Three hours after this scene Mademoiselle de Verneuil, who feared the man's return, left the town furtively by the Porte Saint-Leonard, and made her way through the labyrinth of paths to the cottage of Galope-Chopine, led by the dream of at last finding happiness, and also by the purpose of saving her lover from the danger that threatened him.
During this time Corentin had gone to find the commandant.He had some difficulty in recognizing Hulot when he found him in a little square, where he was busy with certain military preparations.The brave veteran had made a sacrifice, the full merit of which may be difficult to appreciate.His queue and his moustache were cut off, and his hair had a sprinkling of powder.He had changed his uniform for a goatskin, wore hobnailed shoes, a belt full of pistols, and carried a heavy carbine.In this costume he was reviewing about two hundred of the natives of Fougeres, all in the same kind of dress, which was fitted to deceive the eye of the most practised Chouan.The warlike spirit of the little town and the Breton character were fully displayed in this scene, which was not at all uncommon.Here and there a few mothers and sisters were bringing to their sons and brothers gourds filled with brandy, or forgotten pistols.Several old men were examining into the number and condition of the cartridges of these young national guards dressed in the guise of Chouans, whose gaiety was more in keeping with a hunting expedition than the dangerous duty they were undertaking.To them, such encounters with Chouannerie, where the Breton of the town fought the Breton of the country district, had taken the place of the old chivalric tournaments.This patriotic enthusiasm may possibly have been connected with certain purchases of the "national domain." Still, the benefits of the Revolution which were better understood and appreciated in the towns, party spirit, and a certain national delight in war, had a great deal to do with their ardor.
Hulot, much gratified, was going through the ranks and getting information from Gudin, on whom he was now bestowing the confidence and good-will he had formerly shown to Merle and Gerard.A number of the inhabitants stood about watching the preparations, and comparing the conduct of their tumultuous contingent with the regulars of Hulot's brigade.Motionless and silent the Blues were awaiting, under control of their officers, the orders of the commandant, whose figure they followed with their eyes as he passed from rank to rank of the contingent.When Corentin came near the old warrior he could not help smiling at the change which had taken place in him.He looked like a portrait that has little or no resemblance to the original.
"What's all this?" asked Corentin.
"Come with us under fire, and you'll find out," replied Hulot.
"Oh! I'm not a Fougeres man," said Corentin.
"Easy to see that, citizen," retorted Gudin.
A few contemptuous laughs came from the nearest ranks.
"Do you think," said Corentin, sharply, "that the only way to serve France is with bayonets?"Then he turned his back to the laughers, and asked a woman beside him if she knew the object of the expedition.
"Hey! my good man, the Chouans are at Florigny.They say there are more than three thousand, and they are coming to take Fougeres.""Florigny?" cried Corentin, turning white; "then the rendezvous is not there! Is Florigny on the road to Mayenne?" he asked.
"There are not two Florignys," replied the woman, pointing in the direction of the summit of La Pelerine.
"Are you going in search of the Marquis de Montauran?" said Corentin to Hulot.
"Perhaps I am," answered the commandant, curtly.
"He is not at Florigny," said Corentin."Send your troops there by all means; but keep a few of those imitation Chouans of yours with you, and wait for me.""He is too malignant not to know what he's about," thought Hulot as Corentin made off rapidly, "he's the king of spies."Hulot ordered the battalion to start.The republican soldiers marched without drums and silently through the narrow suburb which led to the Mayenne high-road, forming a blue and red line among the trees and houses.The disguised guard followed them; but Hulot, detaining Gudin and about a score of the smartest young fellows of the town, remained in the little square, awaiting Corentin, whose mysterious manner had piqued his curiosity.Francine herself told the astute spy, whose suspicions she changed into certainty, of her mistress's departure.
Inquiring of the post guard at the Porte Saint-Leonard, he learned that Mademoiselle de Verneuil had passed that way.Rushing to the Promenade, he was, unfortunately, in time to see her movements.Though she was wearing a green dress and hood, to be less easily distinguished, the rapidity of her almost distracted step enabled him to follow her with his eye through the leafless hedges, and to guess the point towards which she was hurrying.
"Ha!" he cried, "you said you were going to Florigny, but you are in the valley of Gibarry! I am a fool, she has tricked me! No matter, Ican light my lamp by day as well as by night."Corentin, satisfied that he knew the place of the lovers' rendezvous, returned in all haste to the little square, which Hulot, resolved not to wait any longer, was just quitting to rejoin his troops.
"Halt, general!" he cried to the commandant, who turned round.
He then told Hulot the events relating to the marquis and Mademoiselle de Verneuil, and showed him the scheme of which he held a thread.
Hulot, struck by his perspicacity, seized him by the arm.