Key Words: Art Museum ACulture-Generating Field
This book proposes a different w ay to consider the pheno m enon that art m useu ms continuously stim ulate and pro m ote novel art trends. Catching and constructing typical cases with inform ation by bits and pieces of evidence from reviews of art exhibitions, academic interviews and books of art history , it presents how the Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou brings out the international art trend of “Multi-Culturalism”, how the Museum of Modern Art(New York)take the art school of “Abstract-Expressionism” to the w orld wide highlights and ho w Shanghai Art M useu m realizes m aking Chinese Contemporary Art legal in the domestic area. After accomplishing describing these three successful cases, the m ode analysis will be done focusing on the aspects of “Chance”, “Method” and “Avail”. The last task is to compare with two sorts of extreme phenomenon(one is getting involved passively or non-consciously in the m odality of “art exhibition hall”; another is atte m pting to transform“art museum” into “art laboratory”)and to discuss three factors(“Initiative” “Ability” and “Attitude”)which a museum need give attention to.In the conclusion,it willstand atthe position ofart museum and bring forward a new kind of museum function as aconception orenvisioning:forthe new arttrend, museumscan be“a Culture-Generating Field”.