ever went to a museum was when I was in elementary school, grade…
固定表达C: a memory like an elephant—记忆力很好
That's easy!I have a memory like an elephant!It's still fresh in my mind!My first visit to a museum was when…
When was the last time you(did sth.)?
这是另外一个关于过去时态的问题。但请注意这是关于“last time”的问题。“last time”指的是“上次”,“离现在最近的一次”。
固定表达A: just the other…—只是……,仅……
谈论距今最近的过去的时候,我们通常用这样的短语来回答:“just the other day”(就在前几天)“just the other weekend”(就前几个周末)或“just the other week”(就几周前)(时间超过两周时,应用此短语的话时间就长了点!)。例如:
Q:When was the last time you went shopping?
A:Oh, I went shopping just the other day! There was a sale on at the mall so I picked up a bunch of bargains at rock bottom price!
固定表达B: a month of Sundays—很久,很长时间
It's hard to remember!To tell the truth, I haven't been shopping in a month of Sundays because I've been too busy with my studies!
Have you ever(done sth.)?
How many times have you(done sth.)?
这个句型跟先前的两个句型相似。但要注意使用正确的时态(现在完成时):“Yes, I have. [11]”(是的,我曾经……)“No, I haven't.”(不,我从未……)。
固定表达: a pipedream—白日梦,黄粱美梦
Q:Have you ever travelled in a plane?
A:No, Ihaven't. To be honest,it's kind of a pipedream. Ihaven't even been outside my hometown yet!
第一部分中有很多关于过去时态的问题,同样也有很多关于将来时态的问题。仔细听并确定是真正意义上的“将来”(will)还是表示推测的“假定未来”(would, could, may等,请参阅下个问题类型)。在此我将列出一个真正意义上的将来时的问题:
In the future, do you think you will be(doing this)more or less?
固定表达A:(only)time will tell—(只有)时间能告诉我们答案;时间证明一切
Hmm,(only) time will tell. It's a little hard to say I will or won't(do that/be doing that)at this point in time. I suppose I'll have to wait and see…
固定表达B:in store—储备着;准备着
你可能知道“store”这个词,意思是“商店”。但“in store”这个习语的意思是“准备着”“将来要……”。使用方法如下:
Who knows what(I/we) have in store! I suppose(I'll/we'll) have to wait and see…
Would you prefer“A”or“B”?
固定表达A: the best of both worlds—两者都好;两全其美
Q:Would you prefer to work from home or in an office?
A:Ideally, I'd like the best of both worlds. Meaning, on certain days I could stay home and get things done by telecommuting. On other days I would go into the office to get some practical work done.
固定表达B: it’s as broad as it’s long—没有区别,两者一样
Q: Would you prefer to travel abroad or in your own country?
A:Actually, it makes little difference to me…It's as broad as it's long!Either option would be fine if it meant some time off work!
固定表达C: the soft option—轻松的选择;较为方便的出路
Q:Would you prefer to travel alone or with a group?
A:You know, even though I like travelling solo, I'd probably choose the soft option and travel with a group. In a group everything is taken care of for you, and you don't have to worry so much about getting lost, or being hoodwinked!
固定表达D:(to be)in two minds(about something)—犹豫不定,拿不定主意;三心二意
Q:Would you prefer the same climate year-round or different seasons?
A:Wow, I'm in two minds about that!On one hand if the weather was temperate all year I wouldn't catch colds or feel under the weather so much. That said, I quite enjoy all the paraphernalia that comes with changing seasons!
注意:选择性问题也可这样提问“Do you prefer…?”(你更喜欢……?)。此问题,并不是假设性问题。如果那样问的话,简单地回答:“I prefer(one choice), because…”【我更喜欢(某个选择)因为……】或“That's a hard choice.”(这是个很难的选择。)。例如:只有在假设性问题里才能使用情态动词(would, could, may, might)!
What are the differences between“A”and“B”?
固定表达: like two peas in a pod—就像一个豆荚里的豆子;一模一样;十分相似
Q:What are the differences between the type of magazines men and women read?
A:Although I suppose most women like fashion magazines and men prefer reading about sports, I think they're probably like two peas in a pod when it comes to enjoying magazines about celebrities and current affairs.
What(do you think) are the benefits of____?
固定表达:(something is) not to be sneezed at—(某事或某物)是不该被轻视的
这是一个很特殊的表达。“not to be sneezed at”意思是:我们不应该低估或轻视某事或某物。例如:
Q:What are the benefits of playing sport?
A:Well, I think the benefits aren't to be sneezed at!There are so many merits it's hard to do justice to all of them!Firstly…
[4]“Would you say…?”与“Do you think…?”意思相同,都是“你认为……?”。
[6]“you know what they say”意思是:俗话说……引用谚语时多使用此短语。
[10]“It must have been…”(“一定是……”)是一个很好的语法得分点!
[11]“Yes,I have”,有些同学会错误地表达为“Yes,I have ever.”注意不要犯这种错误!