第15章 生活是一种选择
Life Is a Choice
Obstacles are a part of life. It could be a divorce, a layoff, an illness, an accident, a bankruptcy, a robbery. All these things can happen to anyone, and they happen to everyone. All of us, in no matter what the situation, have a choice, but it’s realizing you have the choice that empowers you.
There are people who have gone through divorce, an illness, an accident, a robbery, bankruptcy, and disability and they have not given up, while others have just put up the towel.
We all have a choice. Do we wake up and try to figure out a way around, under or through an obstacle or do we just let it stand in our way? Each obstacle is unique, but our goals of financial independence and time freedom are the same!
Napoleon Hill’s son was born without ears. In college he got his hands on the first hearing aids, and he went to work with the company who made them to improve them. You bet he made a fortune there. You can check “” if you don’t believe me. What about Rick Hansen? A tragic accident puts him in a wheelchair, does he give up? No, he wheels around the world for spinal cord research! He envisioned himself rolling on the Great Wall of China and you know what, not only did he do it, but he’s now a CEO and author!
I can cite numerous examples of this phenomenon. Our entire lives are a choice. Sometimes we make the right one, sometimes the wrong one. But whatever happens we’re still the captain of our own ships whether we know it or not.
Life is a choice. Bad things happen to everybody. It’s how you deal with it that matters.
1. There are people who have gone___divorce, an illness, an_______, a robbery, bankruptcy, and disability and they have not given up,______others have just put up the towel.
2. Do we wake up and to figure out a way around, under or through an or do we just let it stand in our ? Each obstacle is unique, but our of financial independence and time freedom are the !
1. 这些障碍可能会在任何人身上发生,也可能在每个人身上发生。
2. 每一个阻碍都是独特的,但我们却有相同的目标,即经济独立和时间自由。
3. 但任凭发生什么,也不管我们懂得与否,我们都依然是自己生命之舟的船长。
1. Do we wake up and try to figure out a way around...
figure out:解决;算出;想出;理解;断定
2. It’s how you deal with it that matters.
deal with:处理;涉及;做生意