The Backward ViewAT LAST IT WAS the time of late summer, when the house was cool and damp in the morning, and all the light seemed to come through green leaves; but at the first step out of doors the sunshine always laid a warm hand on my shoulder, and the clear, high sky seemed to lift quickly as I looked at it.There was no autumnal mist on the coast, nor any August fog; instead of these, the sea, the sky, all the long shore line and the inland hills, with every bush of bay and every fir-top, gained a deeper color and a sharper clearness.
There was something shining in the air, and a kind of lustre on the water and the pasture grass,--a northern look that, except at this moment of the year, one must go far to seek.The sunshine of a northern summer was coming to its lovely end.
The days were few then at Dunnet Landing, and I let each of them slip away unwillingly as a miser spends his coins.I wished to have one of my first weeks back again, with those long hours when nothing happened except the growth of herbs and the course of the sun.Once I had not even known where to go for a walk; now there were many delightful things to be done and done again, as if I were in London.I felt hurried and full of pleasant engagements, and the days flew by like a handful of flowers flung to the sea wind.
At last I had to say good-by to all my Dunnet Landing friends, and my homelike place in the little house, and return to the world in which I feared to find myself a foreigner.There may be restrictions to such a summer's happiness, but the ease that belongs to simplicity is charming enough to make up for whatever a simple life may lack, and the gifts of peace are not for those who live in the thick of battle.
I was to take the small unpunctual steamer that went down the bay in the afternoon, and I sat for a while by my window looking out on the green herb garden, with regret for company.Mrs.Todd had hardly spoken all day except in the briefest and most disapproving way; it was as if we were on the edge of a quarrel.
It seemed impossible to take my departure with anything like composure.At last I heard a footstep, and looked up to find that Mrs.Todd was standing at the door.
"I've seen to everything now," she told me in an unusually loud and business-like voice."Your trunks are on the w'arf by this time.Cap'n Bowden he come and took 'em down himself, an' is going to see that they're safe aboard.Yes, I've seen to all your 'rangements," she repeated in a gentler tone."These things I've left on the kitchen table you'll want to carry by hand;the basket needn't be returned.I guess I shall walk over towards the Port now an' inquire how old Mis' Edward Caplin is."I glanced at my friend's face, and saw a look that touched me to the heart.I had been sorry enough before to go away.
"I guess you'll excuse me if I ain't down there to stand around on the w'arf and see you go," she said, still trying to be gruff."Yes, I ought to go over and inquire for Mis' Edward Caplin; it's her third shock, and if mother gets in on Sunday she'll want to know just how the old lady is." With this last word Mrs.Todd turned and left me as if with sudden thought of something she had forgotten, so that I felt sure she was coming back, but presently I heard her go out of the kitchen door and walk down the path toward the gate.I could not part so; I ran after her to say good-by, but she shook her head and waved her hand without looking back when she heard my hurrying steps, and so went away down the street.