Day 01-Day 10
Day 01

Every noble work is at first impossible.
[ˈsʌbsədi] n. 补助;津贴
例 The Chinese government is making great efforts to increase subsidies for utilities and transportation. 中国政府正努力增加对公共事业和交通运输的补贴。
商 export subsidy 出口补贴/agricultural subsidy 农业补贴/housing subsidy 住房补贴
[ˈtrævl] n./v. 旅行
商 travel agency 旅行社/travel expense 差旅开支/travel allowance 差旅津贴;交通补贴
[ˈkɒntrɑːst] n. 对比,差别
[kənˈtrɑːst] v. (使)对比,(使)对照
记 词根记忆:contra(对立)+st(站)→站(在)对立面→对比,对照
搭 by contrast 相比之下/in contrast with 与…对比,与…相反/contrast A with B 将A和B比较
派 contrasting adj. 形成鲜明对比的 (例:contrasting colour 对比色)
In contrast with state-owned enterprises, private enterprises are usually more active and bear more pressure as well.
[ˈaɪtəm] n. 条,条款;项目;(新闻等的)一条,一则;商品,产品
例 All the items and their quantities are listed on the declaration form. 所有货物及其数量都被列在报关单上。
搭 collector's item 珍藏品
派 itemise vt. 列出清单
[ˈlɪtɪɡeɪt] vi. 提出诉讼;打官司 vt. 就…争论
例 We have to reserve our right to litigate for the patent dispute. 我们必须保留对于专利纠纷的诉讼权利。
派 litigator n. 诉讼律师
[rɪˈtaɪə(r)] vi. 退休 vt. 收回;偿还
记 联想记忆:re(回)+tire(疲倦)→累了,回家休息→退休
例 Short of retirement pension, the government stipulates that men should retire at 65 and women at 60. 由于退休金短缺,政府规定男性的退休年龄为65岁,女性为60岁。
商 retired bill 已赎回的票据
派 retirement n. 退休 (例:retirement pension 退休金/be in retirement 已退休)/retiree n. 退休者;退役者
[ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn] n./v. 机器故障;失灵
记 联想记忆:mal(坏的)+function(功能)→功能坏的→机器故障
例 Macro-control is the effective complement to market flaw and market malfunction. 宏观调控是对市场缺陷和市场失灵的有效补充。
[ˈtreʒərə(r)] n. 会计;司库;财务主管
记 联想记忆:treasur(e)(财产)+er(表人)→管理财产的人→会计;司库;财务主管
[ˌæspəˈreɪʃn] n. 渴望;抱负;呼气
记 联想记忆:aspir(e)(渴望)+ation(名词后缀)→渴望
例 Economic security is as important as economic aspiration. 经济安全同经济抱负一样重要。
商 aspiration of revitalising national economy 振兴民族经济的抱负
搭 aspiration for sth./to do sth. 做…的渴望
[prɪˈskrɪptɪv] adj. 说明性的;规定的,指定的
例 All the work should be finished at the prescriptive time, otherwise you will be fired. 所有工作必须在规定时间内完成,否则你将被开除。
搭 prescriptive power 相沿成习的权力/prescriptive methods of teaching 灌输式教学法
[reɪz] n. 加薪 vt. 增加,提高;筹集(款项);提出;解禁
例 They failed to raise the extra 13 million dollars. 他们没能筹集到额外的1300万美元。
商 raise price/interest rate 提高价格/利率/raise in salary 加薪
搭 raise doubt/suspicion 引起怀疑/猜疑/raise a blockade/a ban/an embargo 解除封锁/禁令/禁运
派 raising n. 增加,提高 (例:consciousness raising 觉悟的提高)/raised adj. 抬高的
voice mail
例 If I am not available when you are calling, you can leave a voice mail for me. 如果你打电话时我不在,可以给我发个语音邮件。
[ˌfedəˈreɪʃn] n. 联合会;联盟
记 联想记忆:federat(e)(使结盟)+ion→联盟
商 Consumer Federation of America 美国消费者协会/International Federation of Agricultural Producers 国际农业生产联盟
[skɪp] n. 跳跃 vt. 跳过;不参加(会议等);跳读 vi. 跳跃;跳绳;跳读
例 Time is running out, so we will directly skip to the last item on the agenda. 时间所剩不多,因此我们直接跳到议程上的最后一项。
搭 skip from one topic to another 从一个话题跳到另一个话题
[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] n. 住宿;住处;供应;贷款;融通票据(或汇票);提供便利的设备(或用具);适应,调节;和解
记 联想记忆:accommodat(e)(安排住宿)+ion(名词后缀)→住宿;住处
搭 reach accommodation with 与…达成和解/temporary accommodation 临时住处
Please don't worry! All the relevant issues about accommodation and dining will be arranged by the host of the conference.
[ˈfræntʃaɪz] n. 特许经销权 vt. 给…以特权
记 联想记忆:fran(看作France,法国)+chise(看作Chinese,中国人)→中国人获得了该商品在法国的特许经销权→特许经销权
例 Most companies may worry that their franchise holders lack business sense. 大多数公司可能会担心拥有他们特许经销权的人缺乏商业意识。
商 apply for/win a franchise 申请/赢得特许经销权/franchise sth. to sb. 将某种特许权授予某人/franchise agreement/company 特许经销权协议/特约代销公司
派 franchisee n. 特许经营人/franchiser n. 授予(他人)特许权的公司(或组织)/franchising n. 授权
[fɔːˈbeərəns] n. 容忍,宽容;延期偿付;(债权人权利的)暂缓行使
记 联想记忆:for(为了)+bear(忍受)+ance→为了(想要的东西),再忍受一下→容忍
例 Under forbearance agreements, the debtee will delay his demand for the debtor's payment. 在暂缓行使协议下,债权人将推迟对债务人的付款要求。
[ˌpriːˈrekwəzɪt] adj. 不可或缺的,必备的 n. 先决条件,前提
记 联想记忆:pre(在…之前)+requisite(必备的)→预先必备的条件→先决条件
搭 prerequisite skill/knowledge 必备的技能/知识
Political stability is the prerequisite for rapid and healthy development of the economy.
[ɡæp] n. 缺口;差距;隔阂;空白
例 The government is implementing macro-control policies to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. 政府正在实行宏观调控来缩小城乡差距。
商 gap in the market 市场的空白/income gap 收入差距/gap between the rich and the poor 贫富差距
搭 age gap 年龄差距/generation gap 代沟/bridge the gap 消除差距
[ɪmˈpruːvmənt] n. 改进,改善
记 联想记忆:improve(提高)+ment(名词后缀)→改进,改善
例 We will make constant efforts for the improvement of product performance. 我们将会不断努力来改进产品的性能。
商 technical improvement 技术进步
搭 room for improvement 改进的空间/substantial/dramatic improvement 实质性/巨大的进步
[ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃnt] adj. 效率低的;(指人)不能胜任的
例 Some state-owned enterprises lack competitiveness because of inefficient management. 某些国有企业由于管理低效而缺乏竞争力。
商 an inefficient secretary 一位不称职的秘书
派 inefficiency n. 无效率;无能 (例:eliminate/reduce inefficiency 消除/减少低效率情况)
[ˈaʊtsɔːs] v. (把…)外包
记 组合词:out(外面的)+source(资源)→利用外部的资源→外包
例 The contractor outsourced part of the project to speed up production. 承包商将部分项目外包以加快生产进度。
派 outsourcing n. (业务)外包
[ˈskeptɪsɪzəm] n. 怀疑态度;怀疑论;怀疑主义
记 联想记忆:sceptic(怀疑的)+ism(名词后缀)→怀疑态度;怀疑论
例 Though our latest product has shown its unique advantages, most traditional consumers still continue to view it with scepticism. 尽管我们的最新产品已经表现出其独有的优势,但大多数传统的消费者仍然继续对其持怀疑态度。
[ˈbʌzwɜːd] n. (报刊等的)时髦术语,流行行话
例 Many buzzwords are coined with technological development, such as “infor-mation explosion”, “digital”, etc. 许多时髦的词都是随着科技的发展而创造出来的,比如“信息爆炸”、“数字化”等。
[ɪmˈpresɪv] adj. 感人的;令人钦佩的;令人印象深刻的
记 联想记忆:impress(留下印象)+ive(…的)→令人印象深刻的
例 Our new product logo is unique and impressive. 我们新的产品标志很独特,能给人留下深刻印象。
派 impressively adv. 令人难忘地
[pəˈsjuː] vt. 继续;从事;追赶;致力于 vi. 追;继续进行
例 We constantly pursue perfection in our products. 我们不断追求产品的完美。
商 pursue a managerial career 从事管理工作
搭 pursue a goal 追求目标/pursue a legal action 进行诉讼
派 pursuer n. 追求者;研究者
[lʊə(r)] n. 诱惑物;诱惑 vt. 引诱;诱惑
例 The speculators cannot resist the lure of high profits and continue to invest in the stock market. 投机商无法抵挡高利润的诱惑,继续投资股市。
搭 lure sb. into a trap 把某人诱入圈套
[ˈstæɡnənt] adj. 停滞的;萧条的
记 联想记忆:stagn(站立)+ant(…的)→站住不动的→停滞的;萧条的
例 Export trade has been stagnant for three months due to the new policies. 受新政策的影响,出口贸易已经连续三个月停滞不前。
商 stagnant market/economy 萧条的市场/经济
[prɪˈdɒmɪnənt] adj. 占主导地位的;显著的
记 联想记忆:pre(在…之前)+dominant(支配的)→提前取得支配权的→占主导地位的
搭 predominant culture 主流文化/predominant factor 主导因素
派 predominance n. 优势;主导地位 (例:market predominance 市场主导地位)/pre-dominantly adv. 占主导地位地,占优势地;显著地
Foreign brand cars are still predominant in the Chinese market as a result of the technological gap between China and other developed countries.
[wæk] v. 猛击;击败 n. 重击;份;量;尝试
例 The domestic market fluctuation is obviously out of whack as a result of the volatility of the exchange rate. 受汇率变化的影响,国内市场波动明显不正常。
商 pay the full whack 付全价/top whack 最高价
搭 out of whack 运行不正常;有毛病
派 whacked adj. 筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的/whacking adj. 巨大的;惊人的
[pɒp] n. 流行音乐;汽水;砰的一声 abbr. (=post office protocol) 邮局协议 adj. 流行的 adv. 突然地 vt. (突然地)提出问题 vi. (突然地)出现
例 The writers usually jot down any fresh ideas that pop into their heads, otherwise they will not remember them later. 作家们通常会快速写下在他们脑海中闪过的任何新奇想法,不然的话,稍后他们就记不起来了。
搭 pop music 流行音乐/pop art 通俗艺术,大众艺术
bank book
商 update a bank book 更新银行存折/cash and bank book 现金和银行存折
[ˈkɒmpenseɪt] v. 补偿,赔偿
记 词根记忆:com(全部)+pens(花费)+ ate(做)→花费的钱全部(拿回来)→赔偿
例 The central government is attempting to compensate for the farmers' economic losses to ease their financial difficulties. 中央政府正试图补偿农民的经济损失,以缓解他们的经济困难。
搭 compensate for 赔偿;抵消
派 compensatory adj. 补偿性的 (例:compensa-tory payment 补偿金)/compensation n. 补偿,赔偿;酬金 (例:compensation claim 索赔/in compensation for 以…为报酬)
(=cash against documents) 凭单付现
例 CAD is a payment term that is favourable to exporters. 凭单付现是一种对出口商很有利的付款方式。
wind up
例 He was forced to wind up the company because the goods were unsalable and overstocked. 因为产品滞销,过量积压,他被迫关闭了公司。
搭 wind up in 以…结束
[kəmˈpærɪsn] n. 比较,对照
记 词根记忆:com(一起)+pari(平等)+son(名词后缀)→放在一起看看是否平等→比较
例 There is no comparison between traditional manual workshops and modern factories. 传统的手工作坊和现代工厂之间没有可比性。
搭 in comparison with 与…比较起来/by comparison 通过比较/beyond comparison 无可比拟的/comparison between A and B A与B之间的比较
[ˈklaɪənt] n. 委托人,当事人;顾客
例 Our client groups are quite loyal to our products. 我们的客户群对我们的产品非常忠诚。
商 client statement 客户结单/client base 客户群/client management 客户管理
[friːz] n./v. 冻结,凝固
例 He was proved to be involved in illegal trade and his account was frozen. 他被证实参与非法交易,账户已被冻结。
商 wage freeze 工资冻结/price freeze 物价冻结
派 freezing adj. 严寒的;极冷的 (例:freezing point 冰点)
[əˈfaʊl] adj./adv. 冲撞着(的);纠缠着(的)
记 联想记忆:a(相似)+foul(犯规的)→和犯规类似的→冲撞着(的);纠缠着(的)
例 All the company policies should not run afoul of government regulations. 公司所有的政策不得与政府规章制度相抵触。
搭 run afoul of 与…纠缠;同…发生冲突
[prəˈtekʃn] n. 保护;保护物;(列入保险契约的)保险范围;保护贸易制度(或政策、理论)
例 The insurance policy can offer protection against accidental harm. 这张保险单可以承保意外伤害。
商 consumer protection law 消费者保护法/trade protection 贸易保护
搭 under the protection of 在…的保护下
派 protectionism n. 贸易保护主义,贸易保护政策/protectionist n. 贸易保护主义者
[faɪˈnænʃl; fəˈnænʃl] adj. 财政的,金融的
商 financial accountant 财务会计/financial adviser 财务顾问/financial investment 金融投资/financial year 财政年度,会计年度/financial centre 金融中心
派 financially adv. 财政上 (例:financially independent 经济独立)
[hɪt] v./n. 打击,袭击
例 The Internet advertisement is charged according to the hits it gets. 网络广告是按点击率来收费的。
搭 hit the buffers (计划、事业等)突然受挫/hit the nail on the head 说到点子上,正中要害/hit record/single 风靡一时的唱片/单曲
[ˌʌnˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl; ˌʌnˌekəˈnɒmɪkl] adj. 不节俭的;浪费的;不经济的
例 In the highly specialised market, it is uneconomical for enterprises to independently finish all links of business activities. 在高度专业化的市场中,企业独立完成经营活动的全部环节是不经济的。
[əbˈdʒektɪv] n. 宗旨,目标 adj. 客观的
商 business objective 经营目标/objective assessment 客观的评估
搭 achieve/set out an objective 实现/制定目标/objective criterion 客观标准
派 objectively adv. 客观地/objectivity n. 客观性;客观现实
[æks] n./vt. 解雇;大幅削减
例 It is not wise for the government to axe public spending at present. 政府目前大幅度削减公共开支是不明智的。
搭 have an axe to grind 别有企图
carbon dioxide
例 A low carbon economy asks for development based on lower carbon dioxide emissions. 低碳经济要求发展建立在减少二氧化碳排放的基础上。
[trʌst] n. 信任,信赖;责任;信托财产;信托基金机构 v. 信任,信赖;依靠;期望
商 trust company 信托公司/trust deed 信托书/trust fund 信托基金
搭 accept a trust 接受信托/breach of trust 违反信托/in trust 受托
派 trustee n. 受托人;托管人 (例:trustee in bankruptcy 破产受托人)
[ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl] adj. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的
搭 universal truth 普遍真理/universal health care 全民医疗保险/universal agreement 一致同意
派 universally adv. 普遍地/universality n. 广泛性;普遍性
[ˈpɔːtl] n. 入口;门户网站
商 business portal 商业门户网站/online shopping portal 在线购物门户网站
[ˈpeɪpə(r)] n. 纸;官方文件;有价证券,流通票据;[pl.] 证件
商 paper loss 账面亏损/paper profit 账面收益/paper money 纸币;票据
搭 on paper 以书面形式;理论上/identity papers 身份证件
[dɪˈlemə; daɪˈlemə] n. 困境;进退两难,左右为难
记 词根记忆:di(分离)+lemma(争论)→有两歧的争论→进退两难
搭 face a dilemma 面临左右为难的困境/in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地
M I have advised them to be more cautious in overseas expansion.
W Yes, they would not have been caught in the dilemma if they had followed your advice.
[ɪˈskeɪp] v. 逃避,避免 n. 逃跑,逃亡
例 In the globalised world, it is hard for one country to escape from the effects of America's export policy. 在这个全球化的世界,一个国家很难逃脱美国出口政策的影响。
商 escape clause 例外条款;免除条款
搭 escape one's notice 没注意到/narrow escape 死里逃生;侥幸逃走/escape route 逃跑路线
[rɪˈzɒlv] vt. 解决,解答;决定,决意;分解 n. 决定,决意
记 联想记忆:re+solve(解决)→解决
例 It needs the joint efforts of all the countries to resolve the economic crisis. 这场经济危机的解决需要所有国家的共同努力。
搭 resolve to do sth. 下定决心做某事/resolve on/upon sth. 决定做某事/resolve into sth./sth. into (使…)分解成
派 resolved adj. 下定决心的,坚定的
brand stretching
例 Brand stretching means using an established brand name for products in other unrelated markets. 品牌扩张就是指用现有品牌进入其他完全不相关的市场。
[dɪˈzɑːstə(r)] n. 灾难,灾祸;不幸
记 联想记忆:dis(不)+aster(看作star,星)→星位不正是凶兆→灾难
例 We covered the goods against natural disaster under the request of our customer. 按照客户要求,我们为这批货投了自然灾害保险。
商 financial disaster 严重的财政危机
搭 recipe for disaster 造成灾难的原因/disaster area 灾区
派 disastrous adj. 灾难性的;悲惨的
[bɒnd] n. 联结,联系;黏合剂;公债,债券;契约,合同 v. (使)黏合,(使)结合
记 发音记忆:“绑得”→绑在一起→联结,联系
例 The economic development mode of a country is closely bonded with its natural resources. 一个国家的经济发展模式是和它的自然资源紧密联系在一起的。
商 bond market 证券市场/bond maturity 债券到期日/National Savings Bonds 国家储蓄债券/bonded goods 保税货物/bonded warehouse 保税仓库
搭 bond A and B together 把A和B紧密联系在一起/bond with sb. 和某人拉关系
派 bondage n. 奴役;束缚
[ˈpænl] n. 面板,仪表盘;专门小组;全体陪审员 vt. 镶嵌
搭 on the panel 接受健康保险医疗;在受审中/control panel 控制面板
[rɪˈkruːt] v. 招募(新兵);吸收(新成员);补充 n. 新兵;新成员
例 The company is recruiting new employees who are good at computer programming. 这家公司正在招收擅长计算机编程的新员工。
搭 raw recruit 生手
派 recruiter n. 招聘人员/recruitment n. 招收(新成员) (例:recruitment programme 纳新计划)
[ˈprɒmɪnəns] n. 重要;突出,卓越
例 The US has been known for its prominence in high-tech since the Second World War. 二战以来,美国因其在高科技方面的卓越成就而闻名。
搭 rise to prominence 出名/achieve promi-nence 享有名气
派 prominent adj. 重要的;杰出的;显著的,突出的 (例:a prominent leader 杰出的领袖)
[vəˈkeɪt; veɪˈkeɪt] vt. 空出,腾出;辞(职);让(位)
记 词根记忆:vac(空)+ate(使…)→使…空→空出,腾出
例 Nobody has taken over the position vacated by John. 约翰辞职后,还没有人接替他。
[ˈɪnsaɪt] n. 洞察力;洞悉
记 联想记忆:in(在里面)+sight(视力)→看到里面→洞察力
例 He makes use of his keen insight into international political relations to achieve his economic purpose. 他利用对国际政治关系敏锐的洞察力来实现他的经济目的。
派 insightful adj. 有深刻了解的;富有洞察力的
[ˈdevəsteɪt] vt. 毁灭,毁坏
记 词根记忆:de(表强调,完全)+vast(变空)+ate(使)→使完全变空→毁灭,毁坏
派 devastated adj. 毁坏的;震惊的/devastating adj. 毁灭性的;令人震惊的 (例:devastat-ing effect/blow 毁灭性的影响/打击)/dev-astation n. 毁灭,破坏
Rising carbon emissions will finally devastate our economy and ecological environment.
[ˈɪʃuː; ˈɪsjuː] n. 发行,发布;(书刊的)期;问题,争议 v. 发行;发布;颁布
例 The government has just issued a new decree to purify the market environment and maintain the fair competition system. 政府刚刚颁布一项新法令来净化市场环境,维护公平的竞争秩序。
商 issue a certificate/share/visa 签发证书/发行股票/给予签证
搭 be at issue 成为讨论的焦点/a controversial issue 一个有争议的问题
派 issuer n. 发行者;发行机构 (例:credit card issuer 信用卡发行机构)
[ˈtɜːmɔɪl] n. 混乱,骚动
记 联想记忆:turm(看作term,学期)+oil(油)→一学期没打扫厨房,里面都是油,导致一片混乱→混乱
例 If not dealt with properly, the Eurozone crisis may turn the global economy into turmoil. 如果处理不当,欧元区危机可能会使全球经济陷入混乱。
[ˈkændɪdeɪt; ˈkændɪdət] n. 候选人,应试者
记 联想记忆:can(能)+did(做)+ate(名词后缀)→候选人必须有所作为→候选人,应试者
商 presidential candidate 总统候选人
派 candidacy/candidature n. 候选资格
M It is not easy to be the president of Asian market.
W No, there are more than ten competitive candidates applying for the position now.
[skræp] n. 碎片,碎屑;废料,残余物; [pl.] 残羹剩饭;少量,点滴 vt. 废弃;报废,拆毁
记 联想记忆:刮掉(scrape)许多碎屑(scrap)
例 It is necessary for us to check every scrap of information in the contract. 我们有必要核对合同上的所有信息。
商 scrap value 残值;废料价值
[rɪˈækt] vi. 反应;影响;反抗;起反作用
例 The employees reacted violently to the decision that the company intends to lay off the employees to cut budgets. 员工对公司打算裁员以削减预算的决定反应激烈。
搭 react against 反对;反抗
派 reactor n. 反应堆/reactive adj. 反应的,有反应的/reactivate vt. 使恢复活动;使重新出现
[kəˈmɪtmənt] n. 承诺;致力,献身;定期付款;花费,使用(资金、人力等)
记 联想记忆:commit(做)+ment(表动作的结果)→做事要有结果→承诺
例 A new medical-insurance system needs the financial commitment of the central government. 一项新的医保制度需要中央政府的财政保障。
搭 make a commitment to sb. 向某人作出承诺/the commitment of resources to property industry 对房地产业的资源投入
[prəˈməʊt] vt. 提升,提拔;促进;发扬;发起,创办;促销
记 联想记忆:pro(向前)+mote(看作move,移动)→向前移动→提升;促进
例 The policy is beneficial to promote the coordinative development of the regional economy. 这项政策有利于推动区域经济的协调发展。
商 promote a product 推销商品/be promoted as a vice manager 被提升为副经理/promote the awareness of competition 提高竞争意识
派 promoter n. 筹办者,发起者;倡导者
[prəˈsiːdʒə(r)] n. 程序,手续;步骤
例 The government is going to simplify the approval procedure for foreign investment projects to improve work efficiency. 政府打算简化外商投资项目的审批手续来提高办事效率。
商 maintenance procedure 维修程序/legal procedure 司法程序
派 procedural adj. 程序(上)的,手续的 (例:procedural matter 程序性问题)
[ˈtaɪtn] v. (使)变紧,(使)绷紧
例 The central government planned to tighten money supply to curb rising inflation. 中央政府打算紧缩银根来抑制日益严重的通货膨胀。
商 tighten credit 紧缩信贷/tighten economic sanction 加强经济制裁
搭 tighten up on sth. 对某事更加严格(或小心)/tighten the belt 勒紧腰带,省吃俭用
[kɒst] n. 成本;代价;费用 v. 花费;付出代价
例 It cost them $1 million to update their production equipment. 更新生产设备花了他们100万美元。
商 average cost 平均成本/fixed cost 固定成本/running cost 经营成本/cost accountant 成本会计师/cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析
搭 estimate the cost 估算成本/at all costs 不惜任何代价/at any cost 无论如何
派 costly adj. 花费大的,昂贵的/costing n. 成本计算,成本法 (例:long-term/short-term costing 长期/短期成本计算)/cost-effective adj. 划算的 (例:cost-effective price 划算的价格)
[duːm] n. 厄运;死亡;判决;世界末日 vt. 注定;判决;使失败
记 联想记忆:d(看作dog,狗)+oom(看作room,房间)→房间里有条恶狗→厄运
例 The investment in Africa is doomed from the start. 在非洲的投资从一开始就注定要失败。
搭 doom and gloom 前景暗淡;无望/prophet of doom 悲观论者/doom to 使…在劫难逃;注定
派 doomy adj. 使人沮丧的;忧伤的
[ˈmænpaʊə(r)] n. 人力;劳动力
记 组合词:man(人)+power(力量)→人力
例 Proper internal manpower allocation will yield twice the result with half the effort. 恰当的内部人员调度可以起到事半功倍的效果。
商 manpower deficit 劳动力匮乏/manpower surplus 劳动力过盛/carry out manpower planning 进行劳动力规划
[ˈstændstɪl] n. 停顿,停止
记 组合词:stand(站立)+still(静止)→站着不动→停顿,停止
搭 at a standstill 处于停顿状态
The consumer confidence index might soon plummet as it did in late 2010, bringing the national economy to a standstill.
[ˈstrætədʒi] n. 战略;策略;政策
例 The government needs to develop a new strategy for getting more people back to work. 政府需要制订新的战略,使更多的人重获工作。
商 marketing strategy 营销战略/logistics strategy 物流战略/strategy formulation 战略制订
派 strategise v. 制订战略;制订行动计划
[əkˈseptəns] n. 认可;(票据、汇票等的)承兑
例 Our products won wide acceptance in the European market. 我们的产品获得了欧洲市场的广泛认同。
商 document against acceptance 承兑交单/acceptance check 验收/acceptance of the bid 中标