The thing that approached was a man, stripped to the waist, fastened with cords to the guns of two soldiers who were leading him. At his side an officer in overcoat and cap was walking, whose figure had a familiar look. The victim advanced under the blows that rained upon him from both sides, his whole body plunging, his feet dragging through the snow. Now he threw himself back-ward, and the subalterns who led him thrust him forward. Now he fell forward, and they pulled him up short; while ever at his side marched the tall officer, with firm and nervous pace. It was Varinka's father, with his rosy face and white moustache.
"At each stroke the man, as if amazed, turned his face, grimacing with pain, towards the side whence the blow came, and showing his white teeth repeated the same words over and over. But I could only hear what the words were when he came quite near. He did not speak them, he sobbed them out,--"'Brothers, have mercy on me! Brothers, have mercy on me!' But the brothers had, no mercy, and when the procession came close to me, I saw how a soldier who stood opposite me took a firm step forward and lifting his stick with a whirr, brought it down upon the man's back. The man plunged forward, but the subalterns pulled him back, and another blow came down from the other side, then from this side and then from the other.
The colonel marched beside him, and looking now at his feet and now at the man, inhaled the air, puffed out his cheeks, and breathed it out between his protruded lips. When they passed the place where I stood, I caught a glimpse between the two files of the back of the man that was being pun-ished. It was something so many-coloured, wet, red, unnatural, that I could hardly believe it was a human body.
"'My God!' muttered the blacksmith.
The procession moved farther away. The blows continued to rain upon the writhing, falling creature; the fifes shrilled and the drums beat, and the tall imposing figure of the colonel moved along-side the man, just as before. Then, suddenly, the colonel stopped, and rapidly approached a man in the ranks.
"'I'll teach you to hit him gently,' I heard his furious voice say. 'Will you pat him like that?
Will you?' and I saw how his strong hand in the suede glove struck the weak, bloodless, terrified soldier for not bringing down his stick with suffi-cient strength on the red neck of the Tartar.
"'Bring new sticks!' he cried, and looking round, he saw me. Assuming an air of not know-ing me, and with a ferocious, angry frown, he hastily turned away. I felt so utterly ashamed that I didn't know where to look. It was as if I had been detected in a disgraceful act. I dropped my eyes, and quickly hurried home. All the way I had the drums beating and the fifes whistling in my ears. And I heard the words, 'Brothers, have mercy on me!' or 'Will you pat him? Will you?' My heart was full of physical disgust that was almost sickness. So much so that I halted sev-eral times on my way, for I had the feeling that I was going to be really sick from all the horrors that possessed me at that sight. I do not remem-ber how I got home and got to bed. But the mo-ment I was about to fall asleep I heard and saw again all that had happened, and I sprang up.
"'Evidently he knows something I do not know,' I thought about the colonel. 'If I knew what he knows I should certainly grasp--under-stand--what I have just seen, and it would not cause me such suffering.'
"But however much I thought about it, I could not understand the thing that the colonel knew.
It was evening before I could get to sleep, and then only after calling on a friend and drinking till I; was quite drunk.
"Do you think I had come to the conclusion that the deed I had witnessed was wicked? Oh, no.
Since it was done with such assurance, and was rec-ognised by every one as indispensable, they doubt-less knew something which I did not know. So I thought, and tried to understand. But no matter, I could never understand it, then or afterwards.
And not being able to grasp it, I could not enter the service as I had intended. I don't mean only the military service: I did not enter the Civil Serv-ice either. And so I have been of no use whatever, as you can see."
"Yes, we know how useless you've been," said one of us. "Tell us, rather, how many people would be of any use at all if it hadn't been for you."
"Oh, that's utter nonsense," said Ivan Vasilie-vich, with genuine annoyance.
"Well; and what about the love affair?
"My love? It decreased from that day.
When, as often happened, she looked dreamy and meditative, I instantly recollected the colonel on the parade ground, and I felt so awkward and uncomfortable that I began to see her less fre-quently. So my love came to naught. Yes; such chances arise, and they alter and direct a man's whole life," he said in summing up. "And you say . . ."