Exercise 22
Exercise 22-1
1. 强烈的愿望;志向n.
2. 相当大(或多)的a.
3. 笨拙的;不得体的a.
4. 闪烁;流露vi. 闪光n.
5. 塑料(制)的a.
6. 强烈地吸引,使着迷v.
7. 监督,管理vt.
8. 评价,估价vt.
9. 好奇,好奇心n.
10. 居住的,住宅的a.
11. 唯一的;独有的a.
12. 十年,十年期n.
13. 民意调查n. 审查v.
14. 试穿n. 适合的a.
15. 基本的;未充分发展的a.
16. 求爱期,追求期n.
17. 仪规;礼节n. 仪式上的a.
1. 初步审讯a ____________ trial
2. 有能力做某事have the ____________ to do sth.
3. 监督建筑工程____________ building work
4. 军事援助military ____________
5. 持有权力in ____________
6. 外界压力____________ pressure
7. 单独的卧室____________ bedrooms
8. 智力mental/intellectual ____________
residential curiosity supervise ritual rudimentary sole
1. Mary __________ the work of the department. 玛丽监督该部门的工作。
2. The relentless ___________ of scientific researchers brought the forces of nature to light. 科研人员无尽的好奇心是自然力量发现的源泉。
3. Smith House is one of the oldest ___________ of the university. 史密斯学院是这所大学最古老的寄宿学院之一。
4. His __________________ was to make her happy. 他唯一的动机就是让她高兴。
5. New staffs were given only __________________ at the beginning of their work. 新员工在工作之初只接受了最基本的训练。
6. It is interesting to observe, for instance, some decline in the emphasis given to __________________. 我们发现很有意思的情况,例如,人们对结婚典礼的热衷程度在减弱。
Exercise 22-2
1. 有立体视觉的;有立体效果的a.
2. 界面,接口n.
3. 开端的,预备的a.
4. 混浊的;紊乱的a.
5. (剧团等)常备剧目n.
6. 单调的,无聊的a.
7. 推测;投机买卖n.
8. 与…相似,像vt.
9. 景观;远景n.
10. 表演;演奏n.
11. 隐喻的a.
12. 口译;解释v.
13. 周长,周边n.
14. 猝然一动;猛推v./n.
15. 视觉的,用于视觉的a.
16. 博士的a.
17. 扭曲;变形vt.
1. 住宅地 residential a. Party
2. 抽样调查 sample b. collapse
3. 视觉灵敏度 visual c. survey
4. 民主党 Democratic d. affairs
5. 精神崩溃 mental e. property
6. 外交事务 external f. acuity
reliable expose interface perspective distort plastic
1. The new version of the program has a much better __________________ than the original. 新版程序比旧版的用户界面要好得多。
2. We were encouraged to see the issue from __________________ of view. 我们受到鼓励从不同的视角来看待事物。
3. Many people are concerned that an excessive emphasis on humanity’s genetic constitution may __________________. 许多人担心过分强调人类基因构成可能会扭曲我们的价值观。
4. He has been widely __________________ on television to the public. 他经常在电视上向公众露面。
5. The growers put __________________ around the bunches to protect bananas. 种植者用塑料袋把香蕉束罩起来予以保护。
6. Three speed cycles are __________________ to ride around the town. 在城里还是骑三挡变速自行车简便可靠。
Exercise 22-3
1. 使暴露,揭露vt.
2. 海绵n. 用海绵擦v.
3. 试演;试听n.
4. 可靠的,可信赖的a.
5. 抽象n.
6. 山峰n. 登上;骑上v.
7. 宣布;声称v.
8. 大字标题n.
9. 害怕,恐怖n.
10. 坍塌;崩溃v./n.
11. 协助,援助n.
12. 区别;歧视v.
13. 破坏(性)的a.
14. 权力;权威n.
15. 温和的;轻微的a.
16. 容量,容积n.
1. 被…迷住be ____________ by...
2. 乏味的食物a ____________ diet
3. 使自己暴露于(危险或不快) ____________ oneself (to sth.)
4. 笑得合不拢嘴____________ from ear to ear
5. (尺寸和数量上)增加,上升____________ up
6. 一个奇异的故事a ____________ story
7. 安装饮水机____________ drinking machine
8. 从不同的角度from a different ____________
discriminate assistance collapse announce capacity horror
1. In 1989, a team of American and Canadian archaeologists __________ that they had found the site of an ancient city. 1989年,一个由美国和加拿大的考古学家组成的考古小组宣布,他们发现了一处古城遗址。
2. He was filled with __________ at the sight of the dog. 他看见狗就害怕。
3. The whole market __________, as a matter of fact, and coffee became cheaper than it had been for the previous 25 years. 事实上,市场全盘崩溃,咖啡的售价跌到25年来的最低。
4. Farmers are to receive __________________ to help see them through the worst drought in over 50 years. 农民们将得到经济援助,以度过这场50多年来最严重的旱灾。
5. We must learn to __________. 我们必须学会明辨是非。
6. Without genetic variability a species __________________ to evolve and cannot adapt to changes in its environment. 如果没有遗传的多样性,物种就会缺乏进化的能力,也就不能适应其环境的变化。
Exercise 22-4
1. 纬度n.
2. 马戏团;环形广场n.
3. 彗星n.
4. 咧嘴笑n./v.
5. 民主的,民主政治的a.
6. 安置;安装vt.
7. 才能;学院,系n.
8. 黄瓜n.
9. 机构;慈善机构n.
10. 可能性;概率 n.
11. 奇形怪状的;怪诞的a.
12. 重力n.
13. 盖在…上面vt. 帽子n.
14. 外面的,外部的a.
15. 荒谬的,荒唐的a.
16. (使)分离,(使)分开v.
17. 趋势;倾斜n.
1. 民主改革 democratic a. survey
2. 住宅小区 residential b. remarks
3. 单亲 sole c. quarters
4. 土地测量 land d. fatigue
5. 开场白 preliminary e. reform
6. 视觉疲劳 visual f. parent
institution democratic install external absurd evaluate
1. We __________________ on the basis of test results. 我们在考试成绩的基础上对学生的技能进行评估。
2. The school held a __________________ for students’council officers. 学校进行了一次民主选举来挑选学生会成员。
3. In the noisiest areas, mechanical ventilation will have to be __________________ in the exterior walls. 在最喧闹的地区,(房屋)外墙上必须安装机械通风装置。
4. Such a record will allow you to present your linguistic credentials to __________________. 这份记录将允许你将自己的语言证书呈递给学术机构。
5. The evidence we have suggests that domestic trade was greater than __________________ at all periods. 我们掌握的证据表明,无论在哪个时期,国内贸易都要比对外贸易发达。
6. Wearing a swimming suit during a snowstorm is __________________. 下雪天穿泳装可真荒唐。