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Chapter 2 Identifying Information&Identifying Writer’s Views/CIaims 判断题
判断题的出题形式是一个陈述句,考生需要通过阅读文章信息来判断题目的表述与原文是否一致。判断题一共给出了三个选项:YES(或TRUE),NO(或FALSE),NOT GIVEN,考生需要根据要求填写答题卡。该题型考查考生定位以及逻辑分析能力。有的考生之前接触是只有对错两个选项的是非判断题,现在多了NOT GIVEN“未提及”这个选项,所以加大了判断题的难度。
●判断题的选项有两种形式,即YES/NO/NOT GIVEN和TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN,考生填写答题卡的时候注意按要求填写。
●每一组判断题的数量在3至9题,YES(TRUE)和NO(FALSE)均会出现,NOT GIVEN一般在1至2个。
判断题是一个大家读懂了文章和题目却还是容易选错的题型,其原因之一是因为出现了以前做判断题时没有遇到过的NOT GIVEN选项,所以一部分考生在做题的时候没有选NOT GIVEN的意识,常常运用“非对即错”的惯性思维;另一个原因则是很多考生不太能够区别NO(FALSE)和NOT GIVEN的界限,常常将这两个选项混淆。因此,考生需要了解和掌握判断题常考的几种逻辑关系以及出题的思路,并且要有意识地调整之前养成的惯性思维,不能“想当然”地做题。
2.绝对考点:在判断题题干中,经常出现almost, only, never等表示绝对意义的副词。
①题目与原文的意思相反:通常是反义词,否定词no never not+同义词,或者是反义结构。
②题目与原文得出结论的条件不一致。原文中是几个条件得出一个结论,条件以并列的方式出现,常用both……and……,and, or或者also等,题目却出现must或者only,表示只有这个条件就可以得到结论。
剑12 Test 8 PASSAGE 3
UK companies need more effective boards of directors
A After a number of serious failures of governance(that is, how they are managed at the highest level),companies in Britain, as well as elsewhere, should consider radical changes to their directors'roles. It is clear that the role of a board director today is not an easy one.Following the 2008 financial meltdown, which resulted in a deeper and more prolonged period of economic downturn than anyone expected, the search for explanations in the many post-mortems of the crisis has meant blame has been spread far and wide.Governments, regulators, central banks and auditors have all been in the frame.The role of bank directors and management and their widely publicised failures have been extensively picked over and examined in reports, inquiries and commentaries.
B The knock-on effect of this scrutiny has been to make the governance of companies in general an issue of intense public debate and has significantly increased the pressures on, and the responsibilities of, directors. At the simplest and most practical level, the time involved in fulfilling the demands of a board directorship has increased significantly, calling into question the effectiveness of the classic model of corporate governance by part-time, independent non-executive directors.Where once a board schedule may have consisted of between eight and ten meetings a year, in many companies the number of events requiring board input and decisions has dramatically raised.Furthermore, the amount of reading and preparation required for each meeting is increasing.Agendas can become overloaded and this can mean the time for constructive debate must necessarily be restricted in favour of getting through the business.
C Often, board business is devolved to committees in order to cope with the workload, which may be more efficient but can mean that the board as a whole is less involved in fully addressing some of the most important issues. It is not uncommon for the audit committee meeting to last longer than the main board meeting itself.Process may take the place of discussion and be at the expense of real collaboration, so that boxes are ticked rather than issues tackled.
D A radical solution, which may work for some very large companies whose businesses are extensive and complex, is the professional board, whose members would work up to three or four days a week, supported by their own dedicated staff and advisers. There are obvious risks to this and it would be important to establish clear guidelines for such a board to ensure that it did not step on the toes of management by becoming too engaged in the day-to-day running of the company.Problems of recruitment, remuneration and independence could also arise and this structure would not be appropriate for all companies.However, more professional and better-informed boards would have been particularly appropriate for banks where the executives had access to information that part-time non-executive directors lacked, leaving the latter unable to comprehend or anticipate the 2008 crash.
E One of the main criticisms of boards and their directors is that they do not focus sufficiently on longer-term matters of strategy, sustainability and governance, but instead concentrate too much on short-term financial metrics. Regulatory requirements and the structure of the market encourage this behaviour.The tyranny of quarterly reporting can distort board decision-making, as directors have to make the numbers'every four months to meet the insatiable appetite of the market for more data.This serves to encourage the trading methodology of a certain kind of investor who moves in and out of a stock without engaging in constructive dialogue with the company about strategy or performance, and is simply seeking a short-term financial gain.This effect has been made worse by the changing profile of investors due to the globalisation of capital and the increasing use of automated trading systems.Corporate culture adapts and management teams are largely incentivised to meet financial goals.
F Compensation for chief executives has become a combat zone where pitched battles between investors, management and board members are fought, often behind closed doors but increasingly frequently in the full glare of press attention. Many would argue that this is in the interest of transparency and good governance as shareholders use their muscle in the area of pay to pressure boards to remove underperforming chief executives.Their powers to vote down executive remuneration policies increased when binding votes came into force.The chair of the remuneration committee can be an exposed and lonely role, as Alison Carnwath, chair of Barclays Bank's remuneration committee, found when she had to resign, having been roundly criticised for trying to defend the enormous bonus to be paid to the chief executive;the irony being that she was widely understood to have spoken out against it in the privacy of the committee.
G The financial crisis stimulated a debate about the role and purpose of the company and a heightened awareness of corporate ethics. Trust in the corporation has been eroded and academics such as Michael Sandel, in his thoughtful and bestselling book What Money Can't Buy, are questioning the morality of capitalism and the market economy.Boards of companies in all sectors will need to widen their perspective to encompass these issues and this may involve a realignment of corporate goals.We live in challenging times.
Questions 34-37
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 34-37 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
34 Close scrutiny of the behaviour of boards has increased since the economic downturn.
35 Banks have been mismanaged to a greater extent than other businesses.
36 Board meetings normally continue for as long as necessary to debate matters in full.
37 Using a committee structure would ensure that board members are fully informed about significant issues.
34.CIose scrutiny of the behaviour of boards has increased since the economic downturn.
答案 YES
解析 定位词:close scrutiny, economic downturn。本题难度比较高,首先是定位词分散出现,间隔远,所以阅读的内容偏多。从A段第二句到B段首句:Following the 2008 financial meltdown, which resulted in a deeper and more prolonged period of economic downturn than anyone expected,……The knock-on effect of this scrutiny has been……has significantly increased the pressures on, and the responsibilities of, directors.考生也可以先读B段首句,因为出现代词this scrutiny,再到前文去寻找指代的具体内容。
35.Banks have been mismanaged to a greater extent than other businesses.
解析 定位词:banks。本题定位词比较容易找到,A段倒数第二句就出现了banks,但是文中并没有提及“银行的错误管理程度的高低”。不确定的考生可以再根据后面的题目来确认本题的答案定位是否准确。
36.Board meetings normaIIy continue for as Iong as necessary to debate matters in fuII.
答案 NO
解析 定位词:board meetings, debate matters。C段第一、二句:Often, board business is devolved to committees in order to cope with the workload, which may be more efficient but can mean that the board as a whole is less involved in fully addressing some of the most important issues.It is not uncommon for the audit committee meeting to last longer than the main board meeting itself.文中说董事会会议往往还不如行使执行功能的委员会开会时间长,和题目明显是矛盾的,故答案为NO。本题定位和理解都比前两道题简单,因此也建议考生在考试中碰到难题不要卡住不动,浪费太多时间,而要往后进行。
37.Using a committee structure wouId ensure that board members are fuIIy in-formed about significant issues.
答案 NO
解析 定位词:committee structure, significant issues。本题难度也不小,C段出现了committee一词,但也没有说明committee structure,这是需要考生读到D段就会发现,董事会成员如果是兼职或非执行性质的,那么他们就会缺乏信息来理解和预见事态。由此可见,启用委员会结构也无法确保成员充分了解重大事件。此题需要注意的是,判断题中如果出现ensure, make sure, guarantee“确保,保证”这类绝对的用词,答案一般是不正确的。
剑11 Test 2 PASSAGE 3
An emerging discipline called neuroaesthetics is seeking to bring scientific objectivity to the study of art, and has already given us a better understanding of many masterpieces. The blurred imagery of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala, for instance.Since the amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings, that finding might explain why many people find these pieces so moving.
Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrian's geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollock's seemingly haphazard arrangements of splashed paint on canvas?Sceptics believe that people claim to like such works simply because they are famous. We certainly do have an inclination to follow the crowd.When asked to make simple perceptual decisions such as matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see others doing the same.It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.
Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusetts, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings-either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephants. They then had to judge which they preferred.A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimp's messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece.In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child.It seems that the viewer can sense the artist's vision in paintings, even if they can't explain why.
Robert Pepperell, an artist based at Cardiff University, creates ambiguous works that are neither entirely abstract nor clearly representational. In one study, Pepperell and his collaborators asked volunteers to decide how‘powerful'they considered an artwork to be, and whether they saw anything familiar in the piece.The longer they took to answer these questions, the more highly they rated the piece under scrutiny, and the greater their neural activity.It would seem that the brain sees these images as puzzles, and the harder it is to decipher the meaning, the more rewarding is the moment of recognition.
And what about artists such as Mondrian, whose paintings consist exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines encasing blocks of colour?Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it. With the originals, volunteers'eyes tended to stay longer on certain places in the image, but with the altered versions they would flit across a piece more rapidly.As a result, the volunteers considered the altered versions less pleasurable when they later rated the work.
In a similar study, Oshin Vartanian of Toronto University asked volunteers to compare original paintings with ones which he had altered by moving objects around within the frame. He found that almost everyone preferred the original, whether it was a Van Gogh still life or an abstract by Miró.Vartanian also found that changing the composition of the paintings reduced activation in those brain areas linked with meaning and interpretation.
In another experiment, Alex Forsythe of the University of Liverpool analysed the visual intricacy of different pieces of art, and her results suggest that many artists use a key level of detail to please the brain. Too little and the work is boring, but too much results in a kind of‘perceptual overload',according to Forsythe.What's more, appealing pieces both abstract and representational, show signs of‘fractals'-repeated motifs recurring in different scales.Fractals are common throughout nature, for example in the shapes of mountain peaks or the branches of trees.It is possible that our visual system, which evolved in the great outdoors, finds it easier to process such patterns.
It is also intriguing that the brain appears to process movement when we see a handwritten letter, as if we are replaying the writer's moment of creation. This has led some to wonder whether Pollock's works feel so dynamic because the brain reconstructs the energetic actions the artist used as he painted.This may be down to our brain's‘mirror neurons',which are known to mimic others'actions.The hypothesis will need to be thoroughly tested, however.It might even be the case that we could use neuroaesthetic studies to understand the longevity of some pieces of artwork.While the fashions of the time might shape what is currently popular, works that are best adapted to our visual system may be the most likely to linger once the trends of previous generations have been forgotten.
It's still early days for the field of neuroaesthetics-and these studies are probably only a taste of what is to come. It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation to a set of scientific laws.We shouldn't underestimate the importance of the style of a particular artist, their place in history and the artistic environment of their time.Abstract art offers both a challenge and the freedom to play with different interpretations.In some ways, it's not so different to science, where we are constantly looking for systems and decoding meaning so that we can view and appreciate the world in a new way.
Questions 34-39
Do the foIIowing statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 34-39 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
34 Forsythe's findings contradicted previous beliefs on the function of‘fractals'in art.
35 Certain ideas regarding the link between‘mirror neurons'and art appreciation require further verification.
36 People's taste in paintings depends entirely on the current artistic trends of the period.
37 Scientists should seek to define the precise rules which govern people's reactions to works of art.
38 Art appreciation should always involve taking into consideration the cultural context in which an artist worked.
39 It is easier to find meaning in the field of science than in that of art.
34.Forsythe's findings contradicted previous beIiefs on the function of‘fractaIs'in art.
解析 题目中的定位词为‘fractals’,考点是contradicted previous beliefs on the function of‘fractals’in art.文中对应第七段:What’s more, appealing pieces both abstract and representational, show signs of‘fractals’-repeated motifs recurring in different scales.Fractals are common throughout nature, for example in the shapes of mountain peaks or the branches of trees.It is possible that our visual system, which evolved in the great outdoors, finds it easier to process such patterns.原文关于fractal的表述中,只介绍了fractal是什么,并且举例。对于之前关于fractal在艺术上的作用并未提及。所以并不能判断Forsythe的发现是否与之前的观点存在矛盾,答案为NOT GIVEN。
35.Certain ideas regarding the Iink between‘mirror neurons'and art appreciation require further verification.
答案 YES
解析 题目中的定位词为‘mirror neurons’,考点是require further verification.文中对应第八段:This may be down to our brain’s‘mirror neurons’,which are known to mimic others’actions.The hypothesis will need to be thoroughly tested, however.It might even be the case that we could use neuroaesthetic studies to understand the longevity of some pieces of artwork.原文中提及the hypothesis will need to be thoroughly tested,说明这个理论还需要进一步的验证,与题目表述相一致,答案为YES。
36.PeopIe's taste in paintings depends entireIy on the current artistic trends of the period.
答案 NO
解析 题目中的定位词是artistic trends of the period,考点是depends entirely on.文中对应第八段最后一句:While the fashions of the time might shape what is currently popular, works that are best adapted to our visual system may be the most likely to linger once the trends of previous generations have been forgotten.定位词artistic trends of the period在原文中同义转换成fashions of the time。本句话中提到一些作品在流行趋势结束之后仍然受人喜欢,这些作品往往是最适合我们的视觉感受(best adapted to our visual system),所以题目中完全依赖于当前艺术趋势的说法是错误的,答案为NO。
37.Scientists shouId seek to define the precise ruIes which govern peopIe's reac-tions to works of art.
答案 NO
解析 题目中的定位词scientists,考点是should seek to define the precise rules,文中对应第九段:It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation to a set of scientific laws.作者认为将美学鉴赏简化为一系列的科学法则是很愚蠢的(foolish),所以答案为NO。
38.Art appreciation shouId aIways invoIve taking into consideration the cuIturaI context in which an artist worked.
答案 YES
解析 题目中定位词为cultural context,考点是should always involve taking into consideration.原文对应第九段:We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of the style of a particular artist, their place in history and the artistic environment of their time.定位词cultural context改成了the artistic environment of their time。原文意思是我们不应该低估他们当时的艺术环境,和题干中我们应该时刻考虑文化背景相一致,所以答案为YES。
39.It is easier to find meaning in the fieId of science than in that of art.
解析 题目中定位词science,考点为easier to find meaning.对应原文最后一句话:In some ways, it’s not so different to science, where we are constantly looking for systems and decoding meaning so that we can view and appreciate the world in a new way.文中提到艺术和科学并不是那么的不同(not so different),科学方面我们一直在寻找秩序、规则以及解读后的含义,使我们能够用一种全新的方式来观察和欣赏这个世界。但是文中并未对两者谁更容易找到意义(find meaning)进行对比,所以答案为NOT GIVEN。
剑10 Test 1 PASSAGE 2
What have been the trends and what are the prospects for European transport systems?
A It is difficult to conceive of vigorous economic growth without an efficient transport system. Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase.There are two key factors behind this trend.For passenger transport, the determining factor is the spectacular growth in car use.The number of cars on European Union(EU)roads saw an increase of three million cars each year from 1990 to 2010,and in the next decade the EU will see a further substantial increase in its fleet.
B As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production. In the last 20 years, as internal frontiers have been abolished, the EU has moved from a‘stock'economy to a‘flow'economy.This phenomenon has been emphasised by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away from the final assembly plant or away from users.
C The strong economic growth expected in countries which are candidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, in particular road haulage traffic. In 1998,some of these countries already exported more than twice their 1990 volumes and imported more than five times their 1990 volumes.And although many candidate countries inherited a transport system which encourages rail, the distribution between modes has tipped sharply in favour of road transport since the 1990s.Between 1990 and 1998,road haulage increased by 19.4%,while during the same period rail haulage decreased by 43.5%,although-and this could benefit the enlarged EU-it is still on average at a much higher level than in existing member states.
D However, a new imperative-sustainable development-offers an opportunity for adapting the EU's common transport policy. This objective, agreed by the Gothenburg European Council, has to be achieved by integrating environmental considerations into Community policies, and shifting the balance between modes of transport lies at the heart of its strategy.The ambitious objective can only be fully achieved by 2020,but proposed measures are nonetheless a first essential step towards a sustainable transport system which will ideally be in place in 30 years'time, that is by 2040.
E In 1998,energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28%of emissions of CO2,the leading greenhouse gas. According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50%to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020,compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990.Once again, road transport is the main culprit since it alone accounts for 84%of the CO2emissions attributable to transport.Using alternative fuels and improving energy efficiency is thus both an ecological necessity and a technological challenge.
F At the same time greater efforts must be made to achieve a modal shift. Such a change cannot be achieved overnight, all the less so after over half a century of constant deterioration in favour of road.This has reached such a pitch that today rail freight services are facing marginalization, with just 8%of market share, and with international goods trains struggling along at an average speed of 18km/h.Three possible options have emerged.
G The first approach would consist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing. This option would not be accompanied by complementary measures in the other modes of transport.In the short term it might curb the growth in road transport through the better loading ratio of goods vehicles and occupancy rates of passenger vehicles expected as a result of the increase in the price of transport.However, the lack of measures available to revitalise other modes of transport would make it impossible for more sustainable modes of transport to take up the baton.
H The second approach also concentrates on road transport pricing but is accompanied by measures to increase the efficiency of the other modes(better quality of services, logistics, technology). However, this approach does not include investment in new infrastructure, nor does it guarantee better regional cohesion.It could help to achieve greater uncoupling than the first approach, but road transport would keep the lion's share of the market and continue to concentrate on saturated arteries, despite being the most polluting of the modes.It is therefore not enough to guarantee the necessary shift of the balance.
I The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalising alternative modes of transport and targeting investment in the trans-European network. This integrated approach would allow the market shares of the other modes to return to their 1998 levels and thus make a shift of balance.It is far more ambitious than it looks, bearing in mind the historical imbalance in favour of roads for the last fifty years, but would achieve a marked break in the link between road transport growth and economic growth, without placing restrictions on the mobility of people and goods.
Questions 22-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
22 The need for transport is growing, despite technological developments.
23 To reduce production costs, some industries have been moved closer to their relevant consumers.
24 Cars are prohibitively expensive in some EU candidate countries.
25 The Gothenburg European Council was set up 30 years ago.
26 By the end of this decade, CO2emissions from transport are predicted to reach 739 billion tonnes.
22.The need for transport is growing, despite technoIogicaI deveIopments.
解析 题目中的定位词为need for transport, technological developments,考点是growing。文中对应A段:Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase.定位词need for transport改成了the requirement for transport, technological developments改成了modern information technologies,原文中continues to increase正是考点词growing的同义替换,所以答案为YES。
23.To reduce production costs, some industries have been moved cIoser to their reIevant consumers.
解析 题目中的定位词为to reduce production costs, some industries, consumers。考点是move closer.文中对应B段:This phenomenon has been emphasised by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away from the final assembly plant or away from users.原文的意思是为了降低成本,这些行业将工厂设在距离总装配厂或者用户几百甚至几千公里的地方,与考点move closer相反,所以答案为FALSE。
24.Cars are prohibitiveIy expensive in some EU candidate countries.
解析 题目中的定位词是EU candidate countries,考点是prohibitively expensive。本题的定位词出现在C段第一句,且下一题定位词Gothenburg European Council出现在D段,所以可以确定Q24的位置应该位于C段,但本段并未提及汽车的价格,所以答案为NOT GIVEN。
25.The Gothenburg European CounciI was set up 30 years ago.
解析 题目中的定位词是Gothenburg European Council,考点是set up 30 years ago。文中对应D段:This objective, agreed by the Gothenburg European Council, has to be achieved by integrating environmental considerations into Community policies, and shifting the balance between modes of transport lies at the heart of its strategy.The ambitious objective can only be fully achieved by 2020,but proposed measures are nonetheless a first essential step towards a sustainable transport system which will ideally be in place in 30 years’time, that is by 2040.本段话中虽然提到了Gothenburg European Council和30years,但两者之间并没有关系,文章中并没有提及具体的建立时间,所以答案为NOT GIVEN。
26.By the end of this decade, CO2emissions from transport are predicted to reach 739 biIIion tonnes.
解析 题目中定位词CO2emissions,考点为739 billion tonnes。对应原文E段:In 1998,energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28%of emissions of CO2,the leading greenhouse gas.According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50%to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020,compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990.文中的意思是预测到2020年增长到1,113billion tonnes,而不是题目中的739 billion tonnes。所以答案为FALSE。