Have ye any tidings of them?When Amjed heard this,he knew that this King was none other than his grandfather,his mothers father,and kissing the earth before him,told him that he was the son of his daughter Budour;whereupon Gha?our threw himself upon him and they both fell a-weeping.Then said Gha?our,Praised be God,O my son,for safety,since I have foregathered with thee!'And Amjed told him that his daughter Budour and her husband Kemerezzeman were well and abode in a city called the City of Ebony.Moreover,he related to him how his father,being wroth with him and his brother,had commanded his treasurer to put them to death,but that the latter had taken pity on them and let them go with their lives.Quoth King Gha?our,I will go back with thee and thy brother to your father and make your peace with him.'Amjed kissed the ground before him and the King bestowed a dress of honour upon him,after which he returned,smiling,to the King of the city of the Magians and told him what he had learnt,at which he wondered exceedingly.Then he despatched guest-gifts of sheep and horses and camels and provender and so forth to King Gha?our and the like to Queen Merjaneh and told her what had chanced,whereupon quoth she,I too will accompany you with my troops and will do my endeavour to make peace [between the princes and their father.] At this moment,there arose another cloud of dust and spread,till it covered the prospect and darkened the day;and under it,they heard shouts and cries and neighing of horses and saw the sheen of swords and the glint of lance-points.When this new host drew near the city and saw the two other armies,they beat their drums and the King of the Magians exclaimed,This is indeed a blessed day!Praised be God who hath made us of accord with these two armies!If it be His will,He will give us peace with yon other also.'Then said he to Amjed and Asaad,Go forth and bring us news of them,for they are a mighty host,never saw I a mightier.'So they opened the city gates,which the King had shut for fear of the surrounding troops,and Amjed and Asaad went forth and coming to the new host,found that it was the army of the King of the Ebony Islands,led by their father,King Kemerezzeman in person.When they came before him,they kissed the earth and wept;but,when he saw them,he threw himself upon them,weeping sore,and strained them long to his breast.Then he excused himself to them and told them how sore desolation he had suffered for their loss;and they acquainted him with King Gha?ours arrival,whereupon he mounted with his chief officers and proceeded to the King of Chinas camp,he and his sons.As they drew near,one of the princes rode forward and informed King Gha?our of Kemerezzemans coming,whereupon he came out to meet him and they joined company,marvelling at these things and how Fortune had ordered their encounter in that place.Then the townsfolk made them banquets of all manner of meats and confections and brought them sheep and horses and camels and fodder and other guest-gifts and all that the troops needed.
Presently,behold,yet another cloud of dust arose and spread till it covered the landscape,whilst the earth shook with the tramp of horse and the drums sounded like the storm-winds.After awhile,the dust lifted and discovered an army clad in black and armed cap-a-pie,and in their midst rode a very old man clad also in black,whose beard flowed down over his breast.When the King of the city saw this great host,he said to the other Kings,Praised be God the Most High,by whose leave ye are met here,all in one day,and proved all known one to the other!But what vast army is this that covers the country?Have no fear of them,'answered they;we are here three Kings,each with a great army,and if they be enemies,we will join thee in doing battle with them,were three times their number added to them.'As they were talking,up came an envoy from the approaching host,making for the city.They brought him before the four Kings and he kissed the earth and said,The King my master comes from the land of the Persians;many years ago he lost his son and is seeking him in all countries.If he find him with you,well and good;but if he find him not,there will be war between him and you,and he will lay waste your city.'That shall he not,
rejoined Kemerezzeman;but how is thy master called in the land of the Persians?He is called King Shehriman,lord of the Khalidan Islands,'answered the envoy;and he hath levied these troops in the lands traversed by him,whilst seeking his son.'
When Kemerezzeman heard his fathers name,he gave a great cry and fell down in a swoon;then,presently coming to himself,he wept sore and said to Amjed and Asaad,Go,O my sons,with the messenger: salute your grandfather,King Shehriman,and give him glad tidings of me,for he mourns my loss and even now wears black for my sake.'Then he told the other Kings all that had befallen him in his youth,at which they all wondered and mounting with him,repaired to his father,whom he saluted,and they embraced and fell down in a swoon,for excess of joy.When they revived,Kemerezzeman acquainted his father with all his adventures,and the other Kings saluted Shehriman.Then they married Merjaneh to Asaad and sent her back to her kingdom,charging her not to leave them without news of her.Moreover,Amjed took Bustan,Behrams daughter,to wife,and they all set out for the City of Ebony.When they arrived there,Kemerezzeman went in to his father-in-law,King Armanous,and told him all that had befallen him and how he had found his sons;whereat Armanous rejoiced and gave him joy of his safe return.Then King Gha?our went in to his daughter,Queen Budour,and satisfied his longing for her company,and they all abode a months space in the City of Ebony;after which the King of China and his daughter returned to their own country with their company,taking prince Amjed with them,whom,as soon as Gha?our was settled again in his kingdom,he made king in his stead.Moreover,Kemerezzeman made Asaad king in his room over the Ebony Islands,with the consent of his grandfather,King Armanous,and set out himself,with his father,King Shehriman,for the Islands of Khalidan.
The people of the capital decorated the city in their honour and they ceased not to beat the drums for glad tidings a whole month;
nor did Kemerezzeman leave to govern in his fathers room,till there overtook them the Destroyer of Delights and the Sunderer of Companies.'
'O Shehrzad,'said King Shehriyar,'this is indeed a right wonderful story!'O King,'answered she,'it is not more wonderful than that of Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat.'What is that?'asked he,and she said,'I have heard tell,O august King,that.