第2章 Dedication
This book is dedicated to three little boys who are growing into GREAT MEN. Each of them have moved me far away from my comfort zone in areas of stigma, fear, and shame. As I continuously watch them STAND UP to Stigma every day within their young lives, I am becoming a better human being.
I Love You Dearly!
Desmond Maurice Dease
(13 years old)
Richard Milton Smith, Jr.
(27 years old)
Darius James Dease
(41 years old)
I wish to thank Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems for her "Just a Sister Way" love and support, which always flows freely and tells you just how it is-straight up; and to Dr. Marsha A. Martin for her friendship and lifelong commitment and dedication to end the AIDS pandemic on planet Earth. I have been truly blessed by many great individuals over the years, who answered the call to give their time and energy to The Balm In Gilead Inc. Each of them, past and present, in their own unique way, have been the wind beneath my wings and a healing balm of courage and strength.
God Is.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be filled.
The Gospel of Matthew 5:6