Emma had not foreseen any interest to herself in theoccurrences of a Visitation—but when she heard Mr.Howard spoken of as the Preacher, and as having given them an excellent Sermon, she could not help listening with a quicker Ear.—'I do not know when I have heard a Discourse more to my mind'— continued Mr.W.—'or one better delivered.—He reads extremely well, with great propriety and in a very impressive manner; and at the same time without any Theatrical grimace or violence.—I own, I do not like much action in the pulpit—I do not like the studied air and artificial inflexions of voice, which your very popular and most admired Preachers generally have.—A simple delivery is much better calculated to inspire Devotion, and shews a much better Taste.—Mr.H.read like a scholar and a gentleman.'—'And what had you for dinner Sir?'—said his eldest Daughter.—He related the Dishes and told what he had ate himself.'Upon the whole,'he added, 'I have had a very comfortable day; my old friends were quite surprised to see me amongst them—and I mustsay that everybody paid me great attention, and seemed to feel for me as an Invalid.—They would make me sit near the fire, and as the partridges were pretty high, Dr.Richards would have them sent away to the other end of the Table, that they might not offend Mr.Watson—which I thought very kind of him.—But what pleased me as much as anything was Mr.Howard's attention;—There is a pretty steep flight of steps up to the room we dine in—which do not quite agree with my gouty foot—and Mr.Howard walked by me from the bottom to the top, and would make me take his arm.—It struck me as very becoming in so young a Man, but I am sure I had no claim to expect it; for I never saw him before in my Life.—By the bye, he enquired after one of my Daughters, but I do not know which.I suppose you know among yourselves.'